Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

That's the plan Soya.

I wonder if Red Hulk is going to show up in a substantial role in Thunderbolts. Do we think he'll be the secret weapon against Sentry?
What happens to Ross in BNW? Does he survive? If you know the answer make sure you put a spoiler tag over it.


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What happens to Ross in BNW? Does he survive? If you know the answer make sure you put a spoiler tag over it.
I don't' know, I have not seen BNW and I am under the assumption the he will survive because it's public knowledge that Ford will be returning in Thunderbolts.
I don't' know, I have not seen BNW and I am under the assumption the he will survive because it's public knowledge that Ford will be returning in Thunderbolts.
Was it announced? I must of missed that, can you source where you found that information? I didn't know he was returning for Thunderbolts*.
Nice. I haven't been following the MCU leaks/news for some time. Cap 4 is what brought me back so I'm not as up to date on all things MCU.
That's fair, I doubt even if you were still following MCU leaks/news you'd be up to date. I know I'm not.
That's fair, I doubt even if you were still following MCU leaks/news you'd be up to date. I know I'm not.
My personal life has been too busy to keep up with MCU and all of the other franchises I'm into. I'm grateful to live in this era where we have all of this amazing nerdy content, but it can be a bit overwhelming too.
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You were invited to do what you repeatedly threatened to do, which was leave, after you were outvoted at every point you made and then chose to stick around making vauge hostile comments instead of actually contributing new information or evidence.

Book isn't "be all end all" as we said forever ago you when you were crying about this the first time. It's still an official source that, and this has been beaten to death the past couple day, can be wrong. You just have to give reasonable doubt beyond "we're smarter than Marvel Studios" and highly debatable background details if you want to get people on your aide. As told to you by many members back then the hard work we did is still there and very largely the timeline book lined up with our findings which is a testament to this site as it is.

I don't recall what strong arming you are referring to, I do remember every reply to your points got more likes during that period and then to give you a fair chance I called for an official vote which you still lost. If a fair vote and being disagreed with is strong arming then ya I guess you were strong armed? But if that's how you want to treat being fairly debated and outvoted just because you lost then that's pretty pathetic.

Or maybe just maybe, most people don't agree with you just like it was back then. It's okay this is hard concept to grasp I've come to realize these past few days.

So unless you have something new to add that wasn't already said years ago your thoughts on the matter have already been noted and debated and outvoted, please feel free to message me or this group if you have any new evidence to consider. Otherwise you're welcome to stick around and comment on the other discussions or evidence that's presented or return to your self-imposed exile. Thank you.
You were the wrong person to take this timeline. Never once had I insulted you or infantilized you with "crying" and "pathetic" remarks. Even though I was a little frustrated with the timeline, and was likely a little stubborn, I never resorted to trying to make you feel small like you've repeatedly done to me.

You invited me to leave. You invited fuzzyfoot to leave. You've just invited Dallas to leave. If you could see my inbox full of people who decided to leave on their own because of the way you and Rman have made this timeline a hostile place, you might reconsider the way you've been acting.

I never got to meet DIrish in person, rest his soul, but I considered David a friend. This timeline is a big part of his online legacy and I can't imagine how he'd feel knowing a bully like you was running it.

This is the last reply I'll send, so you don't have to worry about any pushback I may have. I hope you start to treat people who disagree with you better than you've been.
Jesus Christ, why is everyone taking this so seriously? All this drama isn't actually helpful one bit. If you wanna leave, that's fine. It isn't an insult to say that. No one is forcing anyone to stay here. No legacy is being ruined, and I'm sure DIrishB would be ashamed of you all for not being able to have a disagreement without throwing insults. I didn't want to commit to this timeline because I thought it was too important of a commitment. At least Starvel is continuing it. That's the main thing.

NONE of the work DIrishB did is being erased. It is all still available on the site, untouched.