Universal Monsters - Viewing Order

Many of the movies listed as Classic Monsters on the timeline don't appear to have a monster or even any horror elements. Should they all really be on there?

Secret of the Chateau (1934) - Crime/Thriller
Life Returns (1935) - Drama
Night Life of the Gods (1935) - Fantasy comedy
Night Key (1937) - Crime/sci-fi
The Man Who Cried Wolf (1937) - Crime drama
The Westland Case (1937) - Crime mystery
The Black Doll (1938) - Crime mystery/comedy
The Lady in the Morgue (1938) - Crime mystery
Danger on the Air (1938) - Crime mystery
The Last Express (1938) - Crime mystery
Gambling Ship (1938) - Crime mystery
Mystery of the White Room (1939) - Crime mystery
Inside Information (1939) - Crime mystery
The Witness Vanishes (1939) - Crime mystery
The House of the Seven Gables (1940) - Romance/melodrama
Destiny (1944) - Crime drama
Strange Confession (1945) - Drama
Night in Paradise (1946) - Romance
short answer: YES.
Many of the movies listed as Classic Monsters on the timeline don't appear to have a monster or even any horror elements. Should they all really be on there?

Secret of the Chateau (1934) - Crime/Thriller
Life Returns (1935) - Drama
Night Life of the Gods (1935) - Fantasy comedy
Night Key (1937) - Crime/sci-fi
The Man Who Cried Wolf (1937) - Crime drama
The Westland Case (1937) - Crime mystery
The Black Doll (1938) - Crime mystery/comedy
The Lady in the Morgue (1938) - Crime mystery
Danger on the Air (1938) - Crime mystery
The Last Express (1938) - Crime mystery
Gambling Ship (1938) - Crime mystery
Mystery of the White Room (1939) - Crime mystery
Inside Information (1939) - Crime mystery
The Witness Vanishes (1939) - Crime mystery
The House of the Seven Gables (1940) - Romance/melodrama
Destiny (1944) - Crime drama
Strange Confession (1945) - Drama
Night in Paradise (1946) - Romance
They're listed in the Universal Horror history book, so... yeah.
But not specifically as "Universal Monsters" movies, right? So they shouldn't be on here?
The franchise was called Universal Horror back when the book was written. They recently-ish renamed it to Universal Monsters, so they should still be on here. Besides, both names are used interchangeably. UM is just the more accurate one now.
But not specifically as "Universal Monsters" movies, right? So they shouldn't be on here?
They're the same thing.
Technically speaking, monster doesn't have to refer to a creature. A human character can be a monster. It'd be hard to find a film without some antagonistic force.
The thing you have to understand about UM is that a lot of it never really directly connects, or was a reboot at some point, or seems out of place. Certainly, with statements regarding The Mummy (2017) and the Dark Universe park, plus the footage they used for it, it is definitely one universe now, even though some connections are less sustainable than others. Fun fact, the audio short story on this timeline set in the 1940s titled Halloween Horror Nights: Echoes from the Fog 1x04, "Universal Monsters: Eternal Bloodlines" ties to an amusement featuring the Classic Monsters, particularly Dracula's Daughter. There's easter eggs to Abigail in it, which is confirmed Universal Monsters in interviews too.

Some content is more distant and less connected than others, while sometimes it is. The Mole People had absolutely no connection until the new park referenced it, but it was always part of the universe. I would expect nods to other things too, honestly.
The franchise was called Universal Horror back when the book was written. They recently-ish renamed it to Universal Monsters, so they should still be on here. Besides, both names are used interchangeably. UM is just the more accurate one now.
As far as I can see, Universal reserves the newer "Universal Monsters" branding exclusively for their actual monster movies, and we can't necessarily grandfather-in their monster-less crime mystery movies.
As far as I can see, Universal reserves the newer "Universal Monsters" branding exclusively for their actual monster movies, and we can't necessarily grandfather-in their monster-less crime mystery movies.
Those movies aren't grandfathered in. The difference is that they were part of the brand originally. From 1913 to 1956, Universal Horror and Universal Monsters were the exact same thing. Talking about the newer Universal Monsters films is somewhat irrelevant since it's completely different and unrelated to said crime mystery movies.
Universal Monsters as a title wasn't even really a thing until the 1990s, by the way.
Yes, by 'newer "Universal Monsters" branding' below, I'm referring its 1990s-and-on use as a franchise title.

