I see. The technology is far too advanced to be the 80s-90s however this is the world of superheroes after all.

I'll have a revision and see what I think.
I honestly would leave the years as they are now. What I would change Is some placements. Arkham knight has to take Place 10 years After origins, thanks to Deathstroke. (As I am thinking this now we are 13 Days apart from the main events of Arkham Knight).
I see. The technology is far too advanced to be the 80s-90s however this is the world of superheroes after all.

I'll have a revision and see what I think.
I have to say I've been reading a few 90s image comics lately and the technology in them is very similar to what we see in the Arkham games, being hyper advanced yet also treated as not too uncommon. Also Arkham city has always been treated as some what anachronistic in style, particularly since the Burton films....

...damnit Im starting to be convinced that the Arkham games are set in the 90s now!
But if the days line up with 1988 but the year lines up with 2013... In any case the year would be more important that the days
I honestly would leave the years as they are now. What I would change Is some placements. Arkham knight has to take Place 10 years After origins, thanks to Deathstroke. (As I am thinking this now we are 13 Days apart from the main events of Arkham Knight).
I always took 10 years to be an estimate because the fire crew also state that Firefly hit about 10 years ago. I used the dates given in the comics "Friday 1 October" to align with years with that date.

The comics are of limited canonicity, but Arkham is consistently dodgy with its timeline.
The year given in Origins' trailer is the closest we have to a firm date in the franchise, however a trailer is of limited canon. You could explain the technology as big companies like Lexcorp and WayneTech making huge scientific advances, but I'm still uncertain of it.

(I'm just glad there's new stuff for us to talk about)
finally found the calendar people are talking about at about 43 seconds in the trailer below

It clearly states December 2013 is the current year, so I would go with that as the date. Personally I tend to assume that information in story-based trailer is canon unless it contradicts the main game, and its easier to assume that the Arkhamverse universe months are different to ours

One of the best game trailers ever

its easier to assume that the Arkhamverse universe months are different to ours
The calendar next to Calendar Man in Arkham City is the same as ours, even with dates of significant events of the months used for the Easter Eggs. The certain days that events fall on (eg. Thanksgiving) can also help determine the years.
okay, I while back, I started studying the Arkham games to see where the side missions could fit, with the story mode, to have it more cohesive. So I finished my study on Batman: Arkham Origins and his DLCs (I'm on Origins Blackgate now and do you know that Toyman is actually dead in the Arkhamverse? He died during the events of Blackgate, so another Superman reference), so here's what I gathered:

First of all, I used this Walktrough as a basic, then I changed the order of things to put them better with the whole story; another thing of note, for me the perfect beginning is the beginning of the game, but I have a placement for all the tie-in medias taking place before Arkham Origins; and lastly but not least, this isn't a timeline, we already have that thanks to our great @UltimateWhovian7 this is basically an help (maybe a companion order is the right term) to Mr. @UltimateWhovian7 in creating a Watching/Playing/Reading Order, so let's begins:

Playing/Watching/Reading Order (Only Main Game):
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 1: "Searching Black Mask in Blackgate" (Chapters name taken from the Batman: Arkham Origins: Official Guide; Chapter ends after the Batcomputer cutscenes)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Unlocking Enigma Side Mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Enigma" (From this point on You can go collecting all the collectibles, I won't list where to collect them here, but if you want you can collect them following the walktrough link I gave to you)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Chapter Ends after Leaving The Final Offer)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Anarky"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "The Penguin"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the Sewers)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Mad Hatter"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Chapter ends with the bank explosion)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Until Leaving the Bank)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Shiva" (I think that's the best point on where you can start the quest, it is literally 5 steps further the bank and after meeting Shiva, Bats will tell to her he doesn't have time for this, reflecting this point of the plot perfectly, also you could say that Shiva and Deadshot appears on the TV screans of the Royal Hotel, but I also think that's not canon, If didn't happen nothing to them, I see no reason for their absence at the reunion)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Until Unlocking Deadshot Side Mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Deadshot" (I explained Deadshot point with shiva, plus it's an emergency beacon to which Bats will answer Immidiatly, and if you don't think that Bats doesn't deals with both Deadshot and Shiva at this point, just wait for Chapter 6's title)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Chapter Ends after Entering The Royal Hotel)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 5: "Between the Shadows of the Royal Hotel" (Chapter Ends after defeating Joker)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Until leaving the Batcave)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Black Mask" (I left Black Mask here cos I think it isn't something so urgent to having Batman stopping Sionis before getting to Joker, and even then I think doing this during that period of time will slow the narrative incrisenly, so I think doing this here is for the best)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Until leaving the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Bird"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Chapter Ends with the Defeat of Firefly)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 7: "The Final Countdown" (Chapter Ends with the End of the game)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Blackgate Inmates on the Loose"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Enigma" (100% Finish this mission)

