So, you're a badmouther? Huh, is that it? IS THAT IT?
I don't like this person. And I'm a real Doctor. So that's a FACT.
ALSO: A good story does not come from the newness of a concept, but the approach to that concept and how well that approach was executed. And frankly the fact that you're arguing that Kirkman's current work on Ultimate X-Men is somehow better because his all new fancy "original" ideas is complete bull****. Yes, he's trying new things, but so did BKV, and a hell of a lot better... Maybe with BKV his new approaches were all in the details rather than in the larger concepts, but with Kirkman we're not seeing anything all that new with the characters (aside from altogether new characters, which *cough* Longshot *cough* BKV did too) and all the new ideas coming out in the bigger side of things. You need to answer yourself which approach is better when you're writing a comic that's essentially intended to reopen ideas from 616 in a much less convuluted continuity.
First few stories of the Avengers were the Avengers versus the Hulk and the Avengers versus Loki. Gee, Millar sure is some sort of HACK for trying to reapproach preexisting stories from a new perspective.
And if you don't back up your arguments against his writing style any better than you have here, than I hold no disregard for him for wanting said oppinions disregarded, especially on a board operated by that writer designed specifically as a fan-board for that writer. Its a board for him to talk with his fans, not his dissenters. Its the same reason you won't find someone like Bass on the Bendis boards.
E said:
Comic shops always get TPBs and HCs befoer bookstores. I think it's how the comic companies "make it up" to comic stores for putting more and more emphasis on TPBs - give it to them first, then to the bookstores a few weeks later.
Diamond also doesn't directly ship to major Bookstore chains. They ship to their suppliers.
So the suppliers got the order today. On Tuesday of next week or the week after, said bookstores will get the titles in with their weekly shipments.