Alien vs. Predator - Timeline

It should be noted that a version of the events of the first Blade Runner are canonical, but producer Charles de Lauzrikia confirmed it was a joke and that if you go over the easter egg nothing explicitly connects the two beyond a similar story. I just want to say that. Blade Runner isn't canon. Lots of people get twisted over that.
I mean, doesn't the story of Blade Runner happen in 2019 and the story of the Predator in 2017? The world should change... a bit... in 2 years if it was the same universe;)
I mean, doesn't the story of Blade Runner happen in 2019 and the story of the Predator in 2017? The world should change... a bit... in 2 years if it was the same universe;)
The Predator is set in 2018, so that would be even more of a technological leap. It's not impossible of course, just very jarring. The only other time something like that has happened that I recall is the Call of Duty Black Ops universe since the Modern Warfare reboot is in that timeline now.

Blade Runner isn't canon anyway. Perhaps a parallel universe where the technology of the Alien series existed much earlier.
The Predator is set in 2018, so that would be even more of a technological leap. It's not impossible of course, just very jarring.
Aren't replicants suposed to live 3 years or something like that? And the ones in Blade Runner are nearly expiring, one does in fact expire at the end so he was created in 2016? And sent to an space mine or something (IN 2016!!!)
Just been reading the first issue of Marvel's run on Predator. In regards to placement...
The main portion of the story takes place in 2056, with flashbacks of protagonist Theta taking place in 2041. Seeing as this is the first of a six-part story-arc, chances are we may see more flashbacks in later issues, but that remains to be seen.
Alrighty, decided to read some of the older Predator comics from when Dark Horse held the rights (plan to also do the Aliens, AvP and Prometheus comics eventually). Personally, although they rebooted the comic line back in 2013, I feel that unless the older comics contradicted anything in the movies (IE: Prey offering a different origin for Adolini's flintlock pistol as opposed to the Predator: 1718 comic), they should still fit in the overall timeline. For now, here are some placement notes (going by release order of the comics):

Predator (retroactively titled as Predator: Concrete Jungle, not to be confused with the video game of the same name) serves as a sequel to the original film featuring Dutch's older brother John (although we don't learn his first name until Predator: Hunters III). Originally, it was set in the then-near future of 1991, but was retroactively changed to 1989 in Predator: Cold War and future reprints.

Predator: God's Truth (one of the many one-shot Predator stories published in Dark Horse Presents, this one being from DHP #46) is set in August 1926 as mentioned in the narration of the surviving guard.

Predator: Big Game is listed on the AvP wiki's timeline as taking place in 1991 (though TBH, most wiki's contain inaccurate information), yet the events are referenced in Predator: Cold War #2 (which is established as taking place in 1990) by General Phillips as "an incident down in New Mexico". Furthermore, the comic has various flashbacks involving protagonist Enoch throughout his life, notably one in issue 3 that's mentioned as taking place "some three years ago".

As mentioned above, Predator: Cold War takes place in 1990 and acts as a sequel to Predator: Concrete Jungle, while also referencing the events of Predator: Big Game in the second issue. Furthermore, issue 3 opens with flashbacks to Lt. Ligachev arriving at Pumping Station Twelve prior to the present-day events.
I agree that they should be included. It does get complicated with some, but I don't think any of them are irreconcilable apart from a few. I did do some work on Alien comics that I have saved, but not much.

Here's that work.

Aliens: Defiance #8, "Episode Eight: Environmental" (pg. 11-13)


Aliens: Rescue #1, "Episode One: Selection" (pg. 5-7)


Aliens: Defiance #4, "Episode Four: Casualties" (pg. 6-15)
Aliens: Defiance #8, "Episode Eight: Environmental" (pg. 14)
Aliens: Defiance #1, "Episode One: Derelict" (pg. 3-4)

October 24
Alien: Isolation
Mission 9, "Beacon"

November 19
Alien: Isolation
Mission 1, "Closing the Book"

Alien: Isolation

December 11
Alien: Isolation
Mission 1, "Closing the Book"
Alien: Isolation Mission 2, "Welcome to Sevastopol"
Alien: Isolation Mission 3, "Encounters"
Alien: Isolation Mission 4, "Seegson Communications'
Alien: Isolation Mission 5, "The Quarantine"
Alien: Isolation Mission 6, "The Outbreak"
Alien: Isolation Mission 7, "Seegson Synthetics"
Alien: Isolation Mission 8, "Haven"
Alien: Isolation Mission 10, "The Trap"
Alien: Isolation Mission 11, "Hazard Containment"
Alien: Isolation Mission 12, "Synthetic Solution"
Alien: Isolation Mission 13, "Consultation"
Alien: Isolation Mission 14, "The Descent"
Alien: Isolation Mission 15, "The Message"
Alien: Isolation Mission 16, "The Transmission"
Alien: Isolation Mission 17, "Desolation"
Alien: Isolation Mission 18, "Tomorrow, Together"
Alien: Isolation Mission 19, "Isolation"
Alien: Isolation: The Digital Series 1x01
Alien: Isolation: The Digital Series 1x02
Alien: Isolation: The Digital Series 1x03
Alien: Isolation: The Digital Series 1x04
Alien: Isolation: The Digital Series 1x05
Alien: Isolation: The Digital Series 1x06
Alien: Isolation: The Digital Series 1x07 (0:00:00 - 0:11:43)

