31 Days of Horror


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2022
United Kingdom
So, in the spirit of the Halloween season, I decided to take on the challenge of watching 31 horror films for the month. So far, I'm up to day three (Halloween [1978]), and I would be interested to know if anyone else is doing this challenge as well.

I'm also going to be giving my mini-sized thoughts on the movies I've seen for this challenge, as a sort of thoughts and notes for anyone who fancies reading them.

JudgeDreddpool's 31 Days of Horror - 2022
  1. Black Christmas (1974) - One of the earliest slasher movies (especially one set on a specific season) and a rather good one. Have no plans to watch the remakes, given how crap they both were.
  2. Alien: Covenant - Honestly, wasn't as good as Prometheus, but it was serviceable for an Alien movie. Atleast it wasn't as mediocre as Alien: Resurrection was, in all honesty.
  3. Halloween (1978) - Well, I can honestly see why many people consider Halloween to be not just one of John Carpenter's finest films, but one of the best slasher films ever made. And Loomis wasn't wrong about Michael being purely and simply evil.
  4. Army of the Dead - A neat little heist movie, but with zombies. Definitely enjoyed it, and the Zombie Tiger... that was absolutely radical.
  5. Halloween II (1981) - A decent sequel to the original Halloween, though I will admit that making Michael Myers the brother of Laurie was a bit of a dumb idea. Still, a somewhat enjoyable ending to Michael's story... for now.
  6. Resident Evil: Degeneration - The first of the CGI Resident Evil movies, and unlike the live-action ones, these are all canon to the games. Definitely had some charm to it, plus it was nice to see Leon & Claire together again.
  7. Werewolf by Night - A surprisingly good MCU special. Definitely felt like one of the old Universal Monster films of the 30s/40s. Best part of the special in my opinion was seeing Man-Thing in the MCU for the first time, especially when you remember his comic book roots (pun intended).
  8. Wicked City - I've seen my fair share of body horror in media before, most notably with 1982's The Thing and the 1997 Berserk anime, but Wicked City definitely puts them to shame. Taki and Makie (the protagonists) were a likeable bunch, the story was intriguing and the visual designs for many of the demons (most notably Kanako/"Spider Woman") were rather striking.
  9. Friday the 13th (1980) - Before the series kicked off with Jason Voorhees, we had his mother killing camp counsellors first to avenge him. And honestly, it was a rather good first movie.
  10. Resident Evil: Damnation - TBA
  11. ???
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So, in the spirit of the Halloween season, I decided to take on the challenge of watching 31 horror films for the month. So far, I'm up to day three (Halloween [1978]), and I would be interested to know if anyone else is doing this challenge as well (part of the.

JudgeDreddpool's 31 Days of Horror - 2022
  1. Black Christmas (1974)
  2. Alien: Covenant
  3. Halloween (1978)
  4. ???
I'm also considering giving my mini-sized thoughts on the movies I've seen for this challenge if anyone fancies hearing them.
I haven't started but I might I have nearly 100 something horror movies and I may start watching em for halloween
Day 4 of the 31 Days of Horror, and I've decided to take a smol break from Slashers and Extraterrestrials for some good old fashioned zombies with Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead.
If you're gonna watch all halloweens I recommend skipping part 3 despite it being a Halloween movie it has absolutely nothing to do with Michael
Yeah, I was planning on skipping Halloween 3 until after I finished the first 5 movies with Michael Myers, then watching it afterwards.
Bit of a slight cheat for Day 7, as this entry isn't so much a movie as it is a special. But I mean hey, since Werewolf by Night comes out today on Disney+, it felt fitting for Day 7.

Plus, I figured since all I've had so far are Slashers Villains, Zombies and Aliens, why not add Werewolves into the mix?
Time to visit our friends in the east once again for Day 8, this time featuring the directorial debut of Yoshiaki Kawajiri with 1987's Wicked City.
Day 9, and I'm taking a trip to a summer camp. However, it's not on fun and games, for a serial killer is on the loose, and on a Friday the 13th, no less.
Day 11 and I'm spicing things up with a classic movie that, admittedly, I've never watched before. And boy, will it be interesting...
Ah, my apologies. Been having personal stuff going on IRL which kinda prevented me from being active here over the past week. However, I have been keeping up with the challenge, so I will update the list when I get home.
Don't worry, I just found odd that you were posting every day and suddenly just vanished

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