Bendis....How did you ruin Deadpool?!

I don't remember reading anything funny DP said. He is not funny, and I think that is what everyone hates. I am a DP fan, but I knew that this could go horribly wrong just like carnage. Instead of DP being funny he just thinks he's funny and tries his hardest to make it happen. Boo. Still, he's still alive and yea he is basically ultimate Pierce, which if you think of it that way is not that bad. I still gave him a one star, because how are you supposed to be the merc with a mouth without any lips?
ultimatedjf said:
You're talking about the UU Deadpool, right?

Or 616 Deadpool. He tries to be funny, but he never is.

Comics never make me laugh.
Bass said:

That doesn't make me laugh, but it's much better than Deadpool, because Aaron would organize his sock draw.
Nick MB said:
Ultimate Gwen Stacy resembles the original only in name and hair colour, and she's widely seen as one of the more successful Ultimizations...

That one sucked too. :D
This sounds weird but when I thought about why Ultimate Deadpool pissed me off I couldn't put my finger on it at first.

-I don't like the idea of a deadpool with ideals. Deadpool should be just shy of amoral.
-His look was rediculous. It makes no sense to have a character with a plast helmet replacing their skin.
-Fanatical ranting just can't come off as funny.
MaxwellSmart said:
-His look was rediculous. It makes no sense to have a character with a plast helmet replacing their skin.

Without it and without skin he would die. If he doesn't have skin he has to have SOMETHING.

TheManWithoutFear said:
Can we merge this thread with the poll?

It would screw up the poll thread. It's fine.
E said:
Without it and without skin he would die. If he doesn't have skin he has to have SOMETHING.
I'm not saying I would have prefered for him to have no skin and no helmet. I'm saying removing your skin and replacing it with a plastic helmet that has a hole in it so you can eat and talk makes no sense. It wouldn't keep your eyes from drying out because you can't blink. It wouldn't allow you to annunciate because you have no lips. It wouldn't allow you to smell because you don't have a nose.
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How He should have ultimized him:

Make him a genetically altered Ex-Weapon X with an accelerated version of Logan's Healing Factor that made him amnesiatic. He cannot remember anything because his brain is constantly Healing, replacing old brain cells with new ones. The only things he can hold onto are the skills he's already learned, like using weapons... So SHIELD keeps him in a coma until they need him, then leave him in a room with some guns and he kills everyone, then they collect him, and he goes home...

But then he escapes and tries to figure out who he is, and its sort of like Momento with a sense of Humor, and the X-Men.

THAT would have been interesting, and funny.

Bendis doesn't care about actually ultimizing characters. He just wants to use random characters to fit his plots, rather than think up interesting new ways to use a character.
MaxwellSmart said:
I'm not saying I would have prefered for him to have no skin and no helmet. I'm saying removing your skin and replacing it with a plastic helmet that has a hole in it so you can eat and talk makes no sense. It wouldn't keep your eyes from drying out because you can't blink. It wouldn't allow you to annunciate because you have no lips. It wouldn't allow you to smell because you don't have a nose.
I believe that helmet was helping him with the disguises like looking like Prof. X.
Ice said:
I believe that helmet was helping him with the disguises like looking like Prof. X.
I'm sure that was the purpose of the helmet. What I'm saying is it wouldn't help him with the problems associated with not having skin on your head.
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ARRGGHHHHH!!!! The more I read the posts in this thread, the more PO'ed I get! Deadpool was just used as a filler for Bendis, something to fill his arc with on the way to the one arc that'll matter in issue 100. In other words, he cared nothing about Deadpool's personality. Bendis turned Deadpool into a sadist ***hole with no humor at all, which sucks.

I'll say it again. IT SUCKS!!!!!!

Seriously, I'm torn. 616 Spidey is in such a mess right now, USM was my one escape. My one comic continuity that Spidey was still cool. But then Bendis takes one of my favorite characters and Ultimizes him worse than Carnage. CARNAGE!!! The stupid mindless creature that died within two issues of being introduced, and no Cletus Cassidy. BOO!! Great job Bendis! Way to make me lose respect for you, trash Deadpool. Mission accomplished buddy, here's your frickin cookie!!!:x

Seriously, Marvel sucks as a whole right now. And while Marvel makes all these stupid decisions, DC is getting better and better!!

