Hitch is indeed late, but apparently, it's not always his fault.
Hitch got a reputation for being unreliable early on and worked his *** off on the Authority to curb that reputation. He did the same for JLA: Heaven's Ladder: DC wanted the special in the oversized format but wasn't willing to pay Hitch extra to do it on larger paper. He did it on larger paper because he wanted to take advantage of the format, exhausting him both artistically and financially. He did it though. And on time. His next gig was the JLA monthly at DC and DC set the schedule in such a way, that he was already five months late by the time he started drawing his first issue, and of course, without the lead time, Hitch was late and they needed fill-ins.
This also happened on the first volume of the Ultimates. He just wasn't given the lead time.
He was supposedly given the lead time on Ultimates 2 and he ****ed it apparently.
So this is all bad. Hitch should keep to his deadlines.
But, as we've seen - Hitch's art is extremely good. It takes time to actually produce it at the quality we've seen.
Most artists who churn out 12 issues a year are nowhere near Hitch's quality. Byrne's arguments would be far more convincing if he was on a par with Hitch - but he isn't at all. Frank Cho, Frank Quitely, Adam Hughes, Alex Ross - all these guys cannot produce the interiors to 12 issues a year on a monthly basis because the reason these guys are so good is because it takes time to produce their work. Only a few artists are capable of creating wonderful monthlies of this caliber without missing deadlines.
So, frankly, no more Hitch bashing, no more of this "it's the artist's fault" bollocks.
Y'know why?
Marvel knows Hitch can't do 12 issues a year. So does DC. All these guys are WELL-KNOWN for it.
Their reputations are "Slow, but will sell through the roof".
So why the hell don't Marvel and DC wait until the damn things are completely done before releasing a single issue?
I'm one of those guys who hate comics being delayed. I think it is a bane on the industry. It's ****ing ridiculous. Here you have an industry that one hand says, "Accept us a legitimate art form! Treat us as you would the novel or the film! Respect us!" and on the other hand goes, "Sorry, you're favourite series isn't out and won't be for three months, if then, and it will have a different illustrator on it." It's horrendously amateurish. The Ultimate Galactus trilogy in particular is a ****ing shambles.
The Ultimate Galactus trilogy in particular is a ****ing shambles.
The Ultimate Galactus trilogy in particular is a ****ing shambles.
The Ultimate Galactus trilogy in particular is a ****ing shambles.
The Ultimate Galactus trilogy in particular is a ****ing shambles.
The Ultimate Galactus trilogy in particular is a ****ing shambles.
Sorry, it bears repeating at least once for each month it's been delayed.
These guys, guys like Hitch, shouldn't have a 'schedule'. If you want it done right, if you want it done well, give the guy the time and say, "Just finish Ultimates 2". Then when the guy is on #12, release #1 and release it monthly. It won't be delayed, you can actually put the specific dates for the first #11 issues because they're done.
It's a valid point - if Hitch is doing a monthly series, he should keep to a monthly schedule.
He can't. We tolerate it because he's damn good. He's damn good because it takes more than a month for him to do 24 pages of illustration.
We know this. Don't the editors?
If he can't keep a monthly schedule, wait till he's done then release it.
And if you're gonna wait till he's done, why release it monthly? Why not bi-weekly? Why not weekly? Why not release it one single format trade, straight away, and hype it to hell and back?
What's frustrating is there is no need for these delays to be happening in the first place.