I kinda don't want to know what happens after NOT FADE AWAY...
It was still evil fighting against evil, just with a good guy being forced to team up with one of those respective evils due to circumstances.
I kinda don't want to know what happens after NOT FADE AWAY...
So, I bet Gunn was turned into a vampire in the series 5 finale and becomes the Big Bad for "Season 6."
It is clear that he isn't going to survive from all of those nasty wounds he has...but he could still be around as a pretty awesome villain.
Vampire strength and power, Lawyer knowledge, Street skills.
That's my guess.
Spike probably went somewhere else, as did Lorne.
I expect to only see anything from Evil Gunn, Angel, Illyria...and possibly Connor. We'll probably get some cameos from Lorne, Angel, and possibly even Harmony. Joss may also use the comic medium as a way to bring back Doyle in some capacity.
See, I take him as BBG, or US, or TDO.Who do you take me for? BigBadGoblin?
The fact Angel is now human, with hardly any explanation. And a jump from that height would have killed him, as well as most of the injuries he gets throughout the issues.
The most recent one was awesome. The deaths, Gunn's insanity, Illyria, Angel's realization. . .classic Angel. Honestly, I think reading this all at once (Along with Spike: After the Fall) is the way this was meant to be read.
Spike and Angel are both suppose to appear in Season 8 somewhere.