Blackest Night discussion (Spoilers!)

Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

Yeah, the amulet that Super Chief used was utilized in 52, it was one of the artifacts that Ralph Dibney brought Faust, which I think was th whole point of the story there.

Yeah. I remember that. But that's been my only experience with the character.

Like they said in interview, they were originally going to have some neat little high concept where they brought Super Chief back, but didn't have a chance to fit it in.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

I'm going to spoil the new issue of Green Lantern which is the Blackest Night prologue.

The new Origin of Black Hand. It was pretty scary. He is the herald to the black corps like Ion, Parallax, and they showed either the Sapphires or Indigo Tribe's entity, The Predator. I am inclined to think it was the Sapphires?

I am scared to think who could be the Master of the Black Lanterns. But it as begun.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

I'm going to spoil the new issue of Green Lantern which is the Blackest Night prologue.

The new Origin of Black Hand. It was pretty scary. He is the herald to the black corps like Ion, Parallax, and they showed either the Sapphires or Indigo Tribe's entity, The Predator. I am inclined to think it was the Sapphires?

I am scared to think who could be the Master of the Black Lanterns. But it as begun.

The Predator, if I recall correctly, is the evil male personality of Carol Ferris, that took over her body, shapeshifted it into a guy, and went around as the male Star Sapphire. And I think he was a serial rapist. Who raped Carol. Somehow.

Hooray for retcon! I find that Johns is pretty good at these.
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Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

I loved it.

Who was the guy ordering the Gremlins in the flashback? Is he the leader of the Black Lanterns?

Interesting to see that Black Hand will be their herald like Parallax or Ion. What the **** was that Predator thing? It looked scary.

Blackest Night has begun and it is already awesome.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

The Predator, if I recall correctly, is the evil male personality of Carol Ferris, that took over her body, shapeshifted it into a guy, and went around as the male Star Sapphire. And I think he was a serial rapist. Who raped Carol. Somehow.

Hooray for retcon! I find that Johns is pretty good at these.

I just researched it and it's amazing how he tied that into this! Mindblowing.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

The popular bet on who's behind it seems to be Nekron, who I'm not all that familiar with.

The prologue in GL has just made me so excited for this book.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

The popular bet on who's behind it seems to be Nekron, who I'm not all that familiar with.

The prologue in GL has just made me so excited for this book.

That would actually make sense. Especially when I read that he is the one that took The Predator's and fake Carol/Star Sapphire's baby.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

That would actually make sense. Especially when I read that he is the one that took The Predator's and fake Carol/Star Sapphire's baby.

Really? Hm!

I'm curious to see what the angle is surrounding heroes coming back from the dead. There was a passing mention of someone letting them back through the veil. Is it the leader of the Black Lanterns who let them come back to life (maybe to allow the door between life and death to become wedged open, so he can push his Corps through) or is it some power acting in opposition to the BL?
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

I don't have any idea what any of that means that you guys are talking about but hot dog do I love this book.

I got my Rage of the Red Lanterns HC yesterday and read through the whole thing. Everything is brilliant. After that I caught up on the series up through #43.

It's very cool how Hal has personality traits to fit in with (almost?) any of the Lantern Corps. And I like how the colors compliment each other (especially blue/green).
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

I remember a Teen Titans issue that Geoff Johns was writing during the whole Infinite Crisis thing where Kid Eternity talked about how someone was holding the door open and was responsible for all the resurrections. I thought that would come into play in Infinite Crisis but it never did.

It was probably more set up for this.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

Blackest Night today!!!!

The Black Lanterns have risen. I like how this ties in to scenes with Flash Rebirth, even though you don't have to read it to know that.

Black Lantern Ralph and Sue are really creepy. It seems like Black Lanterns can sense the different emotions in people from observing Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Who get annihilated. It's scary that whoever they defeat will join the Black.

I think it would be a cooler scene if all the rings enlisted all the dead heroes while everyone was visiting the graves. Imagine the panic.

I also read the Tales Of The Corps first issue. I loved the Saint Walker and Mongul stories, but we get the first real look at the Indigo Tribe. Which I had no idea what happened due not being able to understand them.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

I'm gonna get crucified here for posting my opinion, but oh well, here I go.

