Batman/Superman news and rumors

Oh I agree with all of that Clark is creepy in Smallville and it's drowning in teen angst and drama, but Smallville also has a lot of charm and everyone really grows into their roles. There's also different "sagas" of Smallville and the further it goes the further the show grows. Eventually he leaves Smallville and eventually starts working for the Planet. It turns into "hey guys, shouldn't he be Superman right now? That's Zod and Doomsday! Bizzaro! Why is he not Superman yet!!?". Then the rest of the DC Universe starts trickling in (Wonder Twin Powers ACTIVATE!) and it's just damn fun. Jimmy has an episode where it's a black and white private dick Jimmy Olsen on the case, Lex becomes the best Lex ever put on screen (I DARE you not to cheer in the black K episode), the Justice League forms, Zatanna causes shinanigans, and Lois wears an American flag bikini while working a stripper pole. It's just fun. And then you have Season 11 where...that's the perfect season. Full blown Superman and full blown DC Universe.
Oh I agree with all of that Clark is creepy in Smallville and it's drowning in teen angst and drama, but Smallville also has a lot of charm and everyone really grows into their roles. There's also different "sagas" of Smallville and the further it goes the further the show grows. Eventually he leaves Smallville and eventually starts working for the Planet. It turns into "hey guys, shouldn't he be Superman right now? That's Zod and Doomsday! Bizzaro! Why is he not Superman yet!!?". Then the rest of the DC Universe starts trickling in (Wonder Twin Powers ACTIVATE!) and it's just damn fun. Jimmy has an episode where it's a black and white private dick Jimmy Olsen on the case, Lex becomes the best Lex ever put on screen (I DARE you not to cheer in the black K episode), the Justice League forms, Zatanna causes shinanigans, and Lois wears an American flag bikini while working a stripper pole. It's just fun. And then you have Season 11 where...that's the perfect season. Full blown Superman and full blown DC Universe.

Yeah I kind of assumed the characters would grow (hopefully the actors playing the roles too). Which episode is the Black Kryptonite episode you're referring to?

Admittedly, I was never interested in Smallville until recently, specifically because I heard about how they started incorporating the bigger DC universe and I thought it sounded fun. Makes me surprised they never did a sequel mini-series called Metropolis focusing on Clark in his early years as Superman (though maybe that was beyond a TV budget?).

Speaking of which, we should probably move this to a Smallville thread... is there a Smallville thread?
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It's an interesting theory, much like the James Bond as code name theory, but I really doubt that it holds any water. Reminds me of the Batman Beyond movie Return of the Joker. Really interesting to think about.

Eh, the James Bond only being a code name theory has waaaaaay too many holes for me to take it seriously (besides going against Ian Fleming's intentions with the character).

This theory (while I doubt it's true), does hold up--well, at least based only on the trailers for BvS and Suicide Squad (mostly the former, though).
Also, if the comics ever wanted to kill off the joker for good, this would be a good route to take.

The other day I was thinking that if they ever killed off the Joker and then decided to bring him back, why not just have a new completely different person take on the persona. It would fit since the character has never really had a set origin or identity, and would leave the door open for the various interpretations the character has had in the comics and other media. Something almost like how "Batman" has been treated as a mantle that could be passed on, and isn't tied to a single individual.
The other day I was thinking that if they ever killed off the Joker and then decided to bring him back, why not just have a new completely different person take on the persona. It would fit since the character has never really had a set origin or identity, and would leave the door open for the various interpretations the character has had in the comics and other media. Something almost like how "Batman" has been treated as a mantle that could be passed on, and isn't tied to a single individual.

I think an ongoing Batman book with Dick and Damien as Batman and Robin and Jason as the new Joker would be cool. I liked Dick and Damien's dynamic a lot. I haven't really read Batman since Bruce came back. And making Jason the new Joker would justify bringing him back, in my opinion.
This looks fun

This looks fun


Remember when you hated everything about this movie? ;)

I loved the first 2/3 of the trailer, but then when Doomsday showed up (looking like one of the Trolls from Jackson's Hobbit/LotR movies... needs more bone protrusions!) it went downhill into the punch-punch-punch domain.

The first 2/3 were excellent. Just hope this doesn't buckle under a weightless third act of heroes teaming up against Doomsday... The End.

Also, Affleck's Batman is better than Bale's in almost every way: costume, voice, movement/action (least that's been shown so far). The only thing that'll probably end up being better about Bale's is the story he's in thanks to the Nolan brothers.

