Breakaway Suggestions?

Makes sense.

While we're on the subject of suggestions. Anyone got any suggestions for my wife? She likes Marvel 1602 and she loved the Luna Bothers' Ultra.
icemastertron said:
Arent one of the Luna Brothers working on the Spider-Woman: Origin? Has that started?

It's 2 issues in. Decent stuff, nothing spectacular.
Well, she could get Girls, I guess.

Brubaker's Captain America rocks. So does Runaways, but I think you said you read that.

If you want some good DC stuff, pick up Y The Last Man and Ex Machina in trades. They're pretty cheap, as most of them are 5 issues, and they're limited, so you won't have to buy them forever.
Checked out New Avengers and now I'm hooked. Capt America......meh--not so much. Maybe I need to stick it out with Capt and hope it gets better. So far I've gone up to issue #5 and I'm just not feeling it. But I feel that if I put it down now I'll be missing out on some good stuff from IGN's Character of 2005.

But does anyone got anything to say on Ghost Rider or She Hulk? I saw these 2 covers for and thought they looked awesome and maybe I should be reading them.


This amongst many other Greg Horn covers that made me think "the bad thoughts"...


Any thoughts????
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Stick with Captain America until The Winter Soldiers gets really started. Then decide if you want to keep getting it or not.

Warren Ellis' Iron Man arc, which is 6 issues is also awesome. We're still waiting for the 6th issue, which comes out in March hopefully.

And Y The Last Man and Ex Machina!
I guess I'll stick it out with the Capt.

Elli's Iron Man is kinda iffy for me. I like Iron Man....but not enough to know whether I wanna read another comic with him in it.

I checked out Y the Last Man......but didn't really like it.

Ex Machina's premise doesn't sound interesting to me.....but the fact that BKV writes it tells me that it can't be all that bad.
Read. Ghost. Rider.

The story is decently good, but the art...the art is worth it alone.

And what about Punisher MAX?
Victor Von Doom said:
But does anyone got anything to say on Ghost Rider or She Hulk? I saw these 2 covers for and thought they looked awesome and maybe I should be reading them.

Can't give you anything on She-Hulk. Ghost Rider is decent...the art is good but the story is "meh." I personally am disappointed with it.
Victor Von Doom, do you want on-going series, or would you also be interested in limited minis that have been collected into trades? One that I recently read and really enjoyed was Olympus Heights, by Kevin Munroe. There's a pretty good review of it at, and an even better one here at The story combines updated Greek mythology, a smart-aleck narrator who's really a good guy, and both action and character development.
Seldes Katne said:
Victor Von Doom, do you want on-going series, or would you also be interested in limited minis that have been collected into trades? One that I recently read and really enjoyed was Olympus Heights, by Kevin Munroe. There's a pretty good review of it at, and an even better one here at The story combines updated Greek mythology, a smart-aleck narrator who's really a good guy, and both action and character development.

I'd prefer an ongoing series but that doesn't mean I'll exclude minis in my search. So if you have any other suggestions....I'm all ears (......or eyes actually since this is the internet and I have to read your replies. But thats neither here nor there....I'm just gonna be quiet now. :oops: ) ...........

That Olympus Heights sounds great. Thanks for the referal.
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You're welcome. It's all right, I understood what you meant. Mostly. I think.... :sure:

Anyway, two other titles spring to mind at the moment.

Another trade title you might want to at least look over is Herobear and the Kid, by Mike Kunkel. This is more of a "cute" comic, featuring a boy named Tyler and a stuffed bear who transforms into a superhero named Herobear. The whole comic is done in black, white and gray, except for Herobear's red cape and one other item that appears later in the series (which I won't reveal, since it's attached to a pretty major plot point).

This comic can actually be given to older kids with good reading skills, since there's nothing objectionable in it, but it can also appeal to adults who remember using their imagination as kids and who've been through the whole "tormented by bullies and surviving school" part of their lives. The revelation of the mystery of Tyler's grandfather may or may not work for all readers, but it fits into the story Kunkel is telling, so no complaints from me about it.

The only on-going comic series I'm reading right now is Rex Libris, an indy comic about the world's toughest librarian. (Yes, you read that correctly. Rex and his fellow librarians all get combat training as part of their job skills.) A preview of the first issue is available if you click on the title above. The running commentary at the bottom of the preview pages can be completely ignored, and you won't miss a thing. It disappears after the first issue, thankfully.

Rex Libris is being published by Slave Labor Graphics. At the moment, only three issues are available, so I'm not sure what the status of the title is, but now would be a good time to get in on the beginning of the series if you like the preview.
IGN Comics said:
February 28, 2006 - Wednesday signifies the beginning of One Year Later. Just about every DC Universe title shipping in March takes a leap forward, skipping ahead one entire year in continuity. There's no going back. This isn't a one-time deal. Once ahead a year into the future, the DC titles stay as such. Don't cry for the lost year of stories. The missing year of the DCU is on display in 52 launching this May.

DC released a complete list of One Year Later titles shipping in March.

