2006 World Cup

sjmole said:
kinda stepping on my point there lol

the point was it's not WORLD but america thinks that because THEY like it they are the world and so its a world series like alot of americans make out the world cup is useless and not good when the rest of the world loves it.
Yes. We call it the "World" series is because America likes it. :roll:

It was dubbed as the "World series" back in 1903, the first year they had the world series by the Boston owner, I believe. It has NOTHING to do with us liking the sport.
Ice said:
Yes. We call it the "World" series is because America likes it. :roll:

It was dubbed as the "World series" back in 1903, the first year they had the world series by the Boston owner, I believe. It has NOTHING to do with us liking the sport.

historically you're right. and the name should change the same because changing a name after 100 years is silly.

but it isn't really a world series. of course, they tried that with the classic thing and it didn't work out all that great, because tons of players would rather keep themselves healthy for their professional teams than play for their country. also, only a handful of countries play baseball. was there even a qualifying thing? i don't know too too much about it.
iceman said:
Sorry if that sounds un-american, but its what happens every Olympics! And I hate it when people over-use the term un-american. I wasn't aware stating opinions was un-american! I'm just as insulted that you called me un-american as you are that I said something non-perfect out our (it's mine too, who knew?) country. so pot kettle black.

Re-read my post and count the number of times I either called you un-American or "over used" the term "un-American".
sorry, you called what i said "anti-american." my bad. and i think anyone who uses that aside from people who say "death to america" or otherwise wish harm on the country is over-using it.
Bringing this back to the World Cup - notice the response this thread got after it was derailed off-topic. That backs up my theory as to why a) people feel the need to brag about a country's fans and how rowdy they are and b) why some fans take jeering to such extremes.
people feel the need to brag about anything their country does, not just hooligining (though i never thought it was widespread that people would be "proud" of their hooligining). it's in human nature, we all know someone who is a "topper."

anyway, I really hope Brazil doesn't win. Their team is so absurdly good that I'm 80% sure they are going to, but I really really really don't want them to win. I've hated them since they mind-controlled Baggio and made him sail that PK.
whilst in japan it was brough to my attention........that they friggin LOVE baseball! it was cool i watched a tv programme where they had some guy they dubbed "super mario" cos of his moustache and they gave him mario sound effects while he was playing
moonmaster said:
Americans don't care about the World Cup. Therefore, it is not a real sport.

End of discussion.

Americans also don't care about intelligence.

I'll watch some of it. Might make a few bets... I'll go with Brazil, since I went with them for the 2002 World Cup... Plus, they're my favourite team to play as in a Soccer game I had... :D
Ugh my exams are on during the World Cup.........the only good reason to watch football in four years.......

Yeah football fans are absolute scumbags, generally speaking, and its accepted worldwide. Most other sports in Europe have civil fans. But football...ugh. Great to play, **** to watch.
I'd like to see you European football-playing people take on a team of American football players. :twisted:
sure thing, they will just hand-ball and kick the ball over the goal mouth so its a sure fire win
JonnyFreeze said:
whilst in japan it was brough to my attention........that they friggin LOVE baseball!

Baseball is probably bigger in Japan than America. It's also huge in Cuba, Dominican Republic, etc.

JonnyFreeze said:
sure thing, they will just hand-ball and kick the ball over the goal mouth so its a sure fire win

That's not what he was talking about. :twisted:
give us a bit of time to fill our rugby guys full of an equal amount of `roids that your "football" players are into and i dont think we would have any problems takin you on. we dont even need the `roids to do it so it would be a walk in the park
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The only soccer games i can stand are the ones from the World Cup or European leagues, Brazil sell all the good players to other countries, we just have the really ****ty ones. Our team has like only 2 players that actually play in Brazil.

But we are so totally owning everyone again.
JonnyFreeze said:
this is true

Actually i said that as a joke, of course i want my country to win, but two in a row? Long time since that hapenned. I think we can get to the semi finals without a sweat, then it's goign to be tough
jtg3885 said:
I'd like to see you European football-playing people take on a team of American football players. :twisted:

Nah, we have rugby players for that. Now if your boys have their layers upon layers of padding on its a different story.......

E.Vi.L. said:
My heart is with France.
My head says Brazil.
My Guts say Germany.

Yeah, I wasn't explicit in the first post. But what are your picks for those of you who will follow the World Cup?
iceman said:
people feel the need to brag about anything their country does, not just hooligining (though i never thought it was widespread that people would be "proud" of their hooligining). it's in human nature, we all know someone who is a "topper."
I don't.

See, "hooliganing" shouldn't just be considered human nature. It's racist, overzealous idiots beating the crap out of each other over sports. It's incredibly stupid.
ProjectX2 said:
Americans also don't care about intelligence.
*sticks gun in Proj's mouth*

Say that again.
jtg3885 said:
I'd like to see you European football-playing people take on a team of American football players.
:twisted: Hehehehehe...
JohnnyFreeze said:
give us a bit of time to fill our rugby guys full of an equal amount of `roids that your "football" players are into and i dont think we would have any problems takin you on. we dont even need the `roids to do it so it would be a walk in the park
Steroids is mostly baseball, not football.