Playing/Watching/Reading Order (Arkham Origins Era):
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 1: "Searching Black Mask in Blackgate" (Chapters Name taken from Batman: Arkham Origins: Official Game Guide, Chapter ends after the Batcomputer cutscenes)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Contracts (Batman is reading the assassin's files)

Batman: Arkham Origins - Trailer (I think this works perfectly as a flashback for Batman after reading Deathstroke Files)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Prototype Batwing Schematics (Batman is preparing for going out)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Unlocking Enigma Side Mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Enigma" (From this point on You can go collecting all the collectibles, I won't list where to collect them here, but if you want you can collect them following the walktrough link I gave to you)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Chapter Ends after Leaving The Final Offer)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Anarky"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "The Penguin"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the Sewers)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Leaving the Batcave)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Mobile: Chapter 1: "Tutorial" (All of Mobile has to happen during the early stages of the game, since Joker doesn't exist and all the Assassins in this game are on the loose)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Wayne Family Photo (Batman is giving respect to his parents before enbarking on his hardest mission yet)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Unlocking Enigma Side Mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Enigma" (From this point on You can go collecting all the collectibles, I won't list where to collect them here, but if you want you can collect them following the walktrough link I gave to you)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Hacking First Antenna)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Mobile: Chapter 2: "Uptown Gotham"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Mobile: Chapter 3: "The Pier"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Hacking Second Antenna)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Mobile: Chapter 4: "Downtown Gotham"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Mobile: Chapter 5: "Industrial District"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Chapter Ends after Leaving The Final Offer)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Deathstroke and Black Mask DLC (Using Deathstroke in the Black Mask DLC Campaign Map, will give you an explanation on how Wilson get to Bats; Of Course this DLC is treated as a Flashback)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Anarky"
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Anarky Tags (Batman is Analizing the Anarky Tags he found in the City)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Map of Gotham (Batman found this in the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Most Wanted Poster (Batman found this in the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - G.C.P.D. Proofs (Batman found this in the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "The Penguin"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the Sewers)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Mad Hatter"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Chapter ends with the bank explosion)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Mad Hatter"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Chapter ends with the bank explosion)

Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Prototype Batwing Schematics (Batman is preparing for going out)
Batman: Arkham Origins #1 (Bats is unconcious and he is thinking about how life was before the Joker's arrival)
Batman: Arkham Origins #2
Batman: Arkham Origins #3
Batman: Arkham Origins #4
Batman: Arkham Origins #5
Batman: Arkham Origins #6
Batman: Arkham Origins #7
Batman: Arkham Origins #8

Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Until Leaving the Bank)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Shiva" (I think that's the best point on where you can start the quest, it is literally 5 steps further the bank and after meeting Shiva, Bats will tell to her he doesn't have time for this, reflecting this point of the plot perfectly, also you could say that Shiva and Deadshot appears on the TV screans of the Royal Hotel, but I also think that's not canon, If didn't happen nothing to them, I see no reason for their absence at the reunion)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Initiation (Bats is wondering whene he saw Shiva, she was so familiar...)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Until Unlocking Deadshot Side Mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Deadshot" (I explained Deadshot point with shiva, plus it's an emergency beacon to which Bats will answer Immidiatly, and if you don't think that Bats doesn't deals with both Deadshot and Shiva at this point, just wait for Chapter 6's title)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Chapter Ends after Entering The Royal Hotel)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 5: "Between the Shadows of the Royal Hotel" (Until Starting Bane's Boss Fight)

Batman: Arkham Origins - Tv Spot (Present Day Section is set during this Boss Fight)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 5: "Between the Shadows of the Royal Hotel" (Chapter Ends after defeating Joker)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Until leaving the Batcave)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Black Mask" (I left Black Mask here cos I think it isn't something so urgent to having Batman stopping Sionis before getting to Joker, and even then I think doing this during that period of time will slow the narrative incrisenly, so I think doing this here is for the best)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Until leaving the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Bird"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Chapter Ends with the Defeat of Firefly)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 7: "The Final Countdown" (Chapter Ends with the End of the game)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Blackgate Inmates on the Loose"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Enigma" (100% Finish this mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold, Heart
Batman: Arkham Origins - Blackgate: Deluxe Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer:
"Joker Encripted Message #1"
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Bane Encripted Message #1"
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Blackgate Prison" (Bane Victory)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Bane Encripted Message #2"
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Wayne Chemical Plant" (Joker Victory)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Joker Encripted Message #2"
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Wonder City Robot Factory" (Robin Victory)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "The Joker's Funhouse" (Batman Victory)
Last edited:
Huys, in one of the cases in Batman: Arkham Origins - Blackgate: Deluxe Edition, there are a lot of non-Gotham Villains (one example is Count Vertigo) who are being searched by a misterious man from Metropolis, so this is 100% Lex Luthor. With that in mind and the fact Bats doesn't know Lex at this point in time, (8th April 2014, for who is asking) we can deduce that Batman and Superman haven't met yet, and the Justice League doesn't exist. So it's probable that during 2014, Bats will further investigate this leading to his 1st encounter with Sups and Luthor. So we can further tell that the Justice League was founded sometime between 2014 and 2019.

