Slasherverse - Timeline

???? ----> Mr. Deeds ----> To Kill a Mockingbird
The Goldbergs ----> Animal House ----> Twilight Zone
The Goldbergs ----> Animal House ----> The Blues Brothers ----> Apocalypse Now
The Goldbergs ----> The Wedding Singer ----> Click ----> Grown Ups ----> Pixels
Alright, adding detailed timeline placements of the previously mentioned Hellraiser comics for ya @Pro Bot. I'll sort in order of the story/story-arcs in chronological order.
400 B.C.
Hellraiser #16, "This, I Saw" (pg. 1-16)

3?? B.C.
Hellraiser #16, "This, I Saw" (pg. 15-16)
Hellraiser #14, "Later" (pg. 3-7)

Hellraiser #14, "Later" (pg. 1-3, 7-8) [Hell]
December 16
Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager" (pg. 1)

Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager" (pg. 6)


Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager" (pg. 11)
Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager" (pg. 10-12)


Hellraiser #7, "Devil's Brigade; Part One: A Call to Arms" [Hell]
Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Two: Haven on Hell Street"
Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager"
(pg. 3-4, 9)

July 4
Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager" (pg. 2-9, 12-16)

July 6
Hellraiser #12, "Devil's Brigade, Part Ten: Black and White" (pg. 1-6)

July 7
Hellraiser #12, "Devil's Brigade, Part Ten: Black and White" (pg. 7-15)

July 17
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:04:24)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 2 (0:04:25 - 0:09:52)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 3 (0:09:53 - 0:13:15)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 4 (0:13:16 - 0:16:27)

July 18
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 4 (0:16:28 - 0:21:11)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 5 (0:21:12 - 0:25:58)

July 19
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 5 (0:25:59 - 0:30:21)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 6 (0:30:22 - 0:37:44)

July 20
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 6 (0:37:45 - 0:43:22)

July 21
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 7 (0:43:23 - 0:54:23)

July 22
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 7 (0:54:24 - 0:59:14)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 8 (0:59:15 - 0:59:53)

Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 8 (0:59:54 - 1:04:07)

July 23
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 8 (0:59:54 - 1:04:07)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 9 (1:04:08 - 1:10:47)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 10 (1:10:48 - 1:18:19)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 11 (1:18:20 - 1:24:43)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 12 (1:24:44 - 1:28:29)

July 23
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 12 (1:28:30 - 1:29:34)

August 13
Hellraiser #13, "Devil's Brigade Part Twelve: Endolsung: The Final Solution" (pg. 1-17)
Hellraiser #13, "Devil's Brigade Part Twelve: Endolsung: The Final Solution" (pg. 18) [Hell]

Hellraiser #9, "Devil's Brigade Part Four: Shoot High, Break Low"
Hellraiser #9, "Devil's Brigade Part Five: Passion"
Hellraiser #10, "Devil's Brigade Part Six: One True Faith"
Hellraiser #10, "Devil's Brigade Part Seven: Commitment"
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance"
(pg. 1-3)
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 3-5) [Hell]
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 5-6)
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 6-7) [Hell]
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 7-11)
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 11) [Hell]
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 12)
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 12-13) [Hell]
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 13-15)
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 15) [Hell]
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Thirteen: Breakdown in Red" (pg. 1-4)
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Thirteen: Breakdown in Red" (pg. 5-8) [Hell]

Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Thirteen: Breakdown in Red" (pg. 8-15)
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Thirteen: Breakdown in Red" (pg. 15) [Hell]

Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Nine: No Loss to the Community"
Hellraiser #15, "Devil's Brigade Part Fifteen: The Kold Red"
Hellraiser #12, "Devil's Brigade Part Eleven: Believe the Sinners"
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations"
(pg. 1-4) [Dream]
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations" (pg. 4-6)
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations" (pg. 6-7) [Hell]
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations" (pg. 8)
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations" (pg. 9) [Dream]

Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations" (pg. 10-17)
Hellraiser #15, "Devil's Brigade Part Sixteen: The Cenobite Always Rings Twice"
Hellraiser #16, "Devil's Brigade Part Seventeen: Hell Hath No Fury"
(pg. 1-7)
Hellraiser #16, "Devil's Brigade Part Seventeen: Hell Hath No Fury" (pg. 8) [Hell]

