All New X-Men by Bendis/Immonen (spoilers)

E said:
That's the worst thing about Bendis on an X-Men book. You have this huge and varied cast from all walks of life and they sound exactly the same.

But yeah, his Emma is the worst. He's always writing her saying things like "sweetie" and it's just not how she talks in any other book.

As for the book itself...I read #5 and it seems like the whole point of this was to change Beast's appearance in the slightest way possible. I don't get what the point of all this is and it's not going anywhere. I don't flat out hate it so I'm sticking around but you can tell when Bendis is on his game, and this isn't it.

I disagree. I think Bendis is doing great.

But then again, you'll probably think I'm being biased because its an X-Book (no offense). :/
I disagree. I think Bendis is doing great.

But then again, you'll probably think I'm being biased because its an X-Book (no offense). :/

Well, that and it has two Icemans.
That's the worst thing about Bendis on an X-Men book. You have this huge and varied cast from all walks of life and they sound exactly the same.

But yeah, his Emma is the worst. He's always writing her saying things like "sweetie" and it's just not how she talks in any other book.

As for the book itself...I read #5 and it seems like the whole point of this was to change Beast's appearance in the slightest way possible. I don't get what the point of all this is and it's not going anywhere. I don't flat out hate it so I'm sticking around but you can tell when Bendis is on his game, and this isn't it.

I think his Beast has a distinct voice. Everyone else, emma and the aussie girl included, do sound the same.
I sincerely hope you're kidding because you couldn't be more wrong.

No. Comics is serious business. Bendis comics are even more serious businesser.
I was in the background of All-New X-Men #1.
So I've caught up on this in the last week and I think this is the best thing Bendis has done in a long time. I was thinking about his writing style and its a perfect fit for the x-men. Nothing ever gets accomplished and everyone is prissy weigh each other and occasionally something big happens. That's like the blueprint to an x-men story.

But I do wish his Emma Frost didn't talk like she's from queens.

I'd like you to meet Jason Aaron's Wolverine and the X-Men.

But seriously, this book is awful. I can't recall an X-book where so little has ever happened in five issues. Seriously, it's almost like Bendis is trying to parody the old X-Men as soap opera cliches.

I ironically love how Bendis' solution to the whole "Beast dying" problem is Young Beast looking at a blackboard full of equations and just going "That's wrong". And I authentically love the spread of Jean seeing her future.

I was in the background of All-New X-Men #1.

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I disagree. I think Bendis is doing great.

On a serious note, even though you like the book do you agree that there is a real problem with the typical Bendisism of all the characters speaking the same, and how that problem is much worse on an X-Men book? And if so, do you just not care or you think the rest of it is so good that it helps you look past it?

But seriously, this book is awful. I can't recall an X-book where so little has ever happened in five issues. Seriously, it's almost like Bendis is trying to parody the old X-Men as soap opera cliches.

I seriously don't think Bendis is good enough of a writer to write a parody book in that manner.
E said:
On a serious note, even though you like the book do you agree that there is a real problem with the typical Bendisism of all the characters speaking the same, and how that problem is much worse on an X-Men book? And if so, do you just not care or you think the rest of it is so good that it helps you look past it?

I do agree with that, yes. It's easy to notice, and like everyone says, his Frost is the worst offender with dialogue. But yeah, I enjoy everything else that I just look past it, like with laugh tracks on TV shows.
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Let's bring this thread back to life.
But you don't like Fraction.


...since when? I have so many copies of Casanova #1 that my mothers dog destroyed on yesterday and it didn't phase me. I've loved his Iron Fist, his Hawkeye, hell, I have the Annotated Mantooth and Last of the Independents which he totally just ripped off from Charlie Varrick.

He is kinda hit and miss tho.
...since when? I have so many copies of Casanova #1 that my mothers dog destroyed on yesterday and it didn't phase me. I've loved his Iron Fist, his Hawkeye, hell, I have the Annotated Mantooth and Last of the Independents which he totally just ripped off from Charlie Varrick.

He is kinda hit and miss tho.

Oh... I must have mistaken you for someone else. Houde maybe?

Bendis writes present day Angel like he has changnesia.

I don't get why this book exists.
When did it start being "in" to hate on bendis without any logical reason.?

Give me bendis over most mainstream writers and ALL indie writers all day.
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When did it start being "in" to hate on bendis without any logical reason.?

Who says there's not a logical reason? Bendis is capable of strong writing but as his star power has risen and he's juggled more and more books at a time, he seems content to have gotten a big head that prevents him from seeing his flaws and growing as a writer, and his weaknesses have bubled more clearly to the surface. IMO, these problems are grossly apparent in his x-books.

There's a lack of distinguishing voice between his characters, who all have a tendency to speak with the same rhythm. He uses this cadence as a crutch, and where it was once a vehicle for clever writing and as a means to convey story without being too expository, it's now more often than not an excuse to fill space. Someone compared his writing as a good fit because X-Men is "soap operatic", but the strength of the best soap operas is that they substitute a plot-driven approach for intensive characterization spread over a large canvas. That's largely absent here.

But more problematic, for me, is that there isn't rhyme or reason to the plot that is there. Things happen because Bendis wants them to happen, not because they make sense in the context of the universe he's created. Case in point being Mystique, a villain who can literally transform into anyone she wants to, and as such, has any number of clever means to become rich beyond her wildest means. But her solution is to infiltrate America's most highly guarded supermax prison, designed explicitly for supercriminals and break a villainess out. Despite them having technology readily available that allows them to verify anyone's identity and despite the fact that she arrives in disguise with no warning and no identification, the highly trained guards at the world's most secure facility just let her right through. And puzzling beyond that, her grand scheme is to then turn around and attack those highly trained and numerous guards as soon as she breaches the perimeter. All of this to enact her grand scheme of breaking out a master illusionist so, together, they can rob security trucks. Seriously, a woman who can become anybody (and, say, walk into a bank disguised as the owner or a wealthy client and withdraw any number of funds?) and a woman who can create detailed and entirely believable hallucinations scheme to knock over brinks trucks. It's childish storytelling that doesn't make sense even upon surface examination, and he's a writer who's capable of so much more.

kdlt said:
Give me bendis over most mainstream writers and ALL indie writers all day.

Now that's ridiculous.
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