P.S. The founding of the Justice League has to happen before Arkham Asylum cos the events of the trilogy are one following the other basically (you have to see the complete story with the tie-in media). So for having a more precice date: The Founding of the Justice League of America happens sometime between 9th April 2014 and May 2019.
okay, I while back, I started studying the Arkham games to see where the side missions could fit, with the story mode, to have it more cohesive. So I finished my study on Batman: Arkham Origins and his DLCs (I'm on Origins Blackgate now and do you know that Toyman is actually dead in the Arkhamverse? He died during the events of Blackgate, so another Superman reference), so here's what I gathered:

First of all, I used this Walktrough as a basic, then I changed the order of things to put them better with the whole story; another thing of note, for me the perfect beginning is the beginning of the game, but I have a placement for all the tie-in medias taking place before Arkham Origins; and lastly but not least, this isn't a timeline, we already have that thanks to our great @UltimateWhovian7 this is basically an help (maybe a companion order is the right term) to Mr. @UltimateWhovian7 in creating a Watching/Playing/Reading Order, so let's begins:

Playing/Watching/Reading Order (Only Main Game):
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 1: "Searching Black Mask in Blackgate" (Chapters name taken from the Batman: Arkham Origins: Official Guide; Chapter ends after the Batcomputer cutscenes)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Unlocking Enigma Side Mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Enigma" (From this point on You can go collecting all the collectibles, I won't list where to collect them here, but if you want you can collect them following the walktrough link I gave to you)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Chapter Ends after Leaving The Final Offer)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Anarky"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "The Penguin"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the Sewers)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Mad Hatter"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Chapter ends with the bank explosion)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Until Leaving the Bank)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Shiva" (I think that's the best point on where you can start the quest, it is literally 5 steps further the bank and after meeting Shiva, Bats will tell to her he doesn't have time for this, reflecting this point of the plot perfectly, also you could say that Shiva and Deadshot appears on the TV screans of the Royal Hotel, but I also think that's not canon, If didn't happen nothing to them, I see no reason for their absence at the reunion)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Until Unlocking Deadshot Side Mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Deadshot" (I explained Deadshot point with shiva, plus it's an emergency beacon to which Bats will answer Immidiatly, and if you don't think that Bats doesn't deals with both Deadshot and Shiva at this point, just wait for Chapter 6's title)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Chapter Ends after Entering The Royal Hotel)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 5: "Between the Shadows of the Royal Hotel" (Chapter Ends after defeating Joker)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Until leaving the Batcave)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Black Mask" (I left Black Mask here cos I think it isn't something so urgent to having Batman stopping Sionis before getting to Joker, and even then I think doing this during that period of time will slow the narrative incrisenly, so I think doing this here is for the best)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Until leaving the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Bird"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Chapter Ends with the Defeat of Firefly)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 7: "The Final Countdown" (Chapter Ends with the End of the game)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Blackgate Inmates on the Loose"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Enigma" (100% Finish this mission)

Playing/Watching/Reading Order (Arkham Origins Era):
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 1: "Searching Black Mask in Blackgate" (Chapters Name taken from Batman: Arkham Origins: Official Game Guide, Chapter ends after the Batcomputer cutscenes)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Contracts (Batman is reading the assassin's files)

Batman: Arkham Origins - Trailer (I think this works perfectly as a flashback for Batman after reading Deathstroke Files)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Prototype Batwing Schematics (Batman is preparing for going out)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Unlocking Enigma Side Mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Enigma" (From this point on You can go collecting all the collectibles, I won't list where to collect them here, but if you want you can collect them following the walktrough link I gave to you)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Chapter Ends after Leaving The Final Offer)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Anarky"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "The Penguin"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the Sewers)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Leaving the Batcave)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Mobile: Chapter 1: "Tutorial" (All of Mobile has to happen during the early stages of the game, since Joker doesn't exist and all the Assassins in this game are on the loose)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Wayne Family Photo (Batman is giving respect to his parents before enbarking on his hardest mission yet)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Unlocking Enigma Side Mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Enigma" (From this point on You can go collecting all the collectibles, I won't list where to collect them here, but if you want you can collect them following the walktrough link I gave to you)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Hacking First Antenna)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Mobile: Chapter 2: "Uptown Gotham"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Mobile: Chapter 3: "The Pier"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Until Hacking Second Antenna)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Mobile: Chapter 4: "Downtown Gotham"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Mobile: Chapter 5: "Industrial District"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 2: "On the Trail of the Penguin" (Chapter Ends after Leaving The Final Offer)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Deathstroke and Black Mask DLC (Using Deathstroke in the Black Mask DLC Campaign Map, will give you an explanation on how Wilson get to Bats; Of Course this DLC is treated as a Flashback)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Anarky"
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Anarky Tags (Batman is Analizing the Anarky Tags he found in the City)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Map of Gotham (Batman found this in the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Most Wanted Poster (Batman found this in the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - G.C.P.D. Proofs (Batman found this in the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "The Penguin"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Until Leaving the Sewers)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Mad Hatter"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Chapter ends with the bank explosion)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Mad Hatter"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 3: "Investigation on the New Criminal" (Chapter ends with the bank explosion)

