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  • hey hey hey i have a question
    can you clarify what does writing in a glitch over again and erasing the other one entail? because i think if i'd do so the new line would also glitch out lol
    can't i just delete the whole broken mess that got made and rewrite it again? shouldn't be too hard, i did spend almost an entire day on writing it after all and didn't clip out until the glitches began occuring
    Pro Bot
    Pro Bot
    You can't delete threads on your own. Try asking Blackbeard. Heck, just delete the whole text and try rewriting it like that.
    that's what i said, delete the text
    didn't word it right i guess haha
    Heyyy, as you can see I'm new at this site, and I was wondering, can I make the 1980s Spider-Man and Hulk shows timeline on here? Assuming you're an admin on here that decides things and all judging by your activity
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    I'm not an admin or anything, I'm just a user. People just make timelines for fun.
    Do you think the Superman 78/Batman 89 universe plus the Batman 66 universe co-exist in the live-action and comic multiverse the same way the Max Fleischer's Superman cartoons and "Earth-N52" (I assume is Earth-1 of the DC Animated films pre-Flashpoint) co-exist in animated and live-action?
    Pro Bot
    Pro Bot
    It is, in my mind, probably similar. Earth-89 might be Earth-89 to the Live-Action Multiverse, but it's Earth-789 to the Comics Multiverse (or perhaps, post-crisis it shares that designation in the Live-Action Multiverse but we can't possibly know).
    Pro Bot
    Pro Bot
    Hal Jordan actually had a cameo in Superman '78, by the way. Central City has been referenced quite a few times in Burton Batman tie-in material recently, but... who knows?
    Pro Bot
    Pro Bot
    Interesting note: the mainstream Batman comics reveal how Earth-89's Joker is alive in Crisis on Infinite Earths.
    hey pro bot, since i saw u interested in the ispired by comics. And saw u made a MCU Video games timeline, i'll just share with u what are the comics i think they can be canon (if you are interested and if people doesn't want to add them).
    Mr Pro Boy, what's your favorite game?
    Check this out
    Ever noticed how the clouds over Gotham City get more clearer and brighter as time passes?
    Perfect analogy for the "darkness" plaguing the city slowly disappearing.
    Pro Bot
    Pro Bot
    Interesting observation. It's a shame that Pennyworth's story is left uncompleted. So many dangling threads, including Samantha Wayne who just disappears between the events of each show. I wish the show could have led all the way up to the events of Bruce Wayne's birth.
    Yeah it literally annoys me as much as the cliffhanger to Constantine with Manny's plan for Zed NEVER being resolved onscreen between then and Legends.
    I think they implied Manny was Neron in Legends s4 but they don't get into Zed at all and the deal with her dad's cult that might have been manipulated by Manny/Neron(?).
    Hoping MGM+ at least does a finale film for Pennyworth like Ray Donovan or Deadwood, but if not a comic finale would suffice too.
    Don't take my frustrations personally.

    I'm dealing with some irl tragedy right now and I've been trying to avoid the Internet for the most part.
    Certain things do trigger me and it's fake theories. It's just a pet peeve, nothing I hold against you.

    Hope you understand.
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    Pro Bot
    It's an interesting hypothesis on the nature of the multiverse. Personally I like it, though we'll have to see if it holds any weight by the time The Flash releases.
    Pro Bot
    Pro Bot
    My theory is that Keaton is actually a Flashpoint variant that was created in the DCEU Flashpoint like how Grifter from WildStorm was in the original comic, since he seems to be an anomaly and I doubt that the Burtonverse is so similar to the DCEU, though it's possible. It just makes sense to me that this is an alternate timeline for Earth-1 that's somewhat merged elements of other realities. Could be wrong though.
    Pro Bot
    Pro Bot
    Barry believes he created the Flashpoint Universe as well, yet we know that Keaton existed before on Earth-89 so that can't be true.

    Also, I wonder if the George Clooney/Nicholas Cage timeline is Earth-97 or an alternate timeline to Earth-89.
    Hey dude. I apologize for my rudeness earlier. I wasn't joking when I said I got a lot going on right now in my personal life...
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    Pro Bot
    Pro Bot
    It's okay man. I don't hold it against you.
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