Really is pretentious, no matter what she says. Do
maybe youre Irish Lass
but im colombian
maybe youre Irish Lass
but im colombian
Administrator: V (E)
Moderators: Fire (Ice), Muffin Man (Cad), Project C4 (Proj X2), Towards Man (Goodwill)
Various Others: All-Star Houde (Ultimate Houde), Anti-Daredevil (MWOF), Mr. Fantastic (VVD), Method (Random), Tendafoot (Lil' Brother), Sun God (Moony), Not-So-Great (TGO), He Who Sits, Uno (Me), Bagboy (Grocer man), Detective Man (Marvelman), DawnZOD (TwilightEL), Deathstroke (Wade Wilson), Particleman (Planet-man), Stanley Kubrick (Dr. Strangefate), All-Star Guy Gardner (Ultimate Warrior), All-Star Flash (Ult. Quicksilver), Irish Lass (Skotti-chan), Meow-Meow (Baxter).
I'm Deathstroke? Laaaaaame.
maybe Bizarro Columbia is Ireland
If you spell Colombia like that again, in the words of Hank Hill, I'm gonna kick your ***.
I like the Irish Lass one, Deathstroke and Method, but I don't get the reasoning behind some of those, like Meow-Meow and Tendafoot.
No Bizarro Mole? OUTRAGE!!!!!!
I'M SHOCKED , SHOCKED .......... well not that shocked :lol:
Oazaru Pigeon
****. This is how I should've come up with the names for the 616 Central guys... :arrgh:
From the Meow Mix commercial:
"It's Baxter!"
And Tendafoot is from a Homestar runner cartoon. Where Lil' Brother is a one-legged puppy.
Oh, and Hibiki?
"Colombian Chick who Likes Master Shake."
I'm going to bed now.
Mine should probably be, like, Anonymous Username or something.
I have just ordered a V mask from DC Direct. It will be sent to E by the end of next week.