Well-Known Member
They have been created now, It's very possible that they get an outing in another storyline in the future. The world does go on post this arc.
Sorry, this just reminds me of an old joke that I never seem to tire of... Here it is again, for those of you who might have forgotten (yes, both of you):Guijllons said:To say that it won't be the most exciting team is perhaps a little short sighted, there is a great deal to be done. If each persona is the representation of their country, then we have quite a mixed bag of personalities indeed.
compound said:Sorry, this just reminds me of an old joke that I never seem to tire of... Here it is again, for those of you who might have forgotten (yes, both of you):
It is said that Heaven is a place where the cooks are French, the police are British, the lovers are Italian, the mechanics are German, and it's all run by the Swiss; whereas Hell is a place where the cooks are British, the police are German, the lovers are Swiss, the mechanics are French, and it's all run by the Italians!
Solaris said:by their very nature, aren't comics all about hero worship though?
and like i said, i am not sure that is what 'the union' is about.
unless you treat them as 'one hero' if you see what i mean.
*borrows bass'sonder: smilie without paying royalties*
i think yuor going to be right about there backstorys never be told at all.TheManWithoutFear said:I know a lot of people are excited about "The Union" but I think if they're characterizations and backstories are to be told it certainly won't be in The Ultimates. So unless there's a mini involving them, they're just foot soldiers.
Or not there at all.. :wink:
Hawkeye101 said:I've been looking but I cannot find where it says the European heroes are suit based. I know the United States back up heroes are suit based.
And the fact that they are all the exact same powers is just absolutely frickin' stupid. They're all knock offs of Captain Britian, who, in the old universe had his own identiity. On the cover of Ultimates 2 #7 i saw one of the Union members with flames on his/her head. What happened to that? Why are they all superman minus ice breath and laser vision (and i'm assumeing super-speed)?
Bass said:I think it's mentioned in the annual.
Fuzzy Birds said:I'd love to see the Union in a mini, although I can't imagine all of the characters being used or explored fully. In fact, I can imagine almost everyone being ridiculous sterotypes. I can just see a stoned Captain Netherlands :roll:
14rdb said:There is nothing 100% confirming it, but there is strong evidence.
There is the one particular conversation involving Captain Britain, Professor Sir James Braddock, Captain America, and Nick Fury (with everyone else milling around) that comes to mind.
Brian joked that he actually designed the 'exo-suit' and that his dad was just ugly enough to look intelligent (and presumably take the credit for its design -- again he was joking about who actually designed it).
Also, Millar has said their powers are all derived from their suits. Although since he didn't completely nail it down in the book and will soon be leaving the title, there is plenty of room for Loeb or whoever in the future to change things if they choose to.
Sounds cool, but they'd have to kill off Captain France at some point.Fuzzy Birds said:I'd love to see the Union in a mini, although I can't imagine all of the characters being used or explored fully. In fact, I can imagine almost everyone being ridiculous sterotypes. I can just see a stoned Captain Netherlands :roll:
14rdb said:Sorry, I should have cited the issue I was referring to. The conversation I was talking about took place in The Ultimates V2 #4.