Batman/Superman Anthology Timelines

Do we know the Release Dates for Batman '89 Echoes #3-6 and Superman '78 The Metal Curtain #6?
Resurrection will directly follow the events after the 1989 movie, in a similar manner to DC Comics' own Batman '89 miniseries, as Batman's fight to protect Gotham in the wake of the Joker's death continues. Ever vigilant, Batman battles the remnants of the Joker's gang, but between criminal turmoil, the lingering damage the Joker's gas attacks had on the city, and trying to imagine a future for himself beyond crime fighting, he realizes that it will take both of his masks to try and pull Gotham back into the light: the cowl of the caped crusader and the wealthy pocket book of Bruce Wayne. But as he finds his desire to save Gotham becoming an obsession, and the forces of the criminal underworld growing more powerful by the day, Batman begins to wonder... could his greatest foe have survived their fateful encounter?
So, we're doing this then. Huh. Well, it's the third time they've decided to resurrect Joker.
Why did the Flash imply Christopher Reeves Superman was a separate universe even though the Keaton Batman and Reeves Superman share a universe?
How did the Flashpoint timeline get to have a variant of the Keaton Batman instead of the Affleck Batman if it's a divergent timeline of the DCEU?
How did the Flashpoint timeline get to have a variant of the Keaton Batman instead of the Affleck Batman if it's a divergent timeline of the DCEU?
The short answer: Flashpoint caused timelines from other universes to merge with the DCEU's creating a mix-match/Frankenstein universe.

The LONG answer: To quote Nickelback, look at this photograph.

The Speed Force is part of the Timestream aka the 4-Dimension representing "TIME". Time encompasses ALL Earths and the barriers between it in the same space (but a different, temporal layer) as The Bleed between worlds.

When DCEU Barry broke the Speed Force's barrier he unlocked the ability to manipulate all time, EVERYWHERE, via the poorly-CGI'd "Cosmic Treadmill". Although when he used it to directly affect the DCEU's timeline, it attracted other Earths and their respected timelines to bleed into it. Like a knot of different events that replaced prior ones.

I wanna remind you that DCEU Barry is 100% the fastest Flash EVER in live-action so he was able to do this, unlike Grant's Flash or any other speedster in the multiverse besides Jay Garrick of Adventures of Superman (1952)'s Earth.


You can't undo what's broken thus things got switcheroo'd once more when Flash undid Flashpoint, thus this Crisis event is resolved -- BUT it put the DCEU characters & events for the most part into a separate Earth (NO LONGER Earth-1 btw) with Clooney replacing Batfleck in its new timeline. Meanwhile, Keaton I assume is alive again and not only likely to be merged with the Superman 78 universe now but might have gained BatClooney's history from Earth-97 as well.

Shortest answer: Things got switched around because time can affect the DC multiverse.

It's convenience for the sake of condensing.
Technically that would be apart of Earth 789s history right? Since it technically is just merged with the DCEU
The short answer: Flashpoint caused timelines from other universes to merge with the DCEU's creating a mix-match/Frankenstein universe.

The LONG answer: To quote Nickelback, look at this photograph.
View attachment 2260

The Speed Force is part of the Timestream aka the 4-Dimension representing "TIME". Time encompasses ALL Earths and the barriers between it in the same space (but a different, temporal layer) as The Bleed between worlds.

When DCEU Barry broke the Speed Force's barrier he unlocked the ability to manipulate all time, EVERYWHERE, via the poorly-CGI'd "Cosmic Treadmill". Although when he used it to directly affect the DCEU's timeline, it attracted other Earths and their respected timelines to bleed into it. Like a knot of different events that replaced prior ones.

I wanna remind you that DCEU Barry is 100% the fastest Flash EVER in live-action so he was able to do this, unlike Grant's Flash or any other speedster in the multiverse besides Jay Garrick of Adventures of Superman (1952)'s Earth.

View attachment 2262

You can't undo what's broken thus things got switcheroo'd once more when Flash undid Flashpoint, thus this Crisis event is resolved -- BUT it put the DCEU characters & events for the most part into a separate Earth (NO LONGER Earth-1 btw) with Clooney replacing Batfleck in its new timeline. Meanwhile, Keaton I assume is alive again and not only likely to be merged with the Superman 78 universe now but might have gained BatClooney's history from Earth-97 as well.

Shortest answer: Things got switched around because time can affect the DC multiverse.

It's convenience for the sake of condensing.
Wow, freaking nailed it for me lol.

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