Batman/Detective Comics Series Discussion *Spoilers*



I realize the guy is my friend and I am running the risk of being a shill, but just look at this art... I hope DC keeps this up, and Detective Comics continues being the most artistically interesting Batman book on the stands. And the story sounds pretty incredible. Batman up-front-and-center with Commissioner Gordon back-ups for the next 12 issues, this artistic team in tact (barring delays, etc). It's going to look incredible.
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I realize the guy is my friend and I am running the risk of being a shill, but just look at this art... I hope DC keeps this up, and Detective Comics continues being the most artistically interesting Batman book on the stands. And the story sounds pretty incredible. Batman up-front-and-center with Commissioner Gordon back-ups for the next 12 issues, this artistic team in tact (barring delays, etc). It's going to look incredible.

Love it. I'll check it out.
The 700 issue rocked my socks!

So good. Bruce is the man of course, but I love Grayson as the Bat, I love Damian as the Bat, and tying both the Mutants from DKR and Terry into regular DCU continuity was one SWEET... SWEET SUPER SWEET moment for me.

Here's to 700 more issues. I am on board for this ****.

Batman is the one thing that will always be in my pull list. Not even Wolverine is in my pull right now, not until Logan comes back at least.
Did anyone read Scott Snyder's first issue?

I want to be his heterosexual life partner.
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some day, when the whole thing has been collected in trades. If DC didn't wait so long between releasing their hard covers and their tpbs it would be an easier process.
some day, when the whole thing has been collected in trades. If DC didn't wait so long between releasing their hard covers and their tpbs it would be an easier process.

I'm pretty sure his whole Batman run has been collected in trades.

Yep, it has:

Volume One: Batman and Son seems to collect both the Batman and Son story which introduces Damian and the Three Ghosts story that introduces the replacement Batmen.

Volume Two: The Black Glove includes the great JH Williams' illustrated story starring the Club of Heroes as well as the lead-in issues to R.I.P.

Volume Three: Batman R.I.P. collects RIP.

and that's basically everything... You can get all three together for 32 bucks and change on Amazon. You could get the Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul trade but only two issues are by Morrison and it doesn't really play into the run at all. Plus, it's terrible.
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i meant those plus Batman And Robin volumes 1&2 as well as The Return of Bruce Wayne.

I've actually read Batman And Son several years ago and had no idea what was going on. I think I decided it was an elseworlds story until I heard that Morrison killed Batman and Dick and Damien had taken over as Batman & Robin.
So i bought Batman & Son as well as Batman RIP today. They didn't have a copy of Batman: Black Glove in stock, but they ordered one.
So I just finished reading the Knightfall trilogy (including the issues that come between parts 2 & 3 that haven't been collected, and the aftermath stuff - i.e. Prodigal). It was pretty good, but Jean-Paul Valley became boring very quickly. I liked the initial story leading up to Bane "breaking" Batman, and the story of Batman training with Lady Shiva to get back in shape, the rest of it was just okay.

I also just read Hush. I had low expectations going in b/c it was Jeph Loeb, but it was actually pretty readable. I wasn't expecting the mystery to be solved at all (ala The Long Halloween) but everything tied together well at the end.

Next up is Batman & Son, Batman: The Black Glove, and Batman: RIP