fenway said:
I would vote 'no', but only because I don't think it would be a particularly good or useful plot device (then again, I don't really know where the plot is going
From the discussion, I think that most of us are voting 'no' because we don't WANT it to happen... not because of what was presented in the comic - that we are trying (albeit, logically) to dismiss
I don't want it to happen, nor do I think it will happen based on what we saw in this comic. I'm not saying it won't, I'm just saying this comic doesn't give any evidence towards that being the case, in my opinion. Like I said, just because a male and a female hold hands or show concern for one another, it really doesn't mean any romantic feelings are behind it. And were that to be the case I think it'd be the less interesting and more retarded avenue for Millar to take the characters. I mean when did the Ultimates become 90210? Hank and Janet, then Cap and Janet (she gets around...that slut needs a good smack in the mouth...
), Iron Man and Black Widow, Betty and Bruce, possibly Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch (blecchhh)...am I missing anyone? Oh, and possibly Hulk and Herr Kleiser...I'm pretty sure they had an involuntary quickie (at least on Kleiser's part) during the Chitauri debacle. And now Betty and Fury? The only member left of the team who hasn't gotten some extra-curricular activities going on from being on the Ultimates is Fury...and now thats going to be flushed down the drain too? Sorry, that just sucks. Its completely and utterly out of character for Nick, and just wouldn't work at all in my opinion.
A few issues ago, I would have voted 'no' to Widow being the traitor, because I didn't WANT it to be true...but, of course, it was the most obvious choice based on what we saw in the comic.
That's not really a fair comparison - one was a MAJOR 'twist' in the whole series, the other a few panels - but it may help illustrate the difference between 'do you THINK its true, based on what's there', or 'do you NOT WANT TO THINK its true, and dismiss what's there'.
I honestly don't think its true and that everyone is just reading far too much into it. And your point also works to illustrate the other side of the argument: "Do you WANT to think its true?"
Again, I'm voting 'no' based more on not wanting it to be true, but the poster who said that Millar doesn't waste panels was also spot-on. A comic is like a short story - the good ones get the most bang for their buck.
I don't think it was a wasted panel in that sense. Just because it wasn't meant to illustrate a romantic relationship between the two doesn't mean it was wasted. Why are people not getting this? It was a natural human reaction based on your imminent and oncoming death (which they thought was coming, only to be saved by Quicksilver). Do you think if Quicksilver had piped in with "Don't worry guys, I'll get us out of here in 0.004 of a second" their expressions would've been the same? Hell no! They'd have been apprehensive, sure, but probably have enough trust in Pietro's abilities to be sure he could do it. Therefore, no oncoming death. Therefore, no melodramatic scene of hand-holding. Because thats all it was...it was meant to show that the two most human members of the team (Nick and Betty) still felt and behaved as humans do in crisis situations. And I don't think that involved romantic interludes, at least between those two characters.
icemastertron said:
I actually didnt read the now part. To be honest, guess I read it wrong. But like I said: I can do what I want.
But RIGHT NOW? Don't really think so. Maybe they could have feelings for each other.
Thank God you posted that...I was really worried about you for a while there.