Hey, this is an excellent topic...
I read ALOT of comics when I was young. In fact, back around 4th grade (mind you, im 21 now) I first got big into Spider-Man on a trip to florida, i had bought a bunch of comics. The storyline.... the clone saga

Maybe it was a bad story, but to me I loved it, still do, and would buy it if they put it in trade. So I loved comics, and somewhere along 8th-9th grade, i stopped. I cant tell you why, because I myself dont know.
Skip to November of 04. I had some problems, and moved in with a friend and his family. His little brother, Anthony, was 13 and playing CoH. One day I noticed that he had this book called "Ultimate Spider-Man". I EVEN teased him about reading it. He handed me vol. 1 and was like "just read this book"... and i LOVED it, i couldnt get enough, I would go over the g/f's house and sit there and read them (she would be pissed

I honestly dont buy the COMICS alot, because I really love collecting trades, and I mainly only get Ultimates.
Im up to 465 tpb now, and i use
www.INSTOCKTRADES.com for 35% off + free shipping or ebay (if you play the cards right, you can get anywhere from 50-90% off)
Also, when I was young, i HATED DC (dont know why) but as of now I read ALOT of them, both Marvel and DC have TONS of good stories, and there has NEVER been a time when I couldnt find tons of books to get, so if anyone would like a recommendation, im here