Carlos Mencia is a thief and a hack

I was with you untio you said Lewis Black. Now we are mortal enemies.

I just said Lewis Black because I think his voice is kind of annoying.

Wait....when did this thread start to become a discussion about Mark Wahlberg? Oh well. Don't be dissin' Marky Mark.
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Paris Hilton, Sean Penn, and Mark Wahlberg.

You got beef with Sean Penn?

Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to go off-topic....Carlos Mencia sucks!!!! Burn, Carlos, burn! Burn in hell you thieving son of a *****!

Damn, once again censored by the boards....b*tch!

Carlos Mencia is a poor man's Dave Chapelle! Damn yous, Mencia! Damn yoooooos!!!!!
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You got beef with Sean Penn?

Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to go off-topic....Carlos Mencia sucks!!!! Burn, Carlos, burn! Burn in hell you thieving son of a *****!

Damn, once again censored by the boards....b*tch!

Carlos Mencia is a poor man's Dave Chapelle! Damn yous, Mencia! Damn yoooooos!!!!!

The first season was okay. But everything after that is just the same old,"oh look at me being offensive and making fun of complainers, this is what i do! c'mon! *spanish slur* (other dumb mencia logic) *spanish slur* wah wah wah to hell with the complainers... back after these messages."
Even his first season was weak.

The whole show, from start to finish, has been like one big filler for The Chappelle Show.
You forgot "DUR dur durrrrrrr"!

It's dee-dee-dee.

Ok, this may be a little nitpicky, but earlier this year I saw this video. Watch the video before you read this - one of the guys says that the Hollywood sign used to read "Hollywoodlandvilleramalamadingdong." And today, I saw a commercial for MoM, and Mencia is imitating an Indian guy saying "Ramalama dingdong." Is this a common slang term for Indians, or would you consider this stealing (I first saw the video on OnDemand)?
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Carlos Mencia is coming to St.Louis. I'm seriously contemplating on ways how to spank him and get away with it.

More than likely I'll miss my chance because I'll be posting on UC.
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Sorry, we can't have anything with 'kill' as you had it. Lots of messes happened before (in other places) and we're trying to avoid that (like how we had to have the name change of the thread).
E, what do you think of George Lopez?

Okay, ready?

What do you think of him now:

Lopez criticized Jay Leno, someone he once considered a "close friend", during an interview on radio station WOMX-FM in Orlando, Florida on January 24, 2007. "He's the biggest two-faced dude in TV." He also called him a back-stabber and said he is not a proficient interviewer.

Lopez is also known for his conflict with Carlos Mencia. In an interview on The Howard Stern Show, Lopez accused Mencia of appropriating 13 minutes of his material in Mencia's HBO special. He also claimed he had a physical altercation with Mencia over the alleged appropriation. The joke that Lopez specified was stolen and used on Mencia's HBO special was a Taco Bell joke.

You two have so much [hate] in common! :p

E, what do you think of George Lopez?

Okay, ready?

What do you think of him now:

Lopez criticized Jay Leno, someone he once considered a "close friend", during an interview on radio station WOMX-FM in Orlando, Florida on January 24, 2007. "He's the biggest two-faced dude in TV." He also called him a back-stabber and said he is not a proficient interviewer.

Lopez is also known for his conflict with Carlos Mencia. In an interview on The Howard Stern Show, Lopez accused Mencia of appropriating 13 minutes of his material in Mencia's HBO special. He also claimed he had a physical altercation with Mencia over the alleged appropriation. The joke that Lopez specified was stolen and used on Mencia's HBO special was a Taco Bell joke.

You two have so much [hate] in common! :p


That's funny! I do like George Lopez. His standup anyway...I've seen his show and didn't really care for it. But I've heard his standup on the comedy channel on Sirius and he's funny.
Bacon-N-Eggs Betty made me watch Robin Williams' "License To Wed" this week.

I told her "Do that again and we're done."


In other news.....I don't know how I feel about Frank Caliendo. His impressions are so spot on........but impressionist comedy is pretty stupid unless you're on a successful sketch comedy show like Darel Hammond is on SNL.

Seeing Caliendo do Bush is pretty funny. His Charles Barkley is damn good too. And I could watch him do his John Madden all day. But I just saw his TBS comedy special and damn was it long. He had some funny jokes in there....but 30 minutes into it and it was him just doing random impressions to get a cheap laugh.

His John Madden is still ****ing GOLD!