Arrow show on CW (Spoilers)

Is there a CW timeline?

Yes. You've seen it over on I need to update it (going to be doing several major updates this weekend.

I'm re-watching Constantine now to verify placements.

I'm also going to do a simplified watching/reading order for all the Arrow and Flash episodes and comics (but not break up episodes or the comics like with the detailed timeline, just a simple order to view/read them all in).

I have it updated through Season 3 of Arrow and Season 1 of The Flash, with all the spin-off comics included (and the Arrow - Blood Rush webisodes), and am adding in the Constantine episodes (which seem to occur from September, 2014 to February, 2015, so definitely overlapping with Arrow Season 3 and Flash Season 1). Tentative placements for Vixen (which starts in a couple weeks) and Legends of Tomorrow are included as well.
Ok, I couldn't remember what the website was. I knew I'd seen it somewhere

Bookmark that realm of awesomeness. It's brought to you by E and me. ;)

Admittedly I've been slacking on updating it, but that's only because I've been working my fingers to the bone and my eyes to the... um... cornea... I guess?... on a bunch of updates to the timelines scattered across my PC, here, and the various other sites I do timeline updates on. Over the next few months I'll be finishing up a bunch of timelines (Smallville, Batman - Arkham, a few others, and updating multiple others, including the CW/DC-verse, MCU, Ultimate Marvel, Valiant, Star Wars, and bunches of others).
I thought flash season 0 took place in between episodes 1 & 2
Matt Ryan's episode will be the 5th episode, so airing in November. It's called "Haunted" and his appearance is tied to Sara's resurrection.
Well, there went all my hope for the new season. They should have just made him John Stewart like they were talking about. I don't understand WB's weird embargos.
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I do know that there is serious discussion about whether or not this guy becomes John Stewart. But, I mean, I'll say this: it is top secret. David Ramsey has asked them, and they're like, "we're working on some stuff." If that's the case, it's gonna be huge. This is the stuff they want to avoid. I think they don't want anybody to know yet and they haven't even told me. They have told me that they are thinking about it and they are considering it. Greg Berlanti told me that. Andrew and Marc have told me that. I haven't spoken to Geoff Johns about it, yet. But that's the word from people directly involved in Arrow- that they're working on something.

Here's the truth of it: if I knew, I would tell you I knew and I'm not at liberty to tell you that. I probably wouldn't tell you anyway! I would at least tell you that I know. But I honestly do not know.

I always took this as it being discussed, I could see the opposite though.
Arrow Season 4 sizzle reel

Looks pretty great except for the helmet. And Felicity's sidekick(?) seems annoying at first glance.

So Palmer is presumed dead. What's the logic behind renaming the city Star City in his memory?
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