Assassin's Creed Timeline

Well FFTiago didnt implement to his blog page DalC for Valhalla yet.

But there is:
So based on some good historical corrections from other users, my list is looking like:

Rygjaflyke - December 872

Ravensthorpe missions - January 873

Grantbridgescire - Spring 873

Ledecestrescire - Spring 874

Ravensthorpe missions - Early Summer 874

East Anglia - Summer 874

Lunden - Summer 874

Oxenefordscire - Summer 874

Sciropscire - Late summer 874

Cent - November(ish) 874

Essexe - August 875

Lincolnscre - Mid- Late 875

Jorvik - December 875

Snotinghamscire - Late December 875 to early 876

Suthsexe - early 876

Vinland - Mid 876

Eurvicscire -Winter 876

Wincestre - November 876 to March 877

Glowecestrescire - October 877

Hordafylke - November 877

Hamtunscire - Late December 877, ends January 6th 878

Order - January - February 878

Gunnar Marriage - Early 878

Ireland - meeting Azar in Ravensthorpe - early-mid 878

Isle of Skye - Mid 878

Ireland - 879-881

Mastery Challenges 1 - 880s

Tombs 1 - 880s

River Raids - 880s

Mastery Challenges 2 - 880s

Tombs 2 - 880s

Dawn of Ragnarok - 885

France - 886-887/january 888

Forgotten Saga - Late 880s

Shared History - Late 880s

The Last Chapter - 889
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View attachment 3149
thanks again Jane. If you can, try to remind him to upload the list! I love how he added the side quests and cult killings in those timelines.
I was really hoping the novel would give me a lot of ideas of a lot of the 'canon' choices but you can tell they weren't working closely with the game team compared to the others

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