Did you like 2009?

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Don't expect me to take you with me when I go to s
Sep 15, 2004
We're approaching the end of the year... what's it been like for you? What have you done? What's happened to you? Did you like it?

What about comics? Movies? TV shows? Music? Books? Games? What were your favourites?

What do you want to achieve in 2010? What are your New Year's resolutions?
There's still 5 days left.... a whole lot can happen in 5 days.


2009 was one of the most important years of my life. I left New Zealand at the start of the year with my family to move to Australia. I started University in May (Bachelor of Film and Television) and completed two semesters. Through my second semester I became unsure about whether I actually wanted to take most of these classes (most of them are technical, I wanted to study the theoretical side of film as well) and have changed my degree to a Bachelor of Arts, with Majors in Film and Television and Journalism. I need to complete one more film class (I actually have to make a short film or two for this one) to get my first Major and I will be doing two Journalism classes next semester (starting January 18 ).

I think I've tried to read/watch a lot of things this year. At the start of the year I attempted to read a book a week and for a while I was successful... until I started University and other things took up my time. Next year I want to try and read more books. However, I did read quite a lot of comics this year. I completed Lucifer, Preacher, Punisher MAX, Y The Last Man, Scott Pilgrim, Ex Machina, Scalped, Swamp Thing... and probably more. I think I've been watching an average of a movie a day for most of the year and thus have added quite a few of those "must see" movies to my seen list. I hope to continue this next year. I've also been watching a ****load of TV shows, both old and new.

My favourites this year... I am loving Blackest Night. Geoff Johns has continued to excel this year, with Green Lantern, JSA's finale, Flash and Adventure Comics. Rucka and JHW3's Detective Comics is perfection. I'm really liking Captain America Reborn. Jason Aaron and Jonathan Hickman are becoming two of my favourite writers, with Punisher MAX, Scalped, Wolverine: Weapon X, Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four and Secret Warriors between them. Looking forward to what they do next year. I can't wait for Siege to be over and for Marvel Comics to return to telling great stories (hopefully!).

TV shows... I've watched a lot of TV this year. Fringe Season 2 is kind of boring. Flashforward started mediocre but is now getting pretty good. The Prisoner was a massive disappointment. Lost Season 5 was crazy and I am so excited for the final season. The Seinfeld reunion in Curb Your Enthusiasm was amazing. This is the first year I've been watching 30 Rock as it airs and I'm loving it. The Office has become kind of disappointing but Parks and Recreation has really picked up. Enjoying both Modern Family and Community. I hope V picks up next year otherwise I'm going to drop it. However, my favourites of the year? Dexter Season 4 and Breaking Bad Season 2. Both had me so ****ing excited I watched the entire seasons in a day or two. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Movies... there have been a lot of great sci fi movies this year. Star Trek, Moon, District 9, Avatar... I've loved all of them. Inglourious Basterds was fantastic. A Serious Man was amazing. Where the Wild Things was love. I still want to see Invictus, The Lovely Bones, The Road, Up in the Air... and there are a lot of movies next year I'm looking forward to.

Music... I haven't really listened to much music from 2009. However, Karen O has become one of my favourite artists because of the Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' It's Blitz.

Books... I think the only 2009 book I've read has been Under the Dome. It's pretty good but kind of slow. I need to finish it.

Games... I haven't played any 2009 games... or any video games at all. I think I'm finished with them.

I think that's everything. As for 2010, I hope to get a job, find what I really want to study at University, read more books and watch more movies.
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Pretty good year for movies, pretty terrible for comics. Pretty terrible for a lot of things, actually. People have really ****ed things up and a lot of good people are suffering.
2009 was one of the most important years of my life. I left New Zealand at the start of the year with my family to move to Australia. I started University in May (Bachelor of Film and Television) and completed two semesters. Through my second semester I became unsure about whether I actually wanted to take most of these classes (most of them are technical, I wanted to study the theoretical side of film as well) and have changed my degree to a Bachelor of Arts, with Majors in Film and Television and Journalism. I need to complete one more film class (I actually have to make a short film or two for this one) to get my first Major and I will be doing two Journalism classes next semester (starting January 18 ).

I've been a Media Studies Major my first three semesters of college -- taking a lot of Film and TV courses basically -- and am going to start Journalism next semester (starting January 19). :shock:
I've been a Media Studies Major my first three semesters of college -- taking a lot of Film and TV courses basically -- and am going to start Journalism next semester (starting January 19). :shock:

It appears that I must kill you to increase my power.
I've been through a string of seriously mentally unstable girls.
Well I've graduated from college, got into a car crash, and may appear in a documentary about Newgrounds.

So pretty good
I had a nervous breakdown, quit my job, quit smoking cigarettes, quit smoking pot, left school, had an epiphany, restarted smoking both pot and cigs (that was not my epiphany), and signed back up for school. Now if I could just find a job I'd be right back where I was last March when I turned 24, freaked out, and screwed up my life.

So "No" I didn't like 2009.
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Let's see my 2009...

Had major car problems, had a ton of bills show up all at once, a bunch of little things that normally wouldn't had bother me if not for the timing, Lost my job, stayed unemployed for six months, had my first car accident, lost my apartment, had to move back in with my parents til' I can get back on my feet, had more major car problems, had my tailgate off my truck stolen, and had to get two filling and a tooth removed... not a good year.

But I've got a job now and good health.
I've been thinking about this for a few days, and yes. I did like 2009 because I had a great damn time. Of course there's lots of bad that went with the good, but the good outweighs the bad.

I have been doing good with my goal of traveling. Whether it's out to hang out with friends or taking long trips somewhere, I've been achieving this. I love hanging out with my friends a lot and we went to so many places. Couple New York trips, movies, arcades, malls, mini-golfing, bowling... it was all awesome.

Then there was Heroes Con 2009 that was the best convention trip I've had to date. Hanging out with Doom, Houde, and Bass (among the comic creators :wink:) was a great time, even if I did get slapped for getting the wrong Green Lantern.

2010 is already shaping up to be even better with the plans I have brewing. :)
....even if I did get slapped for getting the wrong Green Lantern.

And I'm not even a DC fan. :wink:

The convention was one of the best times I've had all year as well. Strawberry Cheesecake-On-A-Stick was a big highlight for me.
The best thing about 2009 was that it made me realize how crappy things were and how they could be improved in 2010.
On the upside for 2009.......us black folks finally got a break with Obama taking over.

Not to get all political...but it was a huge thing for us. Even if it nevers happens again, just the fact that it happened once is enough for us.
2009 was emotionally the worst year of my life, but it had quite a few absolutely amazing, unforgettable moments.

2008, for example, wasn't quite as emotionally bad overall, but didn't have as many dizzying heights either.

Plus 2009 had at LEAST two 10/10 movies while 2008 didn't have any that I saw. This year was both better and much worse, but a fair bit more satisfying too. So they were both the worst years for different reasons. More later.
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