Action Comics/Superman discussion (Spoilers!)

Guedes is a great artist. Robinson is going to do good things with this book.

I love Krypto and how happy Superman is to have him. Now that the Science Police introductions are out of the way they should get better. Although Robinson did basically the same thing with the Black Razors in WildCATs, so it was kind of annoying to read that stuff again. Also, the Science Police are from the Lgeion of Super-Heroes, which makes me happy.
"You've only met his programming, you never really met Brainiac."


Such a great line.

And I am excited to see Supergirl more involved in the Superman mythos. John already explained why she is a great character & how she is different from Superman in a couple panel.

I am confused about Kandor.
Re: Action Comics discussion (Spoilers!)

On the record I think Frank is doing great. And I like that he made Superman look like Reeves.

Actually, Franks art is growing on me. This last issue of AC was very good. I liked the way he drew Supergirl. Her body language and expressions were great. And the story is excellent! Brainiac actually instills fear. And the line from Supergirl about "you have never met Brainiac" was great.

First Robinson issue of Superman was also good. If what Robinson does on Superman is half as good as what he did with Starman it will be great. Robinson seems to have the same knack for making DC history cool and interesting that Johns has.
Interview with Geoff Johns and James Robinson.

These guys are awesome. Robinson basically just straight out says "**** that. That ****'s just stupid" to a handful of different terrible ideas recent writers in DC have introduced. Also, they allude to a LOT of different plot stuff coming up. Even Supergirl soudns good.

10,000 Kryptonians. going to be insane. That is huge.
Internet feedback on other forums about Robinson's Superman issues is extremely negative. I didn't think they were bad at all. They were fun, and will only get better in this crossover with Johns. I'm even going to be reading Supergirl for the first time ever.
J.H. William III's Superman Beyond covers:



Those are awesome. I love that slimmer, younger, slightly more rugged look for Superman, and the second one is framed in a really cool way that plays to the sliver trade dress.
I also believe they may be in 3d! ZOMG COOL.
Johns, Robinson and Gates have Action Comics/Superman/Supergirl planned out until December 2010. :D
So Pa Kent died. I'm not really sad since it seems he always has to die. I'm looking forward to the next storyline though. It should be epic.

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