Batman/Superman Anthology Timelines

I pulled the trigger on Catwoman 2004's Blu Ray. It's canon so I have to add it to the collection since I'm a completionist. Is it really as terrible as everyone makes it out to be?
I pulled the trigger on Catwoman 2004's Blu Ray. It's canon so I have to add it to the collection since I'm a completionist. Is it really as terrible as everyone makes it out to be?
Did you hate or just dislike Batman & Robin? If the latter, it's not "that" terrible.
In the Human Target TV series from 2010, are there any references to Batman, Superman or other DC characters?
So yesterday I watched Catwoman for the first time. You know what? It wasn't nearly as terrible as I expected it to be. It's a perfectly serviceable comic book flick from the early 2000s. Not sure what people expected out of a Catwoman movie not featuring Selina Kyle. Honestly, it's miles better than Justice League (2017). I think if watched as part of the DCEU multiverse, it's a far better experience. As a stand-alone film, I can see the issues with it though. Up next, Jonah Hex!
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But... he goes from having Christopher Reeve's face to Brandon Routh's and then to Reeve's again in The Flash (the movie). I know it is not so confusing:

-Earth-89 - Batman I-II + Catwoman
-Earth-96 - Superman I-IV + Returns + Supergirl + Joker in Daily Planet (Was it ever called officially Earth-78 or did fans deduce it from Earth-66, Earth-89 and Earth-97 designations?)

-Earth-96/789 - Batman I-II + Catwoman + Superman I-IV + Supergirl + Returns + Joker doesn't massacre the Daily Planet

Flashpoint (DCEU, not Arrowverse)
-Earth-1-Flashpoint - Batman I-II (?) + The Flash
-Earth-96(?) - Superman I-IV + Supergirl

-Earth-96/789 - Back as Post-Crisis?

But the fact that characters changing actors is a plot point in The Flash makes me start wondering if there is more in there, even if it wasn't the intention.

Hum... It is the fact that the Joker of Earth-96 merges with his Earth-89 counterpart, that is dead by time of the Daily Planet massacre, the thing that prevents it from happening?
I dont think that the Flash cameo of Reeve and Slater was reference to "Earth-789"
I dont think that Andy Muschietti tried to suggest that.
Remember, in the same scene, West Batman and George Reeves sups are in different earths, and in batman 66 comic, there is a George reeves clark kent cameo.
It works better for the continuity keep Comics multiverse and crisis separate from Live Action Multiverse.
We would have
Earth 89 : Batman 1989-1997.
Earth 96 : Superman 1978-2006.
Earth 789 : Superman I-IV, Superman '78, Superman '78 the metal Curtain, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman '89 and Batman '89 Echoes.
makes more that Superman I-IV happened with returns and CW COIE, also there is 0 reference to superman returns or COIE Brandon Rputh Sups appearence in Superman '78 comics.
Also contradicts a lot of points of the movies.
Similar to Batman with 1995-1997 films and Batman 89 comics.
But here with Superman 2006 and Superman 78 comics.
Honestly not trying to influence anyone's timelines. But here are some of my own personal thoughts. Some I held back for awhile because I have no interest in changing anyone's mind. But a few interpretations from the movies, tv, etc alone.

The Flash Movie - I figured considering the different worlds are colliding and that the Flash has seen past, present, future. All of time is colliding too. Whatever Earth or timeline how ever defined - that is the 60s Batman during the 1960s. So in theory could be earlier on the timeline of Earth 66 we saw in Crisis. Same goes for Christopher Reeve/Superman and Helen Slater/Supergirl. From their perspective it's sometime in the late 80s or early 90s. Obviously after Supergirl the Movie.

In terms the Superman 78 comics. Shrugs... there are things to like about those BUT it's hard to reconcile any of those movies with Jor-El and Lara surviving. Regardless of Donner or Lester cuts a core idea of those films is that Kal-El is trained by a simulation of Jor-El. Both Donner's films even suggest vaguely that it's more than a simulation but his actual spirit survives in the green crystal. Than sacrifices himself to give Kal- El his powers back.

Superman IV it's his mother's artificial intelligence or spirit. Superman Returns has Luthor steal the father Crystal. Which is huge loss for him.

Anyways at no point in these comics when Jor-El and Lara turn up alive does the subject of "Crystal Jor-El" come up. Superman's whole knowledge of Krypton is from his "father". Regardless of how you define that "father". At most living Jor-El should have asked " I hope that Crystal of me worked out!" Than if they are living in the Fortress in miniature any later of stories of Superman needing Kryptonian Crystals are irrelevant.
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Maybe I am being way too critical of the Superman 78 comics. First movie came out year I was born - 1978. So I have literally been thinking about this stuff my whole life. Maybe if these came out when I was younger I would l love more. But the author and DC have ideas that do not exactly fit the movies. DC has this weird fixation in recent years of having Jor-El alive in modern stories. People had problems with John Byrne keeping the Kents alive into Clark's childhood. Which I am neutral on. Jor-El? At most time travel or hologram/etc. An actual survivor is Elseworlds territory. Undermines Superman's great loss in a way makes Martha or Jonathan living seem trivial.
Honestly, I can accept the Jor-El/Lara retcon. It happens between II and III, so it really only steps on the toes of Superman IV significantly. The Kryptonians could either be A.I. or holograms of Kandor survivors. Superman Returns depends on if you take it as canon, but say you do (as Earth-96 is intended to be), that becomes problematic due to Clark being the last Kryptonian. Perhaps Kandor was destroyed or lost off-screen, or we can contextualise it as Clark looking for a way to free them.
I should have added I hope it's followed up on in later comics. Regardless if it contradicts Superman IV or any later stories. It opens up story possibilities.