December 14
Alien: Isolation
Mission 19, "Isolation"
Alien: Isolation: The Digital Series 1x07 (0:11:44 - 0:11:58)
Alien: Blackout
Aliens: Defiance #1, "Episode One: Derelict" (pg. 1-2)
Aliens: Defiance #1, "Episode One: Derelict" (pg. 5-13)

January 10
Aliens: Defiance #1, "Episode One: Derelict" (pg. 14-22)

January 11
Aliens: Defiance #2, "Episode Two: Kinetic"

Aliens: Defiance #3, "Episode Three: Mutiny"
Aliens: Defiance #4, "Episode Four: Casualties"
(pg. 1-5)
Aliens: Defiance #4, "Episode Four: Casualties" (pg. 16-21)
Aliens: Defiance #5, "Episode Five: Siege" (pg. 12-13)
Aliens: Defiance #5, "Episode Five: Siege" (pg. 1-11)
Aliens: Defiance #5, "Episode Five: Siege" (pg. 14-21)
Aliens: Defiance #6, "Episode Six: Incubation" (pg. 1-16)
Aliens: Defiance #5, "Episode Five: Siege" (pg. 1-4)
Aliens: Defiance #6, "Episode Six: Incubation" (pg. 17-22)
Aliens: Defiance #7, "Episode Seven: Excision"
Aliens: Defiance #8, "Episode Eight: Environmental"
(pg. 1-10)
Aliens: Defiance #8, "Episode Eight: Environmental" (pg. 15-22)
Aliens: Defiance #9, "Episode Nine: Invasion"
Aliens: Defiance #10, "Episode Ten: Intrasolar"
Aliens: Defiance #11, "Episode Eleven: Splashdown"
Aliens: Defiance #12, "Episode Twelve: Reentry"


Aliens: Resistance #1, "Episode One: Intercepted"
Aliens: Resistance #2, "Episode Two: Extraction"
Aliens: Resistance #3, "Episode Three: Abandoned"
Aliens: Rescue #1, "Episode One: Selection"
(pg. 4)
Aliens: Resistance #4, "Episode Four: Detonation"
Aliens: Rescue #3, "Episode Three: Projection"
(pg. 5)
Aliens: Rescue #3, "Episode Three: Projection" (pg. 10-12)


Aliens: Rescue #1, "Episode One: Selection" (pg. 1-3)
Aliens: Rescue #1, "Episode One: Selection" (pg. 8-19)
Aliens: Rescue #2, "Episode Two: Recon"
Aliens: Rescue #3, "Episode Three: Projection"
(pg. 1-4)
Aliens: Rescue #3, "Episode Three: Projection" (pg. 6-9)
Aliens: Rescue #3, "Episode Three: Projection" (pg. 13-20)
Aliens: Rescue #4, "Episode Four: Deniability"
I know a recent Predator comic connected back to those older comics so they're canon to some degree. I think that the "reboot" was more of a soft-reboot to tie in with Prometheus lore rather than actually being a reset.
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I agree that they should be included. It does get complicated with some, but I don't think any of them are irreconcilable apart from a few. I did do some work on Alien comics that I have saved, but not much.

Here's that work.

I know a recent Predator comic connected back to those older comics so they're canon to some degree. I think that the "reboot" was more of a soft-reboot to tie in with Prometheus lore rather than actually being a reset.
Ah, awesome. If it helps, I can try and put together recommended placements for the older comics.
Ah, awesome. If it helps, I can try and put together recommended placements for the older comics.
I'll add the newer comics at least. If you go though the older comics and tell me what fits, I'll add those as well. It's... a lot. I think some of the older Alien comics show a different version of the Mala'kak/Engineer than what we saw in Prometheus. I mean, I think both versions can still co-exist if we assume they're a slightly different race of the same general species.

Oh, and obviously only the reprinted versions of those Alien comics that erase Ripley, Newt and Hicks is the true canon version. The original comic is a divergent timeline after the events of Aliens.
I'll add the newer comics at least. If you go though the older comics and tell me what fits, I'll add those as well. It's... a lot. I think some of the older Alien comics show a different version of the Mala'kak/Engineer than what we saw in Prometheus. I mean, I think both versions can still co-exist if we assume they're a slightly different race of the same general species.

Oh, and obviously only the reprinted versions of those Alien comics that erase Ripley, Newt and Hicks is the true canon version. The original comic is a divergent timeline after the events of Aliens.
Got it. Once I've gone through all the old Predator comics, I'll post my thoughts on here.

