What the hell DC? Make some coherent sense, will ya?
So, evidently when one of the twelve resurrected people does what the white lantern wants them to do, it kills them again after saying life returned.
Fine, whatever, not like I really care about any of these other than Deadman anyways.
But, be consistent will ya?
Max Lord is still around after fulfilling his mission. And in the process, he's managed to kill another Blue Beetle while doing it.
Reverse Flash is still alive, even though he came back AFTER fulfilling his mission.
And Osiris, the idiot, is still around after fulfilling his part of the bargain.
So, only the heroes are being killed off? And if so, what happens to FIrestorm, going to kill off both Ronnie Raymond and Jason Rusch, or just Jason considering how they seem to be wanting to kill off all the minorities lately.