All About Movies Thread: 8 Tweets & a Funeral.

Wow, serious business time that fast, huh? :(

Stupid arugments I've been in #256 go!
Answer: The girl at the end of Beetlejuice who points up and says she sees the ghosts.

That person.

And the scene is correct. But I'm not going to argue with you about it, because quite frankly you don't argue, you simply keep saying your correct even if the truth is staring at you in the face.
Your friend's first scene, which occurs 12 minutes into the film and has them specifically not look up and see the ghosts, or point, or say anything at all.

Or this scene a few minutes later where Winona Ryder sees the ghosts and your friend pulls up after and continues to not point up or say she saw anything.

So in other words:
Unless your co-worker got the part of the film wrong, and was Winona Ryder.

If you're going to get uppity about people insisting they're correct when the facts are staring them in the face, you probably shouldn't do it with something that has video evidence proving them right.
Nope! Gandalf is now Danny DeVito!

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I've been watching the Hammer Dracula movies in order for the last couple of nights and they are utterly fantastic and some of the most genuinely scary films I've ever seen. Christopher Lee's Dracula is undoubtedly one of my favourite screen villains ever.

Pretty much all of these movies (particularly the ones that don't feature Peter Cushing) have you wishing Dracula will just emerge victorious and kill everyone. He really sucks you in.
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