DC Animated Universe - Timeline (v2.0)

Let's assume that he was 25 going on 26 when he returned to Gotham. Maybe the Earth number is his year of birth so that would be 1931 perhaps?

1957: Batman: Year One
1986: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Personally, I consider the following DC animated movies to be a universe:

- Justice League: The New Frontier (1953 - 1960s)
- Batman: Soul Of The Dragon (1970s)
- Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (1983)

Bruce's age actually matches up with this and it works. I also count the Superman animated serials of the 1940s as prequels to The New Frontier since Superman shows up.
Alternate universe technological advancements. Just like @selfishmisery pointed out with the Ford Mustang in Gotham. Sure, it was intended to be set in modern day, but it's also intended to be connected to The Dark Knight Returns. Since The Dark Knight Returns' timeline is 1986 and a very solid placement, if we're not giving it the sliding timeline of the comics here, we can just ignore the modern setting of Year One and move it back in time. At least, that's the way I see it.
What's interesting about the Ford Mustang in Gotham...it looks more-modern, especially for the early 90s, but the amount of horsepower that Alfred mentioned it had was waaaay behind what the actual Ford had by 2015-2018; so it's still a dated car.

Gotham has flip phones also...but Supergirl (TV show) said that cell phones were around for 40 years in Season 5. So that's a confirmed technological advancement for A DC world, which should extend to Gotham's world as well.

One more thing:
... seriously? Can you call THIS iconic panel garbage? /jk
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Is it possible that after World War 2 Gothams universe went through a tech boom?
Gotham has flip phones also...but Supergirl (TV show) said that cell phones were around for 40 years in Season 5. So that's a confirmed technological advancement for A DC world, which should extend to Gotham's world as well.
It's par for the course in animated Batman too e.g. The Long Halloween - gangsters in suits toting tommy guns and driving 40s cars, but somehow also carrying smartphones. Or BTAS where the cops flew airships, TV broadcasts were in B&W and the Riddler worked as a VR software designer.
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In universes where it's technologically ahead it's usually something that happened during the Industrial Revolution that made it that way
Is it possible that after World War 2 Gothams universe went through a tech boom?
Pennyworth (Gotham's prequel) had WW2 end per usual with Germany losing but since UK made peace with them in 1940, there was no Allied Control Council to remove the last bit of power from the Reich so they still existed in a far more minuscule state until at least the 70s.

So that gives some idea of it not being reflective of our world.
It's par for the course in animated Batman too e.g. The Long Halloween - gangsters in suits toting tommy guns and driving 40s cars, but somehow also carrying smartphones. Or BTAS where the cops flew airships, TV broadcasts were in B&W and the Riddler worked as a VR software designer.
Yep, since it's all fiction, we can really pretend whatever we want. So if we want to assume the Year One movie is in some alternate 1950s with color TVs, 90s tech and modern clothing, we can!
I got a question, is it possible that the Corto Maltese Revolution of Earth 89/96/203 had similar circumstances to the DCEUs version of the Corto Maltese Coup?
@Pro Bots, what details would change for the Gothamverse's version of V for Vendetta?
It's par for the course in animated Batman too e.g. The Long Halloween - gangsters in suits toting tommy guns and driving 40s cars, but somehow also carrying smartphones. Or BTAS where the cops flew airships, TV broadcasts were in B&W and the Riddler worked as a VR software designer.
The Flash visits Gotham:

Barry: "What timeline am I in now?!"
Dick: "Huh? This city's always been like this."
Barry: "Is this Zoom's doing? Savage?!"
Bruce: "I'm Batman"