10 (& more) things about Mark Millar.

The Year of Mark Millar Becomes 2, Part One

Though part of him must hate it, the showman inside Mark Millar probably is okay with the idea of his tour-de-force year of comics (featuring 1985, Kick-***, War Heroes, Wolverine and Fantastic Four) is now fully stretching into a second due to some scheduling hang ups.

The body of work that Millar has produced and is still coming out is also unique in that it's all interconnected (well, slightly – see below), and features some of the best artists in comics. Oh, and the two creator-owned ones are being turned into films.

But before you think he's strutting his stuff muttering "Damn, it's good to be a Millar"...well, he's not. After a long period of good heath, Millar caught a bug and was laid up for the month of January. Now, back to full speed, he's looking ahead at seeing his stories wrap up, his movie finish filming, and the next wave of projects kicking off.

Oh, and he found some time to talk to us.
It be Millar's birthday and all today, y'all.

Unfortunately for him, he's probably spending it in bed (he recently got out of the hospital again).
He's just trying to steal Warren Ellis' gig.

Next thing you know, he'll be sending Bad Signals about how he is Giant Snot Tsunami Man.
Millar updating on his works:


Young Man McNiven is just finishing off issue 71 and part six of this eight part story is out next month. Everything is on track and Steve drawing everything like clockwork. He's slower than he wants to be, but the quality explains all. I'm done and dusted, though may return to this world at some point in the future if Steve is there too.


Again, I'm done and dusted on this and Hitchy almost too. He's about halfway through the second last issue, I think, and 563 is out at the end of this month. This book is bang on track again after an inking problem some months ago (where Hitchy had to ink himself for a while) but Cam is a superstar and book will be out every four weeks again. Yay.


Johnny's just started back after months and months working like a dog, animating and directing a sequence within this year's Matthew Vaughn movie. He draws like the wind, though, and we have the hardcover scheduled for a July release so isues six, seven and eight will all be done by then. This wraps the first storyline, of course.


Tony has drawn about 13 pages of issue three, but hopefully more soon. This is the only one I'm not sure about, but the Image deal is trickier for artists as they tend to work for free (up-front) and so paying work will always hold this up. Movie money should be through soon and am guessing that will quicken Tony's pace. It's beautiful work, though, and I like him so much as a dude. Best signings EVER!


Goin' smooth. Carlos is bang on for our Summer start and Leinil starts in about six weeks. The four different artists for each event arc is great because it means I can have four guys working at once. I'm going to write my whole run this year, hopefully. It's going to be a monster.


American Jesus book two will kick-off later in the year and Peter Gross will be starting that this Summer. Hopefully some big movie news for you there inside the next few weeks. The two other creator-owned things I have planned won't be out until Christmas/ New Year as I'm focusing on Ultimate Avengers as my one and only gig for a little while and really getting ahead for the artists. But will be on these around late Summer, all going well, and both shaping up to be very sweet indeed.

I don't know where to post about this so I'll do it here: I read the first digest TPB thing of his Superman Adventures stories. Unbelievably fun stories. I enjoyed how Clark defeated the "fake Superman" and the idea of Parasite disguising himself as a victim in order to get rescued by Superman.

I know Bass has read them and loves them but has anyone else read them?

I'm pretty sure if Millar/Hitch ever did their Superman run it would be a combination of this and The Ultimates... which would probably be my favourite Superman comics ever.

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