Batman/Superman news and rumors

The only thing I don't like about the new suite is Batman logo.
The Dark Knight logo was much better.

I disagree. The bat logo on the new suit is literally lifted directly from The Dark Knight Returns, as is the costume.

The new costume is absolutely the closest to the comics so far.

I actually found the Batman costume and logo to be pretty uninspired in the Nolan trilogy (that and the simplistic quick-cut fight scene and unimpressive fight choreography were my only complaints with the Nolan Batman films). I'm loving the new version of the costume, personally, logo and all.
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Not sure I understand them placing Batman toward the end of his career. It seems like if you are launching a film universe, you wouldn't want any of the characters nearing the end of their careers. That just seems like it would put an unneeded limitation on the film universe. Who knows though, they can just completely ignore the idea that he is older in future films (like what they did with Bond in Skyfall). I wonder if Luthor is wearing a wig there, or if this is before some sort of accident that renders him bald.

That said, I have to admit that seeing the Big Three together on that cover got me excited. Overall, I like these pics quite a bit. I didn't love the teaser, and have some concerns about WB's overall approach (why so much faith in Zach Snyder?), but I've become a bit more optimistic. I like the idea that Affleck will direct a Batman film, the rumored Green Lantern castings, and I've heard that the writer who is behind a lot of these DC films is quite good. Hopefully this movie delivers.

I still wish they didn't give the Joker a face tattoo. For the love of God, hopefully WB just does away with that in future films. I wouldn't even care if they don't explain it at all, as long as it's just gone.
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While we're getting an older Batman, I don't think it's fair to assume he's at the end of his career. While he's older, the emergence of all these new superheroes and the world that creates will undoubtedly keep him busy for a long time to come.

Even if he originally planned to retire, that probably went out the window with the battle over Metropolis between Superman and Zod.
I know, he said he was at the end of his run. Just saying those plans have to change due to Batman's inclusion in the upcoming Justice League films, etc.

If that's the case, why even do it in the first place? It's not like they didn't know that they were going to use Batman in their DC movie universe. I guess my point is why even decide to position Batman at the "end of his run" if they aren't going to do anything with that in the movies. You can make Batman older and more experienced with out explicitly placing him near the end of his career. Again, I ultimately doubt they do anything with that idea (which I think is a bad one at this point), which makes it all the stranger for the filmmakers to bring up to begin with. It just reiterates my belief that Snyder has only read The Dark Knight Returns, and is basing a lot of this off of that.

Also, here's an interview Zach Snyder did with, explaining the decision to destroy half of Metropolis. In it, Snyder says all the dumb things that you would expect, such as; "I was surprised because that's the thesis of Superman for me, that you can't just have superheroes knock around and have there be no consequences," says Snyder. Maybe it's just me, but I've never really thought that this was the thesis of Superman.
If that's the case, why even do it in the first place? It's not like they didn't know that they were going to use Batman in their DC movie universe. I guess my point is why even decide to position Batman at the "end of his run" if they aren't going to do anything with that in the movies. You can make Batman older and more experienced with out explicitly placing him near the end of his career. Again, I ultimately doubt they do anything with that idea (which I think is a bad one at this point), which makes it all the stranger for the filmmakers to bring up to begin with. It just reiterates my belief that Snyder has only read The Dark Knight Returns, and is basing a lot of this off of that.

The point is it offers an older and more experienced Batman (at least in comparison to Superman), and I'd suspect Batman will play a bit of a mentor role to Kal-El as he develops his Superman persona in future films (Justice League, maybe a cameo in Man of Steel 2, etc).

Plus, we've seen the Batman origin countless times in comics, films, TV, video games, etc...

We haven't seen an older and more seasoned Batman on film yet (well, arguably Bale in the third Nolan film, but he was in his early thirties max). It offers a lot of storytelling potential. It also offers the ability for them to do prequel tales of Batman earlier in his career, to flesh out the DC film universe mythos, should they choose to do so.

It's a new approach for the multiple film versions of Batman in that regard.

It also allows him to automatically assume a leadership role in the JL due to his experience (though Wonder Woman is arguably more experienced in battle, depending on how they approach her origin in the films... is she hundreds or thousands of years old in this version?).

Also, here's an interview Zach Snyder did with, explaining the decision to destroy half of Metropolis. In it, Snyder says all the dumb things that you would expect, such as; "I was surprised because that's the thesis of Superman for me, that you can't just have superheroes knock around and have there be no consequences," says Snyder. Maybe it's just me, but I've never really thought that this was the thesis of Superman.

I think it's just a poor choice of words. "Thesis" absolutely doesn't apply.

The better phrasing would've been that "such super-powered battles have large and horrifying results", which is the real world result of such things. In fact it's fantasy almost to a level of irresponsibility to think such battles between Superman and his foes don't regularly cause pretty massive destruction in the comics, or the Hulk, or any such uber-strong character.

Their fisticuffs will have massive ramifications for the human world around them.

Hopefully part of Clark/Superman's evolution as a hero and character in general in the future films will show him focusing on protecting lives (admittedly one of my biggest gripes with Man of Steel) and becoming the far more capable (and strategically-minded) character portrayed in the comics and Reeves films (the first two anyway).

In fact I'm positive Batman v Superman will cover that very topic, with Batman accusing Superman of being irresponsible and making rookie mistakes that cost the lives of tens of thousands. Hence Batman's application in being a necessary mentor role for Superman as he learns to develop his powers, etc. Minimizing casualties and collateral damage, thinking strategically, etc will hopefully all play into that.

I kind of like the idea of Batman as a mentor to a younger Superman.
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Have to admit that this made me excited. Definitely an improvement over the teaser. That said, Snyder's movies have had some great trailers in the past, only to ultimately be disappointing. The one thing I'm not really loving is Eisenberg's Luthor. I've come to terms that they're doing the younger version (even though I'd prefer the older businessman type), but he just isn't imposing enough. His lines just feel off and too manic.

