Because Brian K. Vaughan will probably never come to Ultimate Central :( ....

Victor Von Doom said:
After the 10 page preview on MySpace---I'm so hyped for this book. I cannot wait to find it and read it!

I was hoping to grab it today and read it on the flight home.....but Panama City FL lacks comic books something bad.

It's a damn shame when I hear things like certain places lack LCS or no one thought to order a gazillion copies of PoB.
TheManWithoutFear said:
It's a damn shame when I hear things like certain places lack LCS or no one thought to order a gazillion copies of PoB.

I know. The guy here is strictly small-time. His main income comes from D&D gaming stuff.

I can't wait to get back home and get back to my real LCS.
I can't be bothered reading through all the UXM talk, but I noticed something funny.

Wolvies Wife is comparing BKV's UXM to 616 X-Men.

He/she then gives examples, and yet, none of them have anything to do with 616. :lol:
She is comparing it to Evolution, though she initally states that BKV's UXM was lifted from 616.

Anyway, BKV rocks and I can't wait to read this.
ProjectX2 said:
She is comparing it to Evolution, though she initally states that BKV's UXM was lifted from 616.

Anyway, BKV rocks and I can't wait to read this.

616 pairings there were no fresh ideas on their relationships.

Most of that Rogue/Remy storyline has been done to death in Uncanny as well.

He borrows heavily from all sorts of verse's mostly Evolution which is just lazy storytelling. Doesn't bring anything alternative to the comic as this has been explored plus using 616 pairings caused it to lose it's edge. In terms of storyline Tempest/Cry Wolf "carnival" storyline is a 616 storyline that's been done over and over again. Same could be said for "Magnetic North" which resulted in the overdone storyline of Magneto Breaking out of jail that's also hammered to death in Uncanny. Bringing in throwaway characters from 616 (Longshot) that weren't even that interesting from the get go. The Longshot arc received lukewarm reception at best from comic readers.

Even Bendis gave us better story during his New Mutants run which was only 4 issues.

Say what you want about Kirkman but I have to say he's at least "trying" to do something original. Even if the results aren't always flattering.

ProjectX2 said:
He/she then gives examples, and yet, none of them have anything to do with 616. :lol:


???? ? :shock:

Victor Von Doom said:
I went to grab it today and the local shop here didn't order it. So I went to the bookstore to grab it and they said it wasn't being released until 19 October. :? I told them that it was a mistake and that it was out today. They figure that they won't get it in store until October.

Comic shops always get TPBs and HCs befoer bookstores. I think it's how the comic companies "make it up" to comic stores for putting more and more emphasis on TPBs - give it to them first, then to the bookstores a few weeks later.

TheManWithoutFear said:
It doesn't take much to have a discussion with me. I thought you made your point rather nicely. If not I would've come off as a far greater jerk. You being a member of Ultimate-X, should know that.

Hmmmm... I know there were some issues with you at Ult-X but I didn't get involved in it. I'm really oblivious to some board dramas. Not that I'm immune to it but I haven't invested that much. I just posted my "terribly written" stories over there and that was pretty much it.

TheManWithoutFear said:
Well as long as you don't hate him completely :twisted: But I'm curious... Why do you think he's "arrogant". You made some personal quips but seem to only dislike his run on UXM.

I'm not fond of Vaughan on a personal level (rather not get into that) but I do like some of his other works outside UXM.

The issue about my opinion on him would dredge up some "" board drama and I'd rather not say too much other than I've had my extensive reviews on his UXM run edited or completely deleted from his board. That told me that he was not fond of that way I pulled apart his writing and didn't appreciate my views on his UXM issues.
So, you're a badmouther? Huh, is that it? IS THAT IT?


I don't like this person. And I'm a real Doctor. So that's a FACT.

ALSO: A good story does not come from the newness of a concept, but the approach to that concept and how well that approach was executed. And frankly the fact that you're arguing that Kirkman's current work on Ultimate X-Men is somehow better because his all new fancy "original" ideas is complete bull****. Yes, he's trying new things, but so did BKV, and a hell of a lot better... Maybe with BKV his new approaches were all in the details rather than in the larger concepts, but with Kirkman we're not seeing anything all that new with the characters (aside from altogether new characters, which *cough* Longshot *cough* BKV did too) and all the new ideas coming out in the bigger side of things. You need to answer yourself which approach is better when you're writing a comic that's essentially intended to reopen ideas from 616 in a much less convuluted continuity.

First few stories of the Avengers were the Avengers versus the Hulk and the Avengers versus Loki. Gee, Millar sure is some sort of HACK for trying to reapproach preexisting stories from a new perspective.

And if you don't back up your arguments against his writing style any better than you have here, than I hold no disregard for him for wanting said oppinions disregarded, especially on a board operated by that writer designed specifically as a fan-board for that writer. Its a board for him to talk with his fans, not his dissenters. Its the same reason you won't find someone like Bass on the Bendis boards.

E said:
Comic shops always get TPBs and HCs befoer bookstores. I think it's how the comic companies "make it up" to comic stores for putting more and more emphasis on TPBs - give it to them first, then to the bookstores a few weeks later.

Diamond also doesn't directly ship to major Bookstore chains. They ship to their suppliers.

So the suppliers got the order today. On Tuesday of next week or the week after, said bookstores will get the titles in with their weekly shipments.

WolviesWife said:
I'm not fond of Vaughan on a personal level (rather not get into that) but I do like some of his other works outside UXM.

The issue about my opinion on him would dredge up some "" board drama and I'd rather not say too much other than I've had my extensive reviews on his UXM run edited or completely deleted from his board. That told me that he was not fond of that way I pulled apart his writing and didn't appreciate my views on his UXM issues.
Interesting... I hope it was just Gert and Nico and not directly BKV himself. I've had some run ins with them and they almost seem to be the hardest moderators to please. I forget what it was but I posted a thread about Card after Millar said something praising Lindelof. They tore me apart but I defended myself through PM and I think they cooled off. They can be tough though.
I'll be ordering it on Wednesday, when my comic shop opens.

It will be the first hardcover I've ever bought.:D
Hasn't anyone read it yet?

I got it and am halfway thru with it.


It's got it all:

  • Violent monkeys
  • Lion rape
  • Giraffes sniped off

Well ok....I'm sure its got more but right now that's what stands out.

Another interesting feature is that even though there are no real "breaks" in the book (ex-all TPBs have breaks where the issue ends and then you get a filler page of the issue cover). Pride doesn't have those...but there are one page splahes that would signal the end of an issue if this were done in single issue format. So you have the option of reading it all the way thru with no interruption.....or breaking it up into logical chapters.
Dammit. BKV was in Midtown Comics over the weekend. If I had known ahead of time, I could've gone there. :cry:

crap. sorry, ice, i'm in NY and Midtown is my store. i've known about BKV for weeks, though i wasn't able to go. i thought maybe i should post it in case anyone was in the area and interested, but i didn't, obviously. now that i know you can make the trip i promise if i hear of any more good signings i'll post here.
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I believe someone mentioned it in the PoB thread, but not the exact location or time.
I believe someone mentioned it in the PoB thread, but not the exact location or time.

Someone mentioned it, and I even made a comment about wondering if you'd make it, Ice.
Someone mentioned it, and I even made a comment about wondering if you'd make it, Ice.
I don't remember. I heard about not too long ago, but it wasn't enough time to save money for the trip.



And thanks Dancanread. That'd help.
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