Hellraiser #16, "Devil's Brigade Part Seventeen: Hell Hath No Fury" (pg. 9-13)
Hellraiser #16, "Devil's Brigade Finale: Reckoning" [Hell]
July 12

Hellraiser #15, "Of Love, Cats, and Curiosity" (pg. 3-4)

September 10

Hellraiser #15, "Of Love, Cats, and Curiosity" (pg. 5-7)

October 8
Hellraiser #15, "Of Love, Cats, and Curiosity" (pg. 2)

October 10
Hellraiser #15, "Of Love, Cats, and Curiosity" (pg. 1-2, 4-5, 8)

Honestly, the timeline of events for the Devil's Brigade arc is kinda bugging me. We should look at untangling it at some point.
Also, if it weren't obvious...
July 21
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 7 (0:43:23 - 0:54:23)

July 22
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 7 (0:54:24 - 0:59:14)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 8 (0:59:15 - 0:59:53)

July 22
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 8 (0:59:54 - 1:04:07)

July 23
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 8 (0:59:54 - 1:04:07)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 9 (1:04:08 - 1:10:47)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 10 (1:10:48 - 1:18:19)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 11 (1:18:20 - 1:24:43)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 12 (1:24:44 - 1:28:29)
Not sure why there's two July 22's.
Also, had a quick glance through the Detailed Timeline. Here's what still needs timestamps/pages and proper placements (assuming the double asterisk means that it isn't properly placed yet). Let me know if I've missed anything @Pro Bot:
  • Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings
  • Nightbreed: Director's Cut
  • Nightbreed #5-25
  • Hellraiser #17-20
  • Hellraiser/Nightbreed: Jihad #1-2
  • Hellraiser: Summer Special
  • Hellraiser: Dark Holiday Special
  • Freddy's Nightmares Season 1 (episodes 13 to 22) and Season 2
  • Pinhead #1-6
  • The Harrowers: Raiders of the Abyss #1-6
  • Amityville: A New Generation
  • Hellraiser: Spring Slaughter
  • Amityville Dollhouse
  • Pumpkinhead 4: Blood Feud
  • Hack/Slash: Back to School #4
  • Hack/Slash: The Land of Lost Toys #1-3
  • Hack/Slash: Trailers #1-2
  • Hack/Slash: Slashing Through the Snow
  • Hack/Slash: Slice Hard Pre-Sliced 25 Cent Special
  • Hack/Slash: Slice Hard
  • Darkman vs. Army of Darkness #1-4
  • Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes
  • Adam Green's Hatchet: Vengeance #1-3
  • Hack/Slash vs Chucky
  • Hack/Slash #1-32
  • Army of Darkness Vol. 2 #9-27
  • Hack/Slash: Nailbiter
  • Hack/Slash Annual 1
  • Army of Darkness: Ash's Christmas Horror
  • Hack/Slash: Entry Wound
  • Army of Darkness: Ash Saves Obama #1-4
  • Vampirella vs Re-Animator #1-4
  • Army of Darkness/Xena Warrior Princess #1-4
  • Xena Warrior Princess/Army of Darkness #1-4
  • Vlad and Cassie vs Bloody Mary
  • Bomb Queen vs Hack/Slash
  • Hack/Slash vs Halloween Man Special
  • Living Corpse Annual
  • Hack/Slash vs. Vampirella #1-4
  • Hack/Slash: Annual 2010
  • Hellraiser Vol. 2 #0-20
  • Hellraiser Annual 1
  • Tales of Army of Darkness, "Runaway"
  • Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness #1-6
  • Hack/Slash Vol. 2 #1-25
  • Hack/Slash/Eva: Monster's Ball #1-4
  • Hack/Slash Meets Zombies vs Cheerleaders
  • Hack/Slash: 2011 Holiday Special
  • Hack/Slash vs Mercy Sparx: A Slice of Hell #1-2
  • Hellraiser: The Road Below #1-4
  • Army of Darkness Vol. 3 #1-13
  • Prophecy #1-7
  • Hellraiser: The Dark Watch #1-12
  • Army of Darkness vs Hack/Slash #1-6
  • Army of Darkness/Re-Animator
  • Hack/Slash: Son of Samhain #1-5
  • Hellraiser: Bestiary #1-6
  • Army of Darkness #1992.1, "Promotion Commotion"
  • Army of Darkness #1992.1, "Rockwellicon"
  • Army of Darkness: Convention Invasion #1
  • Nailbiter #1-30
  • Re-Animator #1-4
  • Army of Darkness/Xena Warrior Princess: Forever... And A Day #1-6
  • Hack/Slash: Resurrection #1-12
  • Ash vs. the Army of Darkness #0-5
  • Pumpkinhead #1-5
  • Hack/Slash vs. Chaos! #1-5
  • The Crow: Hack/Slash #1-4
  • The Army of Darkness: Ash the Author #1
  • Die!Namite Lives! #1-5
  • Nailbiter Returns #1-10
  • Adam Green's Hatchet: Unstoppable Horror
  • The Army of Darkness: 1979 #1-5
  • Hack/Slash: Hot Shorts #1
  • Chucky Season 3
  • Army of Darkness: Furious Road #1-6
  • Army of Darkness #1992.1, "Ash Beyond"
  • Jason X: Special
  • Friday the 13th: Jason vs Jason X #1-2
  • Zombie Tramp comics (TO BE PLACED)
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Alright, adding detailed timeline placements of the previously mentioned Hellraiser comics for ya @Pro Bot. I'll sort in order of the story/story-arcs in chronological order.
400 B.C.
Hellraiser #16, "This, I Saw" (pg. 1-16)