Hmmmmm. *Debates jumping ship to DC*:twisted:
I read the recent Deadpool arc (except the last issue) and I have to say I thought it wasn't too bad. It wasn't horrific.

The thing was - it's an X-Men story and Bendis isn't good at team stories. It's amusing to have Spidey wake up plummeting onto a desert island and being hunted down on tv - but you can bet that was the scene Bendis came up with and couldn't think how to fit it in.

I said it when it happened - the reason Spidey is with Kitty is so the X-Men can guest star whenever Bendis wants.

As for Deadpool... the character was just a bit crap. I didn't think he was awful. However, as DSF and Comic_Geek pointed out, he's not a good ultimisation of Deadpool. The problem with him is that he's just dull. He goes on and on about how he hates mutants and how willing he is to give up his humanity to kill them. If this had been someone other than Deadpool, he would've just been a bit crappy (because Deadpool as a mutant-hating killer is a completely inappropriate to Ultimate Spider-Man - it would be like having Galactus show up, it's just not a villain for Spidey to fight), but because he's Deadpool, Bendis just throws away another opportunity.

Remember what I've been saying - you can only ultimise something ONCE. Deadpool, Omega Red, Carnage, Venom... Bendis is tossing them away. What disgusts me is he enjoys ultimising them because he thinks they're "crappy 90s characters" yet the only supervillain he created for Ultimate Spider-Man was the god-awful Geldoff. So they may be "crappy 90s characters" but he's the one ripping them off. I find that to be a despicable double-standard.

What's more is that when you look at it, Bendis, at most, had at most, two issues of story here. And it runs for four.

And it has a crappy ending.

Warriors and Silver Sable were also quite pointless. I particularly loved how these three arcs, after I quit USM after SHIELD saved Spidey from Hobgoblin that Warriors ends with all the villains being taken out by Elektra, Moon Knight, and whoever else happened to be there other than Spider-Man, then SHIELD takes out the Tinkerer (oh, and Vulture was pointless, wasn't he?) for Spidey without him knowing it (I don't care if that was the point, it's a waste of 5 issues if Spidey doesn't even meet the villain behind it all), and now the X-Men, or rather, Kitty, saves him from Deadpool.

Is Spidey ever going to solve one of his own problems? It's hard to accept Spider-Man has a responsibility to help people when someone else keeps bailing him out of trouble.

This is my big gripe. I can't stand the falseness of Spidey's whining about his guilt and responsibility when every story ends with someone else solving his problems for him. He can't feel guilty about something happening if he never has any say in what happens. It doesn't make him tormented, it just makes him emo.
Bass said:
I read the recent Deadpool arc (except the last issue) and I have to say I thought it wasn't too bad. It wasn't horrific.

The thing was - it's an X-Men story and Bendis isn't good at team stories. It's amusing to have Spidey wake up plummeting onto a desert island and being hunted down on tv - but you can bet that was the scene Bendis came up with and couldn't think how to fit it in.

I said it when it happened - the reason Spidey is with Kitty is so the X-Men can guest star whenever Bendis wants.

As for Deadpool... the character was just a bit crap. I didn't think he was awful. However, as DSF and Comic_Geek pointed out, he's not a good ultimisation of Deadpool. The problem with him is that he's just dull. He goes on and on about how he hates mutants and how willing he is to give up his humanity to kill them. If this had been someone other than Deadpool, he would've just been a bit crappy (because Deadpool as a mutant-hating killer is a completely inappropriate to Ultimate Spider-Man - it would be like having Galactus show up, it's just not a villain for Spidey to fight), but because he's Deadpool, Bendis just throws away another opportunity.

