We found out Monday we're having a girl.

We're trying to figure out what to name her.
I completely forgot about this thread.
I've come up with a few possible names for E's next kid.

Boy Names
Stumpy – If he loses a limb later in life you'll look like a total psychic.
Matlock – You old people love Matlock.
McCheese – You know you want to.
Nambla – Now that's catchy!
Jesus of Nasafunk – The Second Coming… of FUNK.
Hatemonger – This one might be a little too on the nose with you raising the boy.

Girl Names
Bessy - Like the cow!
Chuck – Everyone likes a chick with a dude's name.
McCheese – The all purpose name.
Candy – Cause she'll probably be a stripper.
Tequila – Read above.
Laquisha – In case that handsome black man down the street is the real father.

Hermy – Says it all right there.
These are still funny.

More to follow...
We found out Monday we're having a girl.

We're trying to figure out what to name her.
Right. Focus on girl names.
Got 5 new girl names.

Hibiki – This one will actually be a girl!
Chlamydia – I just watched Waiting… They were right, it is a pretty name.
Willow – Everyone wants their daughter to grow up into a lesbian witch, right?
Pan – Maybe she'll be half goat.
Georgia – There is nothing more patriotic than naming a child after a state. Also consider Nebraska.
We found out Monday we're having a girl.

We're trying to figure out what to name her.

I'll try and think of some embarrassing names.
Right now the frontrunners are Sophie and Ava.
Right now the frontrunners are Sophie and Ava.



My aunt is expecting in June. We were talking about this a week or two ago, and she said that if it's a girl one of her main choices is Sophie. Everybody in the family(me too) said that Sophie is way too common these days and it turned out that myself and 3 of my cousins each know 3+ girls named Sophie.

My Aunt's next choice for a girl name? Ava.
First off.....congrats.

Second.....seeing as how she's a human and not a dog, she'll be stuck with this name forever (or at least in an act of rebellion, changes her name at age 19), I suggest that naming her after any comic character be outta the question.

One girl I dated said she would name her daughter Mackenzie Rae. I thought it was cute but not enough to name my own that. That name just happened to be the one that stuck out the most over the past years. I personally like the name Madison.