March 1
Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis #40
Blood Of The Demon #13
Detective Comics #817
JSA #83
Outsiders #34

March 8
Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #23

March 15
Birds Of Prey #92
Green Arrow #60
Nightwing #118
Supergirl #6
Superman #650
Teen Titans #34

March 22
Batman #651
Catwoman #53
Hawkgirl #50
JSA Classified #10
Manhunter #20
Robin #148
Action Comics #837

March 29
Blue Beetle #1
Green Lantern #10 we're finally here for OYL. I figure that now with Inifinite Crisis done (....I think????? :? .....) this is the perfect time for me to jump into some DC comics.

Any suggestions? I'm leaning towards any of the following:

  • Green Arrow
  • Supergirl
  • Superman
  • Batman
  • Catwoman

I can always Wikipedia the background stories but if anyone wants to gimme a brief explanation of the stories that would be appreciated. :D

I know Baxter is really into DC.....maybe he can comment?
Victor Von Doom said: we're finally here for OYL. I figure that now with Inifinite Crisis done (....I think????? :? .....) this is the perfect time for me to jump into some DC comics.

Any suggestions? I'm leaning towards any of the following:

  • Green Arrow
  • Supergirl
  • Superman
  • Batman
  • Catwoman

I can always Wikipedia the background stories but if anyone wants to gimme a brief explanation of the stories that would be appreciated. :D

I know Baxter is really into DC.....maybe he can comment?

Teen Titans is one of the best. I'm getting all those expect Catwoman.
Victor Von Doom said: we're finally here for OYL. I figure that now with Inifinite Crisis done (....I think????? :? .....) this is the perfect time for me to jump into some DC comics.

Any suggestions? I'm leaning towards any of the following:

  • Green Arrow
  • Supergirl
  • Superman
  • Batman
  • Catwoman

I can always Wikipedia the background stories but if anyone wants to gimme a brief explanation of the stories that would be appreciated. :D

I know Baxter is really into DC.....maybe he can comment?

Still no takers?? Maybe I'll get some luck with the new DC forum. I've noted that I should check out Teen Titans.....but nobody else has anything to say on the one's I'm intrested in?

I'm only looking for maybe 2 Superman titles and 2 Batman titles. I don't need anymore of those 2 than that.

I looked into Fables.....and I wanna like it....but I don't so that's a no.

I wanna get into DC......but after the beast that is Infinite Crisis...trying to get into DC comics is scarier than a bomb going off in front of you (trust me...I know).

Oh and Seldes...I couldn't find any Olympus Heights anywhere so I guess it's my loss. :( I also checked out an issue or 2 of Rex Libris. I like the story....but the art is really throwing me off. Not my cup of tea.
Go check out the OYL thread for more info. If you want to pick up two Batman books, I'd say Batman and Detective Comics. They're going to have Paul Dini and Grant Morrison on them by the end of the year, so you are guaranteed a great story.
Victor Von Doom said: we're finally here for OYL. I figure that now with Inifinite Crisis done (....I think????? :? .....) this is the perfect time for me to jump into some DC comics.

Any suggestions? I'm leaning towards any of the following:

  • Green Arrow
  • Supergirl
  • Superman
  • Batman
  • Catwoman

I can always Wikipedia the background stories but if anyone wants to gimme a brief explanation of the stories that would be appreciated. :D

I know Baxter is really into DC.....maybe he can comment?
Sorry it took me so long to get to this. Between sleeping 12 hours a day, working, then pulling 36 hour awake stretches you tend ot lose track of time.

I don't read Catwoman, and I tradewait Green Arrow (though I've heard good things about te first OYL issue).

I've picked up Batman and Detective Comics again. They've moved back to more traditional Batman style stories. Bullock's back, Gordon's commishioner, and we've got Batman and Robin investigation Two-Face. What more do you need? The only downside is you've got to pick up Detective and Batman for the moment, but when this storyarc ends we'll have Grant Morrison on Batman and Paul Dini (Animated series anyone?) on Detective, both of wich I have high expectations for.

I didn't order Superman, wich is crossing over with Action comics just like Batman/Detective, but I plan to go to my local comic shop and pick them up, mainly because I've been jonesing for a decent Superman story that isn't an elseworld and I've got faith that Geoff Johns can give us that. Apparently when the story opens Clark is powerless.

I've got no intrest in supergirl. It just isn't there.

If you're open to suggestions then deffinatly go for Teen Titans. All of the trades for it are priced at $9.99, currently 4 volumes and an Outsiders crossover volume, and they're all damn pakced with comics. There's a new JLA series launching in a few months by Brad Meltzer. His Green Arrow trade is a must read (Archer's Quest.) and his identity Crisis helped kick off the whole mess we're in right now.

Oh, and pick up Blue Beetle next week. It should be crazy.
Victor Von Doom said:
Oh and Seldes...I couldn't find any Olympus Heights anywhere so I guess it's my loss. :(
Well, darn. Let me see what I can come up with. I think I can still get a copy for you.

I also checked out an issue or 2 of Rex Libris. I like the story....but the art is really throwing me off. Not my cup of tea.
I know. The art is odd, very "blocky". But hey, no book is right for everyone. Thanks for at least trying it.

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