Re: Favorite video game bosses
Decided to make a top 10, I may update later but :
1 - Dr. Robotnik / Eggman [Sonic series] : I really like him as he is in many ways Lex to Sonic's superman. He has no powers yet sonic has super-speed and more yet bless him he keeps trying lol I love seeing what the hell he's going to invent to try and stop sonic next from a giant robot suit (sonic 2) to unleashing something he just can't control (chaos in sonic adventure)
2 - Bowser/ King Koopa [Mario series]: Not as inventive or creative as Robotnik so he didn't make 1# but he is damn entertaining. He has evolved really well from been just a big fire breathing lizard to actually having some humours moments. The second you know Bowser is involved you just know things are going to get crazy.
3 - Wario [Mario series] : I just love Wario. Yeah he's not really a villain any more but he was a pretty cool one while was. Then now he's like an Anti-hero version of mario. I always pick him in mario games like mario party.
4 - Shin Akuma [Street Fighter series] : He was awesome to fight against. He was both a challenge and did a lot of damage I loved that. One of the best fights in a fighting game IMO was him.
5 - Reptile [Mortal Kombat] - Hard to say if he's a boss or not I count him as you have to earn the right to fight him. He is the first hidden character to be featured in any vs fighting game. And also my favourite Mortal Kombat character I have to add him to the list.
6 - Mysterio [Spider-man 2] : I'm sorry it's not really a boss fight but it had to go on my list. He tries to take over the city and then you finally go to fight him and your expecting a great long drawn out fight but one hit and he's done. How is that not funny and kinda awesome?
7 - Nemesis [Resident evil 3] : He really wants to kill you. It's not a grand plan, He doesn't want a great fight. he just wants to kill you. And no matter what you do during the game he just keeps coming back till the end. I loved him in Resident evil and thought he was a great boss for the franchise
8- Chaos [Sonic Adventure] - He wasn't really that smart , He wasn't really that evil looking but he was like Nemesis in that he keeps coming back stronger than before. In the end battle with Super Sonic I just loved the music and actually playing it. It wasn't a "ok guess I have to beat him now" it was "wow this is really cool" I've replayed the game so many times it's not funny I just love fighting him that last time and the previous times help to build up the anticipation
9 - Monster Ock [Spider-man] : Not a fight but a boss that made just think "oh crap!" It was a really cool concept video game wise how it was done. Sure other villains have done similar in web of shadows but it wasn't the same.
10 - Metal Sonic [Sonic 2] : It wasn't exactly a hard boss but the first time I saw him I was like "wait .... what the hell? He looks like me" It was pretty cool. All other versions like the one in sonic CD have been cool but I still prefer the silver sonic from sonic 2.
Edit : Great, I finish my list and the threads been merged it's no longer "favourite"