All-Star Superman Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

The words 'All-Star Batman' and 'works' don't really belong in the same sentence unless it's "Frank Miller works really hard to make sure All-Star Batman is more and more ridiculous every time it goes to print."

Jim Lee's art is actually just one of the many things I hate about All-Star Batman.

All Star Batman is great. You're obviously out of your mind. Read it as a whacked-out interquel of Year One and TDK Returns. Read it as an in-joke to Miller's earlier works. Read it as obviously ridiculing certain other comic writers.

Just try not to take it so seriously, and I think you'll start to enjoy it. Is it ridiculous? Sure. So are most of Miller's other stories in some senses. Why should this one be any different, except perhaps in the amount of down-right ridiculousness? Again, its intentional and serves a purpose

What DiB said. Word for word.

All Star Batman is awesome for the same reason that Nextwave was awesome, but without the subtle irony.

I was almost able to type that with a straight face.
So I just read all of it, and I really loved it. I think my favorite moment is when Superman sends out the super powered Kandorians to cure the sick kids. Will there ever be anymore than 12 issues, or is it done?
So I just read all of it, and I really loved it. I think my favorite moment is when Superman sends out the super powered Kandorians to cure the sick kids. Will there ever be anymore than 12 issues, or is it done?

There were talks of Morrison doing a couple of one shots without Quitely (I can remember a Superman/Batman one and a Legion of Superheroes one) but I think he changed his mind when he realised how special this project was because of the two of them together.

So yeah, this is pretty much all there is for now.

Though the two will be working on the upcoming Batman and Robin title for DC which looks awesome.
I must be missing something. I am going to read this whole thing from beginning to end.

It is an amazing comic. You just have to remember it's a tribute to the Silver Age and is wonderful. And learn to like Quitely.

If you don't like this comic, you are a monster.
"Your doctor really did get held up, Regan."

"It's never as bad as it seems."

I absolutely love Morrisonisms like that. It sounds small and insignificant, but there's a lot of power in how those two sentences are separated and how they go together. What power there is in that little reassuring sentence. I guess you could call it a writing tic but that always seemed to insinuate weakness...I think it's very strong even though he uses it with many different characters.

That probably doesn't make a lot of's just one of those instantly recognizable things he does and I love it.