Things I noticed:

- the Joker spray paint on what appears to be a Robin costume.
- Jeffrey Dean Morgan (The Comedian from Watchmen) is Thomas Wayne.
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Have to admit that this made me excited. Definitely an improvement over the teaser. That said, Snyder's movies have had some great trailers in the past, only to ultimately be disappointing.

I agree, that looks a lot better than the first trailer. Specifically because it shows that this story addresses issues I had with Man of Steel - Specifically that Superman destroyed so much of Metropolis in his fights.

I'm still reserving my excitement though, because it's Zach Snyder.
Have to admit that this made me excited. Definitely an improvement over the teaser. That said, Snyder's movies have had some great trailers in the past, only to ultimately be disappointing.

True... but to be fair, none of those films had been rewritten by Chris Terrio. I think that'll make for a major improvement alone.

The one thing I'm not really loving is Eisenberg's Luthor. I've come to terms that they're doing the younger version (even though I'd prefer the older businessman type), but he just isn't imposing enough. His lines just feel off and too manic.

Eh, I don't have a problem with it. It's a different take, which I'd prefer, than the variations offered by Hackman and Spacey. He's more of a brilliant, Machiavellian manipulator (which makes sense given his business success). We all know by the film's end he'll have lost the hair and likely have developed a harder edge more in-line with Luthor from the comics, while still retaining a degree of originality.

Things I noticed:

- the Joker spray paint on what appears to be a Robin costume.
- Jeffrey Dean Morgan (The Comedian from Watchmen) is Thomas Wayne.

Definitely a Robin costume... Jason Todd's to be exact.

Also, I'm already more impressed by the quick fight scenes in that showing what Batman can do. Way better than any of the previous Batman films. Not quite as good as I'd have preferred, but a major improvement.

There's a cam version of the Suicide Squad trailer as well.

It looks like fun. Not a fan of the approach Margot Robbie is adopting in terms of Harley's voice (its unimpressive to say the least) but she's got the physicality aspect of the role down. Plus, we get to see a bit of Batman and Joker. While I'm not a fan of the tattoos, I'm looking forward to Leto's take on the character.
This looks laughably bad. Might be a so bad it's good even. I'm excited to Redbox this.
The redcapes are coming! Lol

It's a reference to Paul Revere, and the classic "the red coats are coming" line.

He's obviously delivering it with a bunch of smarmy attitude/joking behavior, which I'm assuming is him reveling in his ability to manipulate and trick Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent into viewing each other as foes. Like I said, obviously this Luthor is a more Machiavellian strategist than the Hackman version.

In fact this version is closer to the Smallville version of Lex (though noticeably much more intelligent) than the Hackman version. I'm surprised that doesn't appeal to you in that regard, knowing you're a fan of the show.
It's a reference to Paul Revere, and the classic "the red coats are coming" line.


It's cheesy and out of place with the rest of the trailer. I love it!

He's obviously delivering it with a bunch of
In fact this version is closer to the Smallville version of Lex (though noticeably much more intelligent) than the Hackman version. I'm surprised that doesn't appeal to you in that regard, knowing you're a fan of the show.

Nah, I love this, but you haven't seen Smallville Lex at his finest yet. The black K episode and the finale are the best. I thought Lex was the most interesting part. I refuse to see it theaters, but I am going to rent it. I was laughing through the whole thing because it feels like it's trying so hard to be serious and Oscar worthy, but it's coming off as pretentious and silly. Might be a so bad it's good, but I can't see this being a good movie by any stretch of the imagination.

It's cheesy and out of place with the rest of the trailer. I love it!

Nah, I love this, but you haven't seen Smallville Lex at his finest yet. The black K episode and the finale are the best. I thought Lex was the most interesting part. I refuse to see it theaters, but I am going to rent it. I was laughing through the whole thing because it feels like it's trying so hard to be serious and Oscar worthy, but it's coming off as pretentious and silly. Might be a so bad it's good, but I can't see this being a good movie by any stretch of the imagination.

Lex is literally one of the few decent things about the show. Lionel is ok, and Jonathan and Martha are likeable, but Clark comes off as a creep throughout most of Season 1 with the whole Lana thing (spying on her with a telescope all the time), etc. And Tom Welling has about as much charisma and range as a circus monkey. He has two expressions: smiling, and melancholy. This is why I hate fan casting, because its inherently unimaginitive, and Welling doesn't deserve to be playing Superman on TV, let alone film. And the teeny bopper stuff is just... overbearing. Lana, Chloe, and Pete are all pretty one dimensional throughout Season 1 and the first half of Season 2. Its just the formulaic antagonist of the week stuff with a few long term plot threads that really aren't interesting. Also, you'd think a town with THAT many strange super-powered occurrences after a meteor strike would likely have more government oversight (like down to possible quarantine zone), not normal everyday life going on as nothing is happening.

I also don't understand how people point to MoS's faults when Smallville has many of the exact same faults... and at least Henry Cavill's version wasn't using a telescope to play creepster Peeping Tom. Both versions of Jonathan Kent were protective of Clark (arguably overprotective), and I distinctly remember the Smallville version scolding Clark for using his powers to help Lex in the Pilot episode (and quite a few others througout the first season), so I'm not sure how people lay blame at MoS's feet while giving Smallville a pass. Plus, MoS wasn't 50% 90210-esque teen relationship drama. Smallville comes off as extremely pretentious and silly most of the time itself, is my point.

And given this film has Terrio behind it, I'll give it the benefit of doubt until I see it. I think the trailer was powerful and well done.

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