Ultimate Deadpool
Well-Known Member
Cable and Deadpool as...Batman and Robin? But wait...who's going to be wearing that green speedo thing?
Umm... you ask...

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Cable and Deadpool as...Batman and Robin? But wait...who's going to be wearing that green speedo thing?
Why has society as a whole been so scarred by batman's costume from Batman and Robin that you can't even reference Robin's speedo thing without them coming up over and over again?? Why are people so focused on this one aspect of the film?
Oh right...George Clooney with rubber nipples...
I feel like he's dropping the ball on these Deadpoolcentric issues...
The recap page is hilarious with Deadpool invading the offices of Marvel looking for Ralph Macchio and talking to Nicole Boose. He wants to know where Taskmaster is. He then asks Blind Al if she thnks going after Taskmaster will give him respect. She lies and tells him yes.
Then he goes over the plan cryptically with Weasel.
He finds the armored transport that's carrying Taskmaster and puts a hostage of two kids and a mother in the road to slow it down. He then hands the guards their asses and releases Taskmaster. He releases the hostages and knocks Taskmaster out with a cheap shot.
Weasel is talking to a bunch of big wig leaders who have all been kidnapped. All of them know Deadpool. There are AIM and a Hydra agent but the most outspoken is Deadpool's ex drill seargent. They're at a deserted training base in Utah.
Deadpool comes out on screen with his hands and feet cuffed. Him and Taskmaster fight for the bulk of the issue playing cat and mouse. Deadpool defeats him. It's the revealed the tape wasn't live and Deadpool throws Taskmast on the floor infront of the hostaged leaders. Deadpool was trying to prove himself. The drill seargent goes on about how retarded the whole display was and none of the leaders were impressed. One military general gives him a card but by the time he gets away Deadpool realizes the card's blank.
Deadpool wakes Taskmaster up. DP thanks him for "playing the role" but Taskmaster assures him he didn't let him win and he's always been "that good" but he's far from a professional as he leaves. Deadpool then realizes he lost the keys to the cuffs.
The issue ends with Deadpool in his apartment trying to get the cuffs off when the new reports Rhino's on a rampage. After adoring his old Keychain on tv he decides if he can't be a merc, he'll be a superhero.
I actually liked this issue...well, kind of. What did you think made it worth only a 2.5/5?
Yeah, Deadpool can be serious and funny at the same time. But the issue cracked me up and even displayed that Deadpool's an uber badass.
I really hope Deadpool stays with the superhero stick... maybe even teams back up with Cable to fight the good fight, or whatever Cable thinks the good fight is. Because, lets face it, Deadpool procrastinates. But if Siryn or Cable are there to give him a little nudge, he can really be a hero.
I doubt that the hero thing will last long. Besides the merc business, Wade's never stuck with anything for too long.
Shh, I'm not done lying to myself. lol.
Yeah. It sucked.Anyone pick up the new issue?
Yeah. It sucked.
Not funny. Not interesting. And I never thought I'd miss Cable this much, but Deadpool really needs that counterbalance. He could also use a coherent plot and something resembling a point too. I miss those things. When can we expect them to return?
anyone read this weeks issue?