Remember what I've been saying - you can only ultimise something ONCE. Deadpool, Omega Red, Carnage, Venom... Bendis is tossing them away. What disgusts me is he enjoys ultimising them because he thinks they're "crappy 90s characters" yet the only supervillain he created for Ultimate Spider-Man was the god-awful Geldoff. So they may be "crappy 90s characters" but he's the one ripping them off. I find that to be a despicable double-standard.

What's more is that when you look at it, Bendis, at most, had at most, two issues of story here. And it runs for four.

And it has a crappy ending.

Warriors and Silver Sable were also quite pointless. I particularly loved how these three arcs, after I quit USM after SHIELD saved Spidey from Hobgoblin that Warriors ends with all the villains being taken out by Elektra, Moon Knight, and whoever else happened to be there other than Spider-Man, then SHIELD takes out the Tinkerer (oh, and Vulture was pointless, wasn't he?) for Spidey without him knowing it (I don't care if that was the point, it's a waste of 5 issues if Spidey doesn't even meet the villain behind it all), and now the X-Men, or rather, Kitty, saves him from Deadpool.

Is Spidey ever going to solve one of his own problems? It's hard to accept Spider-Man has a responsibility to help people when someone else keeps bailing him out of trouble.

This is my big gripe. I can't stand the falseness of Spidey's whining about his guilt and responsibility when every story ends with someone else solving his problems for him. He can't feel guilty about something happening if he never has any say in what happens. It doesn't make him tormented, it just makes him emo.


As much as I hate to admit it, and I really do hate it, I agree with every word you just said.

Man, I had REALLY high hopes for Deadpool, and I was let down. And you're right, if this was someone other than Deadpool, say...Ultimate Pierce, than it would've worked out great! But it was Deadpool that Bendis screwed with, and it was not Deadpool at all. I understand that the premis of 'Ultimizing' a character involves a little change, and that's cool. But you wanna try to keep the essence, the spirit of who the characters are intact.

The perfect example of this is The Ultimates. THAT is good Ultimization. Every character is a little different, but feels familiar. Millar changed the characters enough to be cool and new without changing who they were, so it CAN be done. Bendis is just pulling villains out of a hat and writing lackluster arcs and characters for them. This is not good at all. That's why characters like Deadpool, Omega Red, Silver Sable, and the Vulture, who in my opinion are villains with GREAT potential get the shaft in favor of bigger name villains or characters.

That's not right. Deadpool had a TON of potential for 'Ultimization'. Imagine how it could've been, Deadpool could've been a likable villain with witty banter. Bendis has proven that he can write some seriously funny and clever banter, look at Spidey. Why not Deadpool? If he was done the way he SHOULD have been done, could you imagine the verbal exchanges that Spider-Man and Deadpool could've had? It would've been classic! And it would've been very funny, pitting arguably Marvel's two funniest most smart*** characters against each other would've been great entertainment, well worth the cost of the book. But no, instead we get another throw away villain on route to issue frickin 100, BOOO!!!!

Bottom line, and I'm gonna sound like a hypocrite for saying this as I've been Bendis's biggest supporter since I joined this site, but Bendis has seriously screwed up here. He has lost a lot of my respect with this horrendous 'Ultimization' of one of my favorite characters, something that I will not forgive, or forget easily. Bendis has one more chance, one more shot to EARN BACK my respect. Issue #100 is coming up, with what's suppossed to be the biggest and best arc of this series, 'The Parker Legacy'. Bendis has one more chance, he better make this arc the thing we all, as loyal readers, have been waiting for. If he screws this up, I'm done. I will never touch USM again. That's how much he let me down with Deadpool, and that's how mad I am.

You've got one chance Bendis. I want to believe in you, prove to me your still worthy of my respect.
Yeah, I remember reading an interview with Bendis when New Avengers came out. It was in Wizard. They were talking about the first 6 or 7 issues and when it got to Carnage, He basically said, "I killed off Carnage b/c he was all the rage in the 90's and I hated all the hype." So there's his justification for not just killing off 616 Carnage, but to introduce and kill off 1616 Carnage. I'm pretty confident that he will destroy the Clone Saga as well, so kids don't get your hopes up.

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