thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
Re: Blackest Night (general discussion)
This is so going on my HDTV/PS3 background.

This is so going on my HDTV/PS3 background.
I like how Agent Orange seems to always be holding his power battery.
Blackest Night: Batman, Blackest Night: Superman, and Blackest Night: Titans - These three-issue comics will tell up-close stories beginning in August about how the characters in the DCU react to seeing their deceased friends and/or family members rising from the dead to become Black Lanterns. Another wave of tie-in minis will follow in November and will include Blackest Night: Wonder Woman. While writers for these comics have not been named, Berganza teased that they will include Tomasi, James Robinson, Greg Rucka and J.T. Krul.
omg im so sick of dc ripping off marvels ideas!!11 this was bettr the first time i read it when it was called marvel zombies lol!!!!!!!!!111
actually, it sounds more like a ripoff of the Legion of the Unliving from Avengers fame
I loved it.
I'm been waiting for this for so long, it doesn't seem like it's actually here.
Getting this now. I'm geeked.
But now I can't remember if I read the Orange Lanterns story!
There's only one chapter of it out (the last issue of GL).
ok so I think im gonna get this series now in tpb. Where do I start? Does anyone know if there's some kind of checklist for this all?