Earth 13122 Timeline

Cam you update me too on when new comics are announced or release? Thanks in advance
Sure, the next issue always gets a release date when the previous issue releases. Not sure many will release though, the LEGO Star Wars Magazine from the same publisher currently has more than 100 issues with more on the way, so...
Sure, the next issue always gets a release date when the previous issue releases. Not sure many will release though, the LEGO Star Wars Magazine from the same publisher currently has more than 100 issues with more on the way, so...
There is also a Lego Batman magazine from the same publisher
Scratch that there's a version of events of the first MCU Avengers movie so I figured it would happen a year after since 2012 was already a busy year
Does Peter appear in High School in his later magazine appearances? If so wouldn't that mean he's been in High School for over a decade?
Does Peter appear in High School in his later magazine appearances? If so wouldn't that mean he's been in High School for over a decade?
To be fair this is Lego so I don't think continuity is a huge deal
Question: Are the LEGO Marvel Numuki games official? Because they're on the wiki but I can't find any info anywhere else.
Question: Are the LEGO Marvel Numuki games official? Because they're on the wiki but I can't find any info anywhere else.
I didn't know these were a thing until you said. I went and not so thoroughly played through them. They could be classed as official as they have similar or the same outfits than in the console games but they have little to no story so it would be hard to place them anywhere on the timeline. Also, they were mainly made to advertise/sell the sets that feature in the games. If it is seen by others as official, i could try find a placement for it on the timeline, even though it could go mostly anywhere on the timeline.
LEGO Marvel The Avengers: Thor game
LEGO Marvel The Avengers: Iron Man game
LEGO Marvel The Avengers: Hulk game

all take place in between or during the avengers assemble and earths mightiest levels in LEGO marvel avengers game. except from the end fight with loki as it contradicts the story of the levels. you could say that it is an encounter with loki whilst fighting chitauri and he gets away and allows the story to align with the game levels. Also iron man appears in the thor game with the same moves and outfit as his own game, this connects them together at the same time.

Lego Marvel: Ultimate Spider Man game

Takes place around maximum overload (probably before because doc ock is not in jail which he ends up in at the end of maximum overload). Also because the doc ock character in the game is the same design/outfit as the maximum overload one. Spiderman also has the same outfit that he had in maximum overload, and the game features jjj in his usual outfit and also features Nova in the same design as in the avengers game and the set he appeared in during 2013 which is when maximum overload roughly takes place.

LEGO Marvel: Guardians of the Galaxy game

This could take place before the thanos threat as they have similar character designs and ronin looks the same and has the same ship and henchmen design in the thanos threat. But the only contradiction is that groot is big (adult sized similar to the Marvel Super Heroes 2 design) whereas groot is small in the show. This means that the game could take place after Marvel Super Heroes 2 when he has got the growing time machine or that he somehow sacrificed himself or something so that he become young again, similar to how the movies re-aging works.

This is what i got after looking through it and finding reasonable placements. I didnt get round to doing a placement for LEGO marvel avengers: hero hustle game as there is practically nothing to go off of other than when the featured sets released which was around 2020. but yeah, thats all i could get from those if you guys see them as worth adding and where they would go.
I was replaying those online games recently to see if their was any other information on timeline positioning or other characters featured, there wasn't really anything else to add to the games I covered (except Hero Hustle which I concluded takes place roughly in 2020 when the sets were released). But I did find two other games I wanted to get your guys opinion on.

1)LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril - I thought this was a new game until I realised it was a 3ds copy of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes game with a different name and a couple different character styles.

2)LEGO Marvel's: Iron Man 3 - this, like the others, is quite basic gameplay wise, but I would say this takes place during the iron man 3 bonus level on LEGO Marvel Avengers, because you can see iron man's malibu house in the background and the same helicopter design as the enemies. Although I doesn't look like a great game, it adds to the timeline and adds more depth to that level. Here is a video of the game if anyone is interested and I attached a photo of all the featured suits:

Does anyone think that these games should be added, if so lmk and use the placements I have found so far.


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How did you get the year for Brotunheim? I was struggeling to place that on my timeline. Only placement I could locate was sometime before the first game.
I don't know either where that date came from because the only date I found says it takes place during 2010 on the this wiki.

Btw I don't know if this timeline is adding short animations and such but I saw this New short animation and wondered if it was worth adding, not much to go off though timeline wise but yeah.
Here is another one, I think they have made these recently (to my knowledge), to show off sets and buildings whilst incorporating characters. I don't know if these are worthy of the timeline but i quite like these little shorts that add some extra encounters to the universe.

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