Bendis: "I smell an Ultimate Deadpool comin’"

Goodwill said:
I just can't fathom why they would want to toy with all of these other characters at once, especially Bendis, when the quality of Ultimate Spider-Man, the title that got me into comics in the first place, is tripping.
Say no more... I agree with you on that...

My view is that If Bendis is taking on a fresh title it wil probably be good. I do see where you're coming from now.
Just because there might be a couple of Ultimate minis running at the same time as the core titles, it doesn't mean the core titles are getting less attention from their creative teams. You mention Bendis because he is also doing USM, but he is also writing Powers and the New Avengers. I don't think these titles suffer from him working on more than one book at once.
Morley83 said:
You mention Bendis because he is also doing USM, but he is also writing Powers and the New Avengers. I don't think these titles suffer from him working on more than one book at once.
Thats a discussion for another thread please.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Say no more... I agree with you on that...

My view is that If Bendis is taking on a fresh title it wil probably be good. I do see where you're coming from now.

Excellent, because, while I wouldn't mind a Deadpool mini-series written by Bendis, the timing is incredibly wrong.
Goodwill said:
Excellent, because, while I wouldn't mind a Deadpool mini-series written by Bendis, the timing is incredibly wrong.
That is a factor that they should really think of when coming up with these ideas.
Coming up with the idea doesn't mean that it's going to be turned into a comic the day afterwards... It's fine to put together something, but put it out when it can get a lot of attention.
Looks like they're not waiting. I just posted a part of an interview where Bendis says that UDP is coming later this year. Sounds like in USM....
From that interview it makes me kinda upset. It looks like Deadpool's just going to be a guest appearance in USM. Reasons I don't like this are; A mini would've been so much cooler and done much more for the characters popularity and by the time we get to Ultimate Deadpool after Warriors and such how old will all these new ultimizations he'll be throwing at us be.
Well, Bendis has officially monopolized the Ultimate Universe, gentleman. This is kind of disgusting, however, I do trust Bendis with characters... We'll see how this goes, but it does not bode well as far as I can tell. Too many characters at once will kill Spider-Man.

In that same interview, Bendis said that it's Spider-Man's title and we've got all of these guest stars in and out lately... What's he talking about?
Goodwill said:
Well, Bendis has officially monopolized the Ultimate Universe, gentleman. This is kind of disgusting, however, I do trust Bendis with characters... We'll see how this goes, but it does not bode well as far as I can tell. Too many characters at once will kill Spider-Man.

In that same interview, Bendis said that it's Spider-Man's title and we've got all of these guest stars in and out lately... What's he talking about?

What I don't like about it is that all of the ultimizations are happening in USM. I thought Deadpool would've worked better solo or in UXM. UXM only has X-Characters showing up. Let me try to make sense of this, UXM only has characters that are on X-Teams or X-Villains. Deadpool is a loner who doesn't belong to anything so why not throw him in as a dynamic character who only works for himself? Now he's going to pop up in USM and try to kill Spider-Man and that will be the end of it. I hope he's not wasted. The character needs this push so badly and hopefully people will start buying Cable/Deadpool because of it.
You bring up a good point... Either these characters are not showing up at all or they are showing up in Ultimate Spider-Man because the Ultimates is not a convenient title for them to show up in because it's so off in left field that having new characters jump in would just ruin what's going on. I find this to be a problem, not because the Ultimates can't support the characters, but because Ultimate Spider-Man is being used as the melting pot for all of these Ultimate Universe additions. Instead of being so stubborn about how many titles you have in the UU, I think we should look to expand so that these characters can flex their muscles a bit more in their respective title and let Spider-Man get back to what he was doing.
Goodwill said:
I think we should look to expand so that these characters can flex their muscles a bit more in their respective title and let Spider-Man get back to what he was doing.

Rexyling Ultimized versions of his enemies?
Well, yes, I think there should be more villains with better stories, but, as seen in the All Stars arc, too much of USM is composed of characters like Doctor Strange and Wolverine when there should be more Peter and more of the supporting cast... I'd love to see more with Flash Thompson and Ben Urich particularly.
The book went to **** with Geldhoff.No argument about it.I still read it in the shop but that period of the title made me drop it.All stars was Bendis getting Team-Up out of his system,and the fault with Hobgoblin was the fractured storytelling.

Urich was good,but I want more Jonah.Does Peter still work in the Bugle?

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