3?? B.C.
Hellraiser #16, "This, I Saw" (pg. 15-16)
Hellraiser #14, "Later" (pg. 3-7)

Hellraiser #14, "Later" (pg. 1-3, 7-8) [Hell]
December 16
Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager" (pg. 1)

Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager" (pg. 6)


Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager" (pg. 11)
Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager" (pg. 10-12)


Hellraiser #7, "Devil's Brigade; Part One: A Call to Arms" [Hell]
Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Two: Haven on Hell Street"
Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager"
(pg. 3-4, 9)

July 4
Hellraiser #8, "Devil's Brigade Part Three: Inside the Laager" (pg. 2-9, 12-16)

July 6
Hellraiser #12, "Devil's Brigade, Part Ten: Black and White" (pg. 1-6)

July 7
Hellraiser #12, "Devil's Brigade, Part Ten: Black and White" (pg. 7-15)

July 17
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:04:24)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 2 (0:04:25 - 0:09:52)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 3 (0:09:53 - 0:13:15)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 4 (0:13:16 - 0:16:27)

July 18
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 4 (0:16:28 - 0:21:11)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 5 (0:21:12 - 0:25:58)

July 19
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 5 (0:25:59 - 0:30:21)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 6 (0:30:22 - 0:37:44)

July 20
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 6 (0:37:45 - 0:43:22)

July 21
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 7 (0:43:23 - 0:54:23)

July 22
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 7 (0:54:24 - 0:59:14)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 8 (0:59:15 - 0:59:53)

Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 8 (0:59:54 - 1:04:07)

July 23
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 8 (0:59:54 - 1:04:07)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 9 (1:04:08 - 1:10:47)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 10 (1:10:48 - 1:18:19)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 11 (1:18:20 - 1:24:43)
Darkman II: The Return of Durant Chapter 12 (1:24:44 - 1:28:29)

July 23
Darkman II: The Return of Durant
Chapter 12 (1:28:30 - 1:29:34)

August 13
Hellraiser #13, "Devil's Brigade Part Twelve: Endolsung: The Final Solution" (pg. 1-17)
Hellraiser #13, "Devil's Brigade Part Twelve: Endolsung: The Final Solution" (pg. 18) [Hell]

Hellraiser #9, "Devil's Brigade Part Four: Shoot High, Break Low"
Hellraiser #9, "Devil's Brigade Part Five: Passion"
Hellraiser #10, "Devil's Brigade Part Six: One True Faith"
Hellraiser #10, "Devil's Brigade Part Seven: Commitment"
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance"
(pg. 1-3)
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 3-5) [Hell]
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 5-6)
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 6-7) [Hell]
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 7-11)
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 11) [Hell]
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 12)
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 12-13) [Hell]
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 13-15)
Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Eight: Command Performance" (pg. 15) [Hell]
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Thirteen: Breakdown in Red" (pg. 1-4)
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Thirteen: Breakdown in Red" (pg. 5-8) [Hell]

Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Thirteen: Breakdown in Red" (pg. 8-15)
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Thirteen: Breakdown in Red" (pg. 15) [Hell]

Hellraiser #11, "Devil's Brigade: Part Nine: No Loss to the Community"
Hellraiser #15, "Devil's Brigade Part Fifteen: The Kold Red"
Hellraiser #12, "Devil's Brigade Part Eleven: Believe the Sinners"
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations"
(pg. 1-4) [Dream]
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations" (pg. 4-6)
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations" (pg. 6-7) [Hell]
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations" (pg. 8)
Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations" (pg. 9) [Dream]

Hellraiser #14, "Devil's Brigade Part Fourteen: Echoes, Dreams and Revelations" (pg. 10-17)
Hellraiser #15, "Devil's Brigade Part Sixteen: The Cenobite Always Rings Twice"
Hellraiser #16, "Devil's Brigade Part Seventeen: Hell Hath No Fury"
(pg. 1-7)
Hellraiser #16, "Devil's Brigade Part Seventeen: Hell Hath No Fury" (pg. 8) [Hell]

Hellraiser #16, "Devil's Brigade Part Seventeen: Hell Hath No Fury" (pg. 9-13)
Hellraiser #16, "Devil's Brigade Finale: Reckoning" [Hell]
July 12

Hellraiser #15, "Of Love, Cats, and Curiosity" (pg. 3-4)

September 10

Hellraiser #15, "Of Love, Cats, and Curiosity" (pg. 5-7)

October 8
Hellraiser #15, "Of Love, Cats, and Curiosity" (pg. 2)

October 10
Hellraiser #15, "Of Love, Cats, and Curiosity" (pg. 1-2, 4-5, 8)

Honestly, the timeline of events for the Devil's Brigade arc is kinda bugging me. We should look at untangling it at some point.
@Pro Bot don't forget to place these in the timeline.
Issue 17's "Taste the Darkness". Reference to Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder's relationship, so this can be placed in the year of the comic's release (1992). No proper dates to narrow down, unfortunately.
Last edited:
Same issue as above. "The Harrowing, Part One: Resurrection". Makes mention of Mother's Day being "tomorrow". Mother's Day in the USA in 1992 was May 10th, placing the first half of the story on May 9th, and the second half on May 10th.
So, I know it's not exactly CANON for the Slasherverse (unless we consider the Unified Timeline theory as canon), but am watching Halloween III currently. Is a fun movie, even without Michael Myers in it.
Also, just to check, but Nightbreed: Director's Cut is the 2014 release by Shout! Factory, correct? Cause I have the Blu-Ray, and I'd be willing to provide timestamps for you if need be @Pro Bot
BTW, I'm somewhat curious about how you've placed most of the Evil Dead comics @Pro Bot. More specifically...
1301 - Ash and the Army of Darkness #1
1301 - Ash and the Army of Darkness #2
1301 - Ash and the Army of Darkness #3
1301 - Ash and the Army of Darkness #4
1301 - Ash and the Army of Darkness #5
1301 - Ash and the Army of Darkness #6
1301 - Ash and the Army of Darkness #7
1301 - Ash and the Army of Darkness #8
1301 - Ash and the Army of Darkness Annual 2014
1302 - Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #1
1302 - Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #2
1302 - Army of Darkness #1992.1, "Return To The Windmill"
1302 - Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #3
1302 - Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #4
1352 - Army of Darkness #1992.1, "Prelude To Ash In Space"
2014 - Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #1
2014 - Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #2
2014 - Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #3
2014 - Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #4
2014 - Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #5
These ones being placed after The Long Road Home arc.

Actually, now that I think about it, just how complicated is Ash's entire history in the Slasherverse? Cause I feel that at some point, we're gonna need to revamp the placements for the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness comics.
BTW, I'm somewhat curious about how you've placed most of the Evil Dead comics @Pro Bot. More specifically...

These ones being placed after The Long Road Home arc.

Actually, now that I think about it, just how complicated is Ash's entire history in the Slasherverse? Cause I feel that at some point, we're gonna need to revamp the placements for the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness comics.
Those make sense. Ash has a somewhat timeline reset after The Long Road Home, so a different continuation of Army of Darkness can occur. Some of the later comics reference events from BOTH continuations.

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