Batman: Arkham Origins Collector's Edition - Prototype Batwing Schematics (Batman is preparing for going out)
Batman: Arkham Origins #1 (Bats is unconcious and he is thinking about how life was before the Joker's arrival)
Batman: Arkham Origins #2
Batman: Arkham Origins #3
Batman: Arkham Origins #4
Batman: Arkham Origins #5
Batman: Arkham Origins #6
Batman: Arkham Origins #7
Batman: Arkham Origins #8

Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Until Leaving the Bank)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Shiva" (I think that's the best point on where you can start the quest, it is literally 5 steps further the bank and after meeting Shiva, Bats will tell to her he doesn't have time for this, reflecting this point of the plot perfectly, also you could say that Shiva and Deadshot appears on the TV screans of the Royal Hotel, but I also think that's not canon, If didn't happen nothing to them, I see no reason for their absence at the reunion)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Initiation (Bats is wondering whene he saw Shiva, she was so familiar...)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Until Unlocking Deadshot Side Mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Deadshot" (I explained Deadshot point with shiva, plus it's an emergency beacon to which Bats will answer Immidiatly, and if you don't think that Bats doesn't deals with both Deadshot and Shiva at this point, just wait for Chapter 6's title)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 4: "A Trail to Follow" (Chapter Ends after Entering The Royal Hotel)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 5: "Between the Shadows of the Royal Hotel" (Until Starting Bane's Boss Fight)

Batman: Arkham Origins - Tv Spot (Present Day Section is set during this Boss Fight)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 5: "Between the Shadows of the Royal Hotel" (Chapter Ends after defeating Joker)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Until leaving the Batcave)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Black Mask" (I left Black Mask here cos I think it isn't something so urgent to having Batman stopping Sionis before getting to Joker, and even then I think doing this during that period of time will slow the narrative incrisenly, so I think doing this here is for the best)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Until leaving the G.C.P.D.)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Bird"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 6: "Two Assassin's on the Loose" (Chapter Ends with the Defeat of Firefly)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Chapter 7: "The Final Countdown" (Chapter Ends with the End of the game)
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Blackgate Inmates on the Loose"
Batman: Arkham Origins: Side Missions: "Enigma" (100% Finish this mission)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold, Heart
Batman: Arkham Origins - Blackgate: Deluxe Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer:
"Joker Encripted Message #1"
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Bane Encripted Message #1"
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Blackgate Prison" (Bane Victory)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Bane Encripted Message #2"
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Wayne Chemical Plant" (Joker Victory)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Joker Encripted Message #2"
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "Wonder City Robot Factory" (Robin Victory)
Batman: Arkham Origins - Multiplayer: "The Joker's Funhouse" (Batman Victory)

Arkham Origins era finished. Now moving into the Arkham Asylum Era.
okay I think we can place the Justice League Debut and forming in 2015. I saw Assault on Arkham, and Bats knows Waller. In the comics, animated projects and movies, Bats meet Waller for the 1st time after founding the league. Since the arkhamverse isn't too distant from comic books, and the fact that at 90% Batman and Superman met in 2014. We can place the league founding in 2015, 1 year after Batman and Superman met and 1 year before the events of Assault on Arkham.

This is for Mr. @UltimateWhovian7. I saw the movie with the Blue Rai Disck, so here's a chapter breackdown for you if you want to devide the movie in chapters:

Batman: Assault on Arkham: Chapter 1 (0:00:00-0:09:50)
Batman: Assault on Arkham: Chapter 2 (0:09:51-0:20:56)
Batman: Assault on Arkham: Chapter 3 (0:20:57-0:30:06)
Batman: Assault on Arkham: Chapter 4 (0:30:07-0:38:56)
Batman: Assault on Arkham: Chapter 5 (0:38:57-0:50:28)
Batman: Assault on Arkham: Chapter 6 (0:50:29-0:59:17)
Batman: Assault on Arkham: Chapter 7 (0:59:18-1:09:11)
Batman: Assault on Arkham: Chapter 8 (1:09:11-0:12:52)
Batman: Assault on Arkham: Chapter 9 (1:12:53-1:15:55)