Recent content by JudgeDreddpool

  1. JudgeDreddpool

    Timeline Hub

    Dunno if anyone's done a timeline for the Hannibal Lector franchise (especially considering the various adaptations), but in found a date in Manhunter (the 1986 adaptation of Red Dragon) at around 35 minutes in.
  2. JudgeDreddpool

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 4)

    Black Panther Chapter 18 is duplicated twice.
  3. JudgeDreddpool

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 4)

    Makes sense. But man...
  4. JudgeDreddpool

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    Oh. Well, can we not bring that... THING up randomly? I'd rather not discuss IT here, of all places.
  5. JudgeDreddpool

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

  6. JudgeDreddpool

    Slasherverse - Timeline

    I'm aware.
  7. JudgeDreddpool

    Slasherverse - Timeline

    Just read Hellraiser #18, "Many Splendored Thing". No real dating placements, so we can throw it in 1992 with the other non-dated Hellraiser stories. @Pro Bot
  8. JudgeDreddpool

    Slasherverse - Timeline

    Updated to include the Zombie Tramp comics as of the upcoming crossover with Hack/Slash. @Pro Bot @BMarrow if you lads wanna bookmark this post for reference, feel free to. I'll update whenever timestamps are added/
  9. JudgeDreddpool

    Slasherverse - Timeline

    Crickey. That's alot of issues.
  10. JudgeDreddpool

    Slasherverse - Timeline

    How massive are we talking? Got a list of comics?
  11. JudgeDreddpool

    Timeline Hub

    ... I meant JUST RoboCop, barring crossovers.
  12. JudgeDreddpool

    Timeline Hub

    Did anyone do a timeline for RoboCop already? The original movie's on Prime Video, and I wanna watch it.
  13. JudgeDreddpool

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 4)

    No need to thank me.
  14. JudgeDreddpool

    My Bloody Valentine/Silent Night, Deadly Night - Timeline

    More like the best scene in the entire franchise. Facts.