Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

But you want to automatically assume it's the book. When it's other placements are accurate and theres a logical explanation on how the trees don't match and Marvel can still see the scene as being Fall. End of conversation, because it's like talking to a brick wall.
But you want to automatically assume it's the film. I've agreed most placements are accurate. You just want it to be 100% free of errors and I'm pointing one out that COULD be, and you're just hand-waiving it away "because shooting stuff". The scene IS fall. It's just early fall the following year since trees don't die and come back to life within a few days.
You're just appealing to the majority. That's fallacious reasoning.
So am I playing god or appealing to the masses now?
I didn't lose. I was out-voted, but that doesn't make me incorrect.
In your opinion yes.
Never said it was lol
I didn't say you did, I just said your opinion alone doesn't matter than the rest
Waiting on you.
As editor of the timeline I respond to all complaints or comments on the state of the timeline. As long as you reply to me I'll respond to your complaints until you have none.
So am I playing god or appealing to the masses now?
In your opinion yes.
Sure, it's my opinion that I'm right. Just like it's yours that you're right.
I didn't say you did, I just said your opinion alone doesn't matter than the rest
This your opinion too?
As editor of the timeline I respond to all complaints or comments on the state of the timeline. As long as you reply to me I'll respond to your complaints until you have none.
Then we'll keep going forever because I'm not backing down. My point remains and will continue until further film evidence proves otherwise.
You're litterally trying to act like it is reason to doubt that tho? Have you forgotten why you brought it up?
It IS a reason to doubt. Trees don't die and come back to life within days. That IS reason to doubt the book.
But you want to automatically assume it's the film. I've agreed most placements are accurate. You just want it to be 100% free of errors and I'm pointing one out that COULD be, and you're just hand-waiving it away "because shooting stuff". The scene IS fall. It's just early fall the following year since trees don't die and come back to life within a few days.
It's not that I want it to be 100% free of errors, I just don't see a scene shot in an area that doesn't even have Fall weather as the go to that the book is wrong on this. Like I said Marvel Studios isn't going to go out of their way to edit trees to look closer to the rest of the movie when 99.9% of people aren't going to care. Sometimes real world shooting isn't going to match the weather of when something is taking place.
Lol okay
Sure, it's my opinion that I'm right. Just like it's yours that you're right.
Yes and as part of the defense on here that's what matters for editing this timeline. That's how it works. You present a change you'd like made with evidence, people form their opinions, majority rules you as wrong.
This your opinion too?
No that's how this timeline is run. That's how it was run by IrishDB, that's how it was run by Lebnyx and it's how it's run by me
Then we'll keep going forever because I'm not backing down. My point remains and will continue until further film evidence proves otherwise.
Okay. Until there's further film evidence, this timeline doesn't change.
It's not that I want it to be 100% free of errors, I just don't see a scene shot in an area that doesn't even have Fall weather as the go to that the book is wrong on this. Like I said Marvel Studios isn't going to go out of their way to edit trees to look closer to the rest of the movie when 99.9% of people aren't going to care. Sometimes real world shooting isn't going to match the weather of when something is taking place.
So then you admit they are lazy and the trees SHOULD be dead/brown instead of lush and green. So you actually agree with me, but still refuse to admit the book chose to ignore this.
Lol okay

Yes and as part of the defense on here that's what matters for editing this timeline. That's how it works. You present a change you'd like made with evidence, people form their opinions, majority rules you as wrong.
So no matter what the evidence, if the majority says it's wrong, that makes it factually wrong?
No that's how this timeline is run. That's how it was run by IrishDB, that's how it was run by Lebnyx and it's how it's run by me
Okay. Until there's further film evidence, this timeline doesn't change.
So then you admit they are lazy and the trees SHOULD be dead/brown instead of lush and green. So you actually agree with me, but still refuse to admit the book chose to ignore this.
Yes they should, but they aren't causing a Continuity error in the film. This has been said to you before.
So then you admit they are lazy and the trees SHOULD be dead/brown instead of lush and green. So you actually agree with me, but still refuse to admit the book chose to ignore this.
Like I said end of conversation. You're never going to give up on this. I've given my reasoning plenty of times and it's not going to stick so there's no point in continuing.
Yes they should, but they aren't causing a Continuity error in the film. This has been said to you before.
It IS a continuity error. It's no different than a person dying and then showing up later in the background. It's an ERORR.
Like I said end of conversation. You're never going to give up on this. I've given my reasoning plenty of times and it's not going to stick so there's no point in continuing.
Right back at ya. I'm no more stubborn than Starvel.