15 minutes of fame up?


Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
Jul 24, 2004
The World of Icelandia.
So I was watching Attack of the Show last night and they had a segment on a list, I think it was by some website...I forget the name of it...but they had listed 5 people who's 15 minutes of fame are just about over.

Listed were:

  • Dane Cook (A big WTF)
  • Bryan Singer
  • Lonely Girl (some girl from the web)

and two other people who I can't remember right now. Some things pissed me off when they did the interview with two guys, one from the website and the other from USA Today (a movie critic). The guy from the website was all on Dane Cook because he thinks his acting career sucks and is already down the toilet, but loves his comedy. W.T.F. Dane has only had one movie which he lead in. It may not have been a blockbuster hit, but it doesn't make it a horrible movie. And when he was in "Waiting", it was more of a cameo/small part role. I wanted to hit the guy in the face.

Then when he talked about Singer, they said about how he let a lot of fans down with Superman Returns, which is true. There are a lot of disappointed people, moreso than those who like it. But that's not the point. The guy who made the list was all that he shouldn't do it for the fans or some **** like that. Again: W.T.F. You NEED the fans. The fans are going to be the majority of getting this movie off the ground and into great numbers in the box office. You can't just forget them or ignore them. You're just going to screw yourself like that. He was saying that some movies need to pick up slowly with the first and really pick up with the second (I don't remember if he was specific in terms of story and/or sales). But in certain cases, that's not very good to go on.

The lonely girl I don't even care. Never seen her "shows" or whatever on the web.
Lonely Girl I can understand. Anyone who becomes famous for some internet clip or reality show----not only is your time up....but your time ran out the minute anyone even knew about you.

But Singer and Cook? Get the **** out! Singer makes amazing films. And not just comic films. Check out Apt Pupil and tell me it's not awesome.

And Cook---he's just getting started. The man is funny. Sure some people don't like him....but some people don't find Will Ferrell funny either. I call them French or Canadians....but that's besides the point. :wink:

Whoever made the list is crazy.
I hate Dane Cook with a blind passion. He's the least-funny, least-talented comedian this side of basic cable. If it wasn't for teenage girls he'd be nothing. So many more talented comedians who never got the opportunity.

That being said, I don't see his (or Singer's) 15 minutes being up any time soon, so 2/3 of the list presented is horrible at any rate.
Lonely Girl I can understand. Anyone who becomes famous for some internet clip or reality show----not only is your time up....but your time ran out the minute anyone even knew about you.

But Singer and Cook? Get the **** out! Singer makes amazing films. And not just comic films. Check out Apt Pupil and tell me it's not awesome.

And Cook---he's just getting started. The man is funny. Sure some people don't like him....but some people don't find Will Ferrell funny either. I call them French or Canadians....but that's besides the point. :wink:

Whoever made the list is crazy.
Times like these is why you sir, rock.

I hate Dane Cook with a blind passion. He's the least-funny, least-talented comedian this side of basic cable.
Yeah, screw the guy who actually isn't a walking cliche of comedians.

If it wasn't for teenage girls he'd be nothing.
So much BS if I ever saw it.

So many more talented comedians who never got the opportunity.
Don't see how that has anything to do with Dane Cook.
Singer sucks.
I liked Superman Returns more than X3, though niether one was very good.
Dane Cook wasn't funny to begin with, Who the hell is lonely girl, and the person responsible for this list was obviously an X3 over Superman Returns fan so they're probably an idiot anyway.

Lonely Girl is some web show on YouTube. She was on the cover of Wired this month.

Never been a big Dane Cook fan. Just don't find him funny. But he's pretty big (at least for his standup, not really his films) - no way his 15 minutes are up.

As for Singer...even when his 15 minutes are up, his ghost writers will carry the torch. BURN!
Singer's 15 minutes aren't even close to being up yet. Just wait until his Ultimate X-Men series puts him back on top of the public consciousness!

I see covers of Time and Newsweek!

He's not on them, but I see them.
See...now I can understand why some people don't find Dane Cook funny. I've seen a couple of his stand-up routines. Some are funny. Some aren't. It's hit or miss with him. But for the record---I thought he was hilarious in "Waiting"..."Employee of the Month" was funny...his "Vicious Circle" special was great....his SNL gig--not so much.

So yeah....I'm a Dane Cook fan. But I'll also be the first to admit that there are comedians out there who are WAY funnier than him. But I'm a huge Patton Oswalt fan, so what do I know? :?

Comedians of Comedy :rockon:

But the people who think Singer is bad.......you all have no brain and you are a waste of posting space. Singer is amazing. Saying he sucks because you didn't like "Superman Returns" is like saying Ang Lee is garbage because you didn't like "The Hulk" or like saying Peter Jackson is **** because you hate fantasy stories. Singer makes the most compelling character driven films I've ever seen. I just hope he doesn't pigeon-hole himself into comic movies.
Let me tell you the problem with Dane Cook. Some frat boys decided he was funny and started this ridiculous MTV style epidemic where everyone who wished they could be in the clique all declared he was the funniest man alive. Also younger generations began realizing how funny George Carlin was and thought, "Man, he's too old. We need someone young and hip." Bam! Dane Cook it was.

I'm not saying he's not funny. I'm saying his popularity over others is completely ridiculous.

And if Superman Returns Sequel tanks, which is possible because we have Superman Jr. to ruin the script, it won't take Singer down with it. If anything Brandon Routh will fade into obscurity.

Halle Berry's time's up too.
I like Dane Cook, but only in standup. He's not an actor, he's a comedian. He needs to stick to his own stuff.

Singer. . .hmmmmm. Well, I loathed Superman Returns, but the man was a genius on X-men. I dunno. . .I think if he let's go of the Superman franchise, he'd do very well. And write your damn Phoenix story in Ultimate X-men!

I have no clue who Lonely Girl is and I honestly don't give a damn.
Dane Cook's 15 minutes will be up in about another 2 minutes...so yeah, his 15 are just about up.

Some of his stuff is funny, but he's way overrated by most people I've talked to about him. I get a laugh out of him now and then, but I get more so out of your average comedian. Lets face it, Joe Kalicki is right: the majority of his attention is probably stemming from teenage girls.

Ice said:
Yeah, screw the guy who actually isn't a walking cliche of comedians.

Actually, he's exactly that...at least of today's comedians. MWoF knows what I'm talking about.

E said:
Never been a big Dane Cook fan. Just don't find him funny. But he's pretty big (at least for his standup, not really his films) - no way his 15 minutes are up.

His 15 are almost up, trust me. His career is pretty big, but the bubble must get pretty big before it bursts. And his has just about reached maximum capacity. Trust me...in a few years, people will barely remember him, even with his "comeback" comedy tour.
Dane Cook is overrated.

Bryan Singer is alright, but I think he's kind of annoying when I see the behind the scenes of Superman Returns.

Lonely Girl is ****ing lonely, she's doomed from the start.
ice told me to tell you guys that Borat was also on the list

Borat or Sacha Baron Cohen? Borat is done, basically. He did his movie and it was funny, but a second would be overkill.

As for Cohen's career? I dunno. . .Ali G is pretty funny, but the Bruno movie may be overkill. Tough call on this one.

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