While this is better than the past two events from Marvel (not including War of Kings here, but Secret Invasion and Dark Reign), I feel it suffers from some bad points.

First off, the whole people who the kill will become Black Lanterns thing. Really? Zombies? That's the Black Lanterns big twist? Zombies? Right when two people were about to confess their love to each other? And two interesting characters at that, all of a sudden we are stuck in a horror movie here. A 'B Grade' predictable one at that. I felt deaths at the beginning here are stupid, and set a tone where people are going to die in every issue, and somehow, there is going to be a dues ex machina (i.e. the White Lantern I bet) will come around and heal all these people. I hope I am wrong about that though.

Also, to me anyways, kinda surprised Joe Kalicki didn't feel it, but the whole Ralph and Sue thing didn't click with me at all. She was a nobody, why does she get ressurrected? Other than to have more people thrown into the plot and to make a scene more powerful emotionally than what it was.

The Guardian thing was pretty good, but what has been irking me for the past few issues was how the Guardians were so ****ing stupid in the first place. One of them was completely different, but hey, let's ignore that and be ineffectual in trying to suppress these other colors. Kinda walked into the prophecy there, but I can at least deal with that, it was needed for the story. But still, the Black Guardian should have hid in the bowels of the Oa or something. Not be obvious.

The Batman thing is simply a tease.

Well, have fun killing me, I'm sure you guys will.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

This is how you do an event. I hope Bendis and Loeb are reading this.
Don't be silly, Leob can't read.
I'm gonna get crucified here for posting my opinion, but oh well, here I go.

While this is better than the past two events from Marvel (not including War of Kings here, but Secret Invasion and Dark Reign), I feel it suffers from some bad points.

First off, the whole people who the kill will become Black Lanterns thing. Really? Zombies? That's the Black Lanterns big twist? Zombies? Right when two people were about to confess their love to each other? And two interesting characters at that, all of a sudden we are stuck in a horror movie here. A 'B Grade' predictable one at that. I felt deaths at the beginning here are stupid, and set a tone where people are going to die in every issue, and somehow, there is going to be a dues ex machina (i.e. the White Lantern I bet) will come around and heal all these people. I hope I am wrong about that though.

Also, to me anyways, kinda surprised Joe Kalicki didn't feel it, but the whole Ralph and Sue thing didn't click with me at all. She was a nobody, why does she get ressurrected? Other than to have more people thrown into the plot and to make a scene more powerful emotionally than what it was.

The Guardian thing was pretty good, but what has been irking me for the past few issues was how the Guardians were so ****ing stupid in the first place. One of them was completely different, but hey, let's ignore that and be ineffectual in trying to suppress these other colors. Kinda walked into the prophecy there, but I can at least deal with that, it was needed for the story. But still, the Black Guardian should have hid in the bowels of the Oa or something. Not be obvious.

The Batman thing is simply a tease.

Well, have fun killing me, I'm sure you guys will.

I haven't read it so I can't quite say, but it feels more than just a zombie gimmick. It doesn't seem to be a typical, horde of undead, but rather dead characters being revived as villains. It also had a good build up drawing on past continuity very well. It also seems to have great direction and execution. And the thing about Secret invasion, Dark Reign, etc was that they had poor execution. So as far as zombies go, which would seem like a lame idea, I'm all for it.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

I got to agree with Houde here, mostly. It wasn't as flash-bang as I might have hoped, but I'm willing to see how the story develops. So far there hasn't been a lot to really judge it as more than exactly what you'd expect from the story. It was a very paint-by-numbers first issue considering what we knew coming into it.

That's not to say that it won't get better once revelations start coming out further down the line. Johns did pepper the story with some fun little premises. The idea of a superhero graveyard and a morgue at the heart of the JLA HQ are both cool ideas.

But, I'm very wait and see on this whole story right now.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

I thought it was great. Best issue of the year so far? Possibly.

Great start to the event everyone's been waiting for for years. It definitely delivered. I like that it really did feel like it had been built up for all of these years - making Final Crisis actually important to the history of the DC Universe and not just another "event."