Also, IIRC, the original Alien comics were intended as a sequel to Aliens before Alien 3 killed Ripley, Hicks and Newt off, hence why they changed Hicks and Newt to Wilks and Billie (and I think Ripley was retconned into being a clone?), right?
What would you think if I did an alternate timelines section for non-canon comics?

For example:
Alien vs Predator/DC Universe
Batman versus Predator
Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch
Superman vs. Aliens
Aliens: Incubation
Batman versus Predator III: Blood Ties
Superman vs. Predator
Green Lantern versus Aliens
JLA versus Predator
Superman versus Aliens II: God War
Batman/Aliens II
Superman and Batman vs. Aliens and Predator

Note: All DC crossover comics are a shared continuity due to references to previous encounters.

Aliens vs Predator vs Terminator Universe
1984 - The Terminator
1987 - Predator
1995 - Terminator 2: Judgement Day
1997 - Predator 2
2122 - Alien
2179 - Aliens: Special Edition
2179 - Alien³: Assembly Cut
2381 - Alien: Resurrection: Special Edition
2381 - Aliens versus Predator versus Terminator

Note: Only films released before the comic can be taken as part of it's standalone continuity - Terminator 3-4 could fit though. Events can be assumed to have occurred the same days as in the prime AVP and Terminator realities I guess. Humans win the war and many years later the Alien films take place. AVPVT is a sequel to Alien: Resurrection.
At that point, I might as well just do a proper Terminator timeline - uh, one of them.

The Judge Dredd, WildC.A.T.s and Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossovers are canon in their respective universes, believe it or not.
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Alrighty, decided to read some of the older Predator comics from when Dark Horse held the rights (plan to also do the Aliens, AvP and Prometheus comics eventually). Personally, although they rebooted the comic line back in 2013, I feel that unless the older comics contradicted anything in the movies (IE: Prey offering a different origin for Adolini's flintlock pistol as opposed to the Predator: 1718 comic), they should still fit in the overall timeline. For now, here are some placement notes (going by release order of the comics):

Predator (retroactively titled as Predator: Concrete Jungle, not to be confused with the video game of the same name) serves as a sequel to the original film featuring Dutch's older brother John (although we don't learn his first name until Predator: Hunters III). Originally, it was set in the then-near future of 1991, but was retroactively changed to 1989 in Predator: Cold War and future reprints.

Predator: God's Truth (one of the many one-shot Predator stories published in Dark Horse Presents, this one being from DHP #46) is set in August 1926 as mentioned in the narration of the surviving guard.

Predator: Big Game is listed on the AvP wiki's timeline as taking place in 1991 (though TBH, most wiki's contain inaccurate information), yet the events are referenced in Predator: Cold War #2 (which is established as taking place in 1990) by General Phillips as "an incident down in New Mexico". Furthermore, the comic has various flashbacks involving protagonist Enoch throughout his life, notably one in issue 3 that's mentioned as taking place "some three years ago".

As mentioned above, Predator: Cold War takes place in 1990 and acts as a sequel to Predator: Concrete Jungle, while also referencing the events of Predator: Big Game in the second issue. Furthermore, issue 3 opens with flashbacks to Lt. Ligachev arriving at Pumping Station Twelve prior to the present-day events.
I'm going to start adding those comics in one by one, so if you have anything additional to add then I'm all ears for it. :D
I'm going to start adding those comics in one by one, so if you have anything additional to add then I'm all ears for it. :D
Ah. I've been a bit busy with IRL stuff lately, but I'm gonna get back to reading them tomorrow. Expect placement notes for Predator #2 (2022) tomorrow as well.
I know I said I'd do placements for Predator #2 tomorrow, but what the heck? I ain't got anything better to do tonight.
Issue #2 is entirely set in the present (2056). While there is a bit with Theta looking over CCTV footage of the Predator responsible for killing the Astar employees, there's no visible date to place the footage.
The short story "Aliens: Incubation" was eventually continued by Batman/Aliens. Now, is it reasonable to assume the comic occurred in both universes, or that it is non-canon? Because if Batman/Aliens were canon, that opens up a whole can of worms because it is linked to the other DC crossovers (this is the same Batman from Batman versus Predator and JLA/Predator).

For now I'm just gonna say it happens in both universes.
That's every single Predator story added. Feel free to correct any mistakes.

Having looked back at Predator: 1718, it can be argued that it is about a different Predator, pistol and human than Greyback, 1715 flintlock pistol and Raphael Adolini. Obviously this wasn't intended to be the case as the pistol in the comic has the same engraving and the pirate says "take it" as his final words, but visuals in comics can be retconed. They never say any names at least.

Whatever the case, movies rank higher than comics in canonicity, so Prey is the true backstory of the Raphael Adolini 1715 flintlock pistol.
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What about all the novels, short stories and remaning games?
There is also one last comic book Predator story left "Predator: Xenogenesis"
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I'll add what I can add, let's just say that. At the least, all the comics will be added. Eventually. I'll add the other games too I suppose.

That comic is part of an event crossing over with Aliens and AVP. I was going to add that alongside the Alien and AVP Xenogenesis comics.

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