As far as I can see, Universal reserves the newer "Universal Monsters" branding exclusively for their actual monster movies, and we can't necessarily grandfather-in their monster-less crime mystery movies.
They're listed in the Universal Horror history book, so... yeah.
I checked what the Universal Horrors history book had to say.

Secret of the Chateau (1934) is featured as "a creaky, dime-store whodunit that's all but forgotten today. It has little to distinguish it from the dozens of bottom-of-the-bill program mysteries that Hollywood studios cranked out with regularity in the '30s and '40s. Surprisingly, Universal took little advantage of the story's creepy country chateau setting and invested the film with precious few eerie effects. Chills and suspense are sacrificed for a succession of low-level gags. Judging from the film's advertising, however, one would get the impression Secret of the Chateau was a bonafide horror film, or at least a mystery thriller with strong horrific elements."

Life Returns (1935) "is a hopeless, exasperating conglomeration of events and images masquerading as a motion picture. For all the many years that it was out of circulation, fans knew only that Universal had released it and that the title and plotline suggested a borderline science fiction theme, and so hopes were raised. But the cold light of rediscovery revealed a depressingly cheap, incoherent flick built around a questionable scientific achievement."

Night Key (1937) is "neatly constructed to go from straight drama in its opening reels, tilting towards comedy in the mid-section and then winding down into a relatively tense gangster melodrama" [whose] "genre trappings are peripheral aside from some eye-catching scientific gizmos".

Strange Confession (1945) "is a straightforward, well-done B-grade domestic drama cum domestic tragedy"


More importantly, none of the strictly crime mysteries are featured in the Universal Horrors book proper, only in Appendix I - Exclusions, Borderline Inclusions, Odds and Ends
Universal Horrors Appendix I said:
The following is a series of capsule reviews of movies that some readers may have expected to find in the main section of this book—movies which include some minor horror, science fiction or fantasy elements, but not enough that we could bring ourselves to make them subjects of full writeups. Also included are movies that were either misleadingly advertised by Universal as horror movies upon their original release, and/or were later sold by TV stations in the false guise of horror movies.
These Appendix I mentions include Inside Information (1939) ("strictly cops-and-robbers tomfoolery"), The Lady in the Morgue (1938) ("inconsequential meller"), Danger on the Air (1938) ("murder mystery romp"), Mystery of the White Room (1939) ("barely passable whodunit"), The Witness Vanishes (1939) ("a cozily familiar melodrama"), The Man Who Cried Wolf (1937), The Last Express (1938) and Gambling Ship (1938).
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Dracula Untold is set March 30th - April, 1462. The bonuses on the blu-ray place it in 1462 and it begins on easter. Just making notes.

I checked what the Universal Horrors history book had to say.

Secret of the Chateau (1934) is featured as "a creaky, dime-store whodunit that's all but forgotten today. It has little to distinguish it from the dozens of bottom-of-the-bill program mysteries that Hollywood studios cranked out with regularity in the '30s and '40s. Surprisingly, Universal took little advantage of the story's creepy country chateau setting and invested the film with precious few eerie effects. Chills and suspense are sacrificed for a succession of low-level gags. Judging from the film's advertising, however, one would get the impression Secret of the Chateau was a bonafide horror film, or at least a mystery thriller with strong horrific elements."

Life Returns (1935) "is a hopeless, exasperating conglomeration of events and images masquerading as a motion picture. For all the many years that it was out of circulation, fans knew only that Universal had released it and that the title and plotline suggested a borderline science fiction theme, and so hopes were raised. But the cold light of rediscovery revealed a depressingly cheap, incoherent flick built around a questionable scientific achievement."