My favourite scene was the Hawkman/Hawkgirl bit. :(

Ultimate Houde said:
First off, the whole people who the kill will become Black Lanterns thing. Really? Zombies? That's the Black Lanterns big twist? Zombies? Right when two people were about to confess their love to each other? And two interesting characters at that, all of a sudden we are stuck in a horror movie here. A 'B Grade' predictable one at that. I felt deaths at the beginning here are stupid, and set a tone where people are going to die in every issue, and somehow, there is going to be a dues ex machina (i.e. the White Lantern I bet) will come around and heal all these people. I hope I am wrong about that though.

While I feel this is a valid point, I don't think it is a fault against the story. I thought everyone already presumed the Black Lanterns would be like zombies... just more terrifying ones. These ones seem to retain their powers and some of their mind, just not their innocence. Deaths are a common staple in these major events but since death is a large part of the story, I find it more suitable than meaningless deaths in any other events.

Also, to me anyways, kinda surprised Joe Kalicki didn't feel it, but the whole Ralph and Sue thing didn't click with me at all. She was a nobody, why does she get ressurrected? Other than to have more people thrown into the plot and to make a scene more powerful emotionally than what it was.

I believe that anyone can be a Black Lantern - they seem to be targeted for their emotional connection to others, not because of their powers. Fighting a dead friend would be harder than fighting a dead villain, for instance.

The Batman thing is simply a tease.

I'm waiting for the scene where Black Hand summons Batman to lead his Black Lantern army. Or Batman will be the Black Lantern secret weapon. Or something.

I don't know. I'm excited and I enjoyed it. Not only is it a great event, but it is also hopefully going to be a great story.

Congratulations Geoff Johns for actually making it this far with a comic like Green Lantern.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

I like that it really did feel like it had been built up for all of these years - making Final Crisis actually important to the history of the DC Universe and not just another "event."

Explain what you mean by this?

Just in terms of Barry's return and Bruce's death?
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

Explain what you mean by this?

Just in terms of Barry's return and Bruce's death?

Yes. I feel that Marvel's events are just "and now this happens this year" and none of them are really important. Blackest Night is actually bringing all of these stories and events together - and it actually feels like it's all been building to this, rather than Marvel's method of "we say we've been planning this for two years but Bendis just came up with it a week ago."

Also, did anyone notice how the Black Lanterns see people in their respective emotional colour spectrums? They first saw Hawkman as red (Rage) but at the end he was violet (Love). :)

And the hearts only gave .01% charge. What happens when they reach 100%?!
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Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)

I'm gonna get crucified here for posting my opinion, but oh well, here I go.

While this is better than the past two events from Marvel (not including War of Kings here, but Secret Invasion and Dark Reign), I feel it suffers from some bad points.

First off, the whole people who the kill will become Black Lanterns thing. Really? Zombies? That's the Black Lanterns big twist? Zombies? Right when two people were about to confess their love to each other? And two interesting characters at that, all of a sudden we are stuck in a horror movie here. A 'B Grade' predictable one at that. I felt deaths at the beginning here are stupid, and set a tone where people are going to die in every issue, and somehow, there is going to be a dues ex machina (i.e. the White Lantern I bet) will come around and heal all these people. I hope I am wrong about that though.

Also, to me anyways, kinda surprised Joe Kalicki didn't feel it, but the whole Ralph and Sue thing didn't click with me at all. She was a nobody, why does she get ressurrected? Other than to have more people thrown into the plot and to make a scene more powerful emotionally than what it was.

The Guardian thing was pretty good, but what has been irking me for the past few issues was how the Guardians were so ****ing stupid in the first place. One of them was completely different, but hey, let's ignore that and be ineffectual in trying to suppress these other colors. Kinda walked into the prophecy there, but I can at least deal with that, it was needed for the story. But still, the Black Guardian should have hid in the bowels of the Oa or something. Not be obvious.

The Batman thing is simply a tease.

Well, have fun killing me, I'm sure you guys will.

I thought everyone knew they were zombies? How was it a twist?

I've seen you complain how stupid twists are and now how stupid something is for not having a twist. There was no twist here.

Did you read the Black Hand prequel. Where someone is telling him who to resurrect to get the most emotion?

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