Did you see the teaser with Angry Superman unmasking Batman? Confused the heck out of me.

I'm wondering if that isn't a nightmare sequence Batman/Bruce is having, to express his fears about Superman to the audience: the unbridled power, his ability to use that to either take over or destroy the world (there it looks a lot like he's created an authoritarian type dictatorship or something given the troops standing at attention when he landed and then kneeling in supplication--that's gotta be a dream sequence).
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Remember when you hated everything about this movie? ;)

I loved the first 2/3 of the trailer, but then when Doomsday showed up (looking like one of the Trolls from Jackson's Hobbit/LotR movies... needs more bone protrusions!) it went downhill into the punch-punch-punch domain.

The first 2/3 were excellent. Just hope this doesn't buckle under a weightless third act of heroes teaming up against Doomsday... The End.
I kind of felt like this trailer really spoiled the plot. Batman hates Superman, Superman thinks Batman is on overly violent vigilante. They fight. Just as their fight reaches a climax, Luthor's Doomsday (probably a reanimated and mutated Zod) is released and Wonder Woman shows up. The three of them fight Doomsday, shake hands, and become super friends. (Or possibly Superman dies saving the city from Doomsday, leading up to a World Without Superman/Return of Superman movie, after which they all shake hands and become super friends - although, knowing what movies are coming out next, I doubt that will be the case.)

I'm wondering if that isn't a nightmare sequence Batman/Bruce is having, to express his fears about Superman to the audience: the unbridled power, his ability to use that to either take over or destroy the world (there it looks a lot like he's created an authoritarian type dictatorship or something given the troops standing at attention when he landed and then kneeling in supplication--that's gotta be a dream sequence).

Yeah, I guess that makes sense.

EDIT: Possibly adding credibility to your theory is the trench coat Batman is wearing in that scene. It reminds me a bit of Cossack Batman from Red Son.
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Wrote out a long post. Took so long the token expired. Had to reload and lost everything I wrote. Why?
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Remember when you hated everything about this movie? ;)

I said fun, not good. I wasn't ready for serious Superman and jokey Batman. Hammy Lex Luthor and secret identity gags. Doomsday is in it so it's going to be terrible, but it looks like, unlike Man of Steel, I could could drunk and have fun with it. That Gotham newspaper is hilarious.

Also, Affleck's Batman is better than Bale's in almost every way: costume, voice, movement/action (least that's been shown so far). The only thing that'll probably end up being better about Bale's is the story he's in thanks to the Nolan brothers.

The Nolan movies had an absolutely awful Batman. Trained by ninjas and he couldn't fight a dog.

I'm wondering if that isn't a nightmare sequence Batman/Bruce is having, to express his fears about Superman to the audience: the unbridled power, his ability to use that to either take over or destroy the world (there it looks a lot like he's created an authoritarian type dictatorship or something given the troops standing at attention when he landed and then kneeling in supplication--that's gotta be a dream sequence).

Those look like Parademons to me so it's probably Justice League related.

I kind of felt like this trailer really spoiled the plot. Batman hates Superman, Superman thinks Batman is on overly violent vigilante. They fight. Just as their fight reaches a climax, Luthor's Doomsday (probably a reanimated and mutated Zod) is released and Wonder Woman shows up. The three of them fight Doomsday, shake hands, and become super friends. (Or possibly Superman dies saving the city from Doomsday, leading up to a World Without Superman/Return of Superman movie, after which they all shake hands and become super friends - although, knowing what movies are coming out next, I doubt that will be the case.)

All already revealed via rumors months ago.

Oh for Christ's sake, they Super-Saiyaned Doomsday?

Why not? The last film looked like Dragon Ball Z.
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Been hoping for this since I was a kid and noticed all the live action Batman films largely just had Batman throwing lame punches and barely moving.

Even the Nolan films had really lame fight scenes due to using overly heavy, almost-impossible to move in suits.

Really hoping this film features more of a Arkham game series approach to Batman's fight scenes instead of the stand in one spot, throw punches, quick cuts approach.
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Been hoping for this since I was a kid and noticed all the live action Batman films largely just had Batman throwing lame punches and barely moving.

Even the Nolan films had really lame fight scenes due to using overly heavy, almost-impossible to move in suits.

Really hoping this film features more of a Arkham game series approach to Batman's fight scenes instead of the stand in one spot, throw punches, quick cuts approach.

**** yes!!!! God Nolan's couldn't fight a dog and people would just fall over for no reason! NINJA BAT FIGHT!!!!

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