Night Key (1937) is "neatly constructed to go from straight drama in its opening reels, tilting towards comedy in the mid-section and then winding down into a relatively tense gangster melodrama" [whose] "genre trappings are peripheral aside from some eye-catching scientific gizmos".

Strange Confession (1945) "is a straightforward, well-done B-grade domestic drama cum domestic tragedy"
I appreciate you checking it for yourself.

More importantly, none of the strictly crime mysteries are featured in the Universal Horrors book proper, only in Appendix I - Exclusions, Borderline Inclusions, Odds and Ends

These Appendix I mentions include Inside Information (1939) ("strictly cops-and-robbers tomfoolery"), The Lady in the Morgue (1938) ("inconsequential meller"), Danger on the Air (1938) ("murder mystery romp"), Mystery of the White Room (1939) ("barely passable whodunit"), The Witness Vanishes (1939) ("a cozily familiar melodrama"), The Man Who Cried Wolf (1937), The Last Express (1938) and Gambling Ship (1938).
Films that are relevant enough to add to the book without fitting the horror brand. Still, not everything in that Appendix is included, which was an intentional decision. A lot of stuff was accepted here because of other sources, mainly found by @Maciej Jankowski around a year or so ago. A lot of films were sourced through obscure places, non-English sites, interviews, books, magazines, etc. Unfortunately, he just added the titles and release dates rather than sources because he was doing it for personal use/friends and didn't think he had to, but I do trust his judgement.

I understand that that's a bit annoying. Perhaps tracking those down one day would be helpful documentation. *shrugs*
Films that are relevant enough to add to the book without fitting the horror brand. Still, not everything in that Appendix is included, which was an intentional decision.
I read it more as 'Some readers may mistakenly think we missed these titles but we checked and they're not horror and don't fit the book, don't be fooled'
That's a reasonable reading, I'm not arguing with that. Just providing context. The majority of those films are not included for that reason, I'd say.
Damn... now more than ever, we desperately need a proper timeline order much like the one on the Slasherverse thread.
Not working on that and not particularly planning on it hard, but I do have some notes just in case to make things easier.

???? B.C.
Scorpion King: Book of Souls (Flashbacks)

3099 B.C.
The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior (Flashbacks)

3093 B.C.
The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior

3084 B.C.
The Scorpion King: Rise of the Akkadian

3083 B.C.
The Scorpion King #1, "The Akkadian Prophecy, Part One"
The Scorpion King #2, "The Akkadian Prophecy, Part Two"
The Scorpion King

3084 B.C.
The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris

30?? B.C.
The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption (Flashbacks)

3073 B.C.
The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption

3070 B.C.
The Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power

3067 B.C.
Scorpion King: Book of Souls
The Mummy Returns (Flashbacks)

3060 B.C.
The Mummy Returns (Flashbacks)

1??? B.C.
Thor: Hammer of the Gods (Flashbacks)

560 B.C.
Night in Paradise (1946) [No blu-ray]

55? B.C.
Night in Paradise (1946) (Flashfoward) [No blu-ray]

Grendel (Flashbacks)


Grendel (Flashfoward)

Thor: Hammer of the Gods

The Thing: The Northman Nightmare #1

Dracula Untold (Flashbacks)

March 30
Dracula Untold: Alternate Opening

March 30 – April
Dracula Untold

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Flashbacks)

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Dracula Untold (Flashfoward)
2006 - Hellsing Ultimate 1x01, "Hellsing I"
2006 - Hellsing Ultimate 1x02, "Hellsing II"
2006 - Hellsing Ultimate 1x03, "Hellsing III"
2006 - Hellsing Ultimate 1x04, "Hellsing IV"
2006 - Hellsing Ultimate 1x05, "Hellsing V"
2006 - Hellsing Ultimate 1x06, "Hellsing VI"
2006 - Hellsing Ultimate 1x07, "Hellsing VII"
2006 - Hellsing Ultimate 1x08, "Hellsing VIII"
2006 - Hellsing Ultimate 1x09, "Hellsing IX
2006 - Hellsing Ultimate 1x10, "Hellsing X"
Hellsing is in the timeline?!

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