Arrowverse / DC-CW Timeline (v 3.0)

Found a mistake

I'd love it if James Gunn allowed Justice U to happen as a 10 episode series on MAX; just to wrap the loose ends left by Arrow or Black Lightning.

Tie the Shadow Board and Odell to the Ninth Circle from Arrow and have them responsible for William's kidnapping + JJ's pre-Crisis memory restoration. There's nothing, judging from my research, that could in any way conflict with those loose ends by converging them into one story. Or even adding an episode featuring the Legends getting freed and another with Batwoman and the zombie dude at the end of her show.

The Flash season 9 ended this universe (for now) with a big whimper. I'd hate for these remaining plot points to be left unresolved forever tbh...
All-Star Team-Up should be listed after Suicidal Tendencies in the viewing order. Also, I think the ending of Suicidal Tendencies needs to be directly before the next episode of Arrow but still set after All-Star Team-Up. I could be wrong, but that's what I remember.
They are filming scenes for S&L's s4 premiere during the snowy weather in Vancouver (I guess good timing if that was planned ahead of time?).

There is definitely a time jump. My guess: 8 months to January 2023.

I'm guessing as well Superman is missing and they're doing some form of the Alan Moore storyline "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow".
I think the "Superman" we see mysteriously reappear in season four will be this one, with damaged memories. (You can't have Tyler not within the main cast, in SUPERMAN & Lois, if the main Superman is missing. They're gonna work around that I figure.)
(After being taken from his pre-Crisis Earth by Magog in the Earth-Prime tie-in comic; then dissipates to unknown whereabouts after Magog is defeated.)

So yeah, they might be doing the whole "Is this the real Clark?" with this Superman who clearly isn't a good guy.
Cyborg Superman? We'll see.


Fourth of July in-universe apparently around filming for Season 4 episode 5 of S&L. Via the 5th photo in this album.
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It's been two weeks since I watched those episodes (I forgot to write here earlier), and if I remember correctly, Arrow 3x03 needed to take place before The Flash 1x04. Because the last scene was hinting the mini crossover. Felicity was learning that his friend has woken up from coma and was going to visit him, and then she was in The Flash 1x04. A timeline error or did I miss something?
It's been two weeks since I watched those episodes (I forgot to write here earlier), and if I remember correctly, Arrow 3x03 needed to take place before The Flash 1x04. Because the last scene was hinting the mini crossover. Felicity was learning that his friend has woken up from coma and was going to visit him, and then she was in The Flash 1x04. A timeline error or did I miss something?
I'll look into it later day.
Which order do you suggest to follow? I've came near to the finales of Arrow S3 and Flash S1 with the detailed one, and that 3x03 and 1x04 was the only error in the detailed timeline I caught so far. There are a lot of differences among the detailed and the simplified orders especially after Supergirl starts.
Which order do you suggest to follow? I've came near to the finales of Arrow S3 and Flash S1 with the detailed one, and that 3x03 and 1x04 was the only error in the detailed timeline I caught so far. There are a lot of differences among the detailed and the simplified orders especially after Supergirl starts.
I don't know. I'm suddenly not the right headspace right now. Not feeling okay..
Which order do you suggest to follow? I've came near to the finales of Arrow S3 and Flash S1 with the detailed one, and that 3x03 and 1x04 was the only error in the detailed timeline I caught so far. There are a lot of differences among the detailed and the simplified orders especially after Supergirl starts.
Okay I'll adjust it right now.
I feel like we're only seeing crumbs of season 4 with these outdoor photos that have came out since January.
I think most of the season, the big stuff, spoiler-y storyline stuff, is all indoors.

Also they just started filming episode 8 of the 10.
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Some notes I took while reading Adventures of Supergirl

There's a week between #3 and #4.
#7 takes place a week after Supergirl 1x06 and three weeks after #4
#7, #8, and #9 take place in the same day
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I can't post the images, but the Smallville set for the final episode being filmed for S&L shows it jumps 25 years in the future at one point, to late 2040s I guess.