Transformers Cinematic Universe - Timeline

What about the Dinobots then? Hm.
In the Revenge of the Fallen movie, there is a newspaper where depicts Shockwave being sighted on Earth....

In the meantime Dark of the Moon established him coming to earth during the 3rd movie, or according to the game he was frozen, soooooo.....
Transformers wiki information:

The Age of Extinction story, meanwhile, is utterly irreconcilable with the events of the film – the Autobots have an existing alliance with the Dinobots, and Optimus Prime and Bumblebee sport the new bodies they acquire during the film, yet Lockdown is perfectly alive and Prime is active on Earth. Stinger's brief cameo as a mercenary is similarly impossible to reconcile (although KSI could have plagiarized Stinger's model.)

In chapter one, Optimus Prime refers to a line: "The humans never asked for our war", which was previously heard in the previous game, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, during an attack on Detroit.
Transformers wiki information:

The Age of Extinction story, meanwhile, is utterly irreconcilable with the events of the film – the Autobots have an existing alliance with the Dinobots, and Optimus Prime and Bumblebee sport the new bodies they acquire during the film, yet Lockdown is perfectly alive and Prime is active on Earth. Stinger's brief cameo as a mercenary is similarly impossible to reconcile (although KSI could have plagiarized Stinger's model.)

In chapter one, Optimus Prime refers to a line: "The humans never asked for our war", which was previously heard in the previous game, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, during an attack on Detroit.
well if we say the game is BEFORE AoE we resolve the problems with Lockdown being alive and Optimus on Earth (Yay!)

The existing alliance with the Dinobots is possible, cos we don't know the extend of the alliance, it could be for the moment, and Grimlock could be captured while Lockdown escapes, explaining why he's angry at OP when he finds him on Lockdown'ship.

The designs unfrotunaly can't be explained, tho the brand does this error a lot during the course of their various continuities.

Stinger's appearence could be ignored cos it's out of nowhere. Or we could say he's an evil twin of Bumblebee, which isn't too far from reality, since they used this explanation already to explain Blaster's appearence during Strombringer in the IDW's Hasbroverse.

That's what i could say to explain the inconcistences
Transformers One
They want us to believe the Primes came back to life (to die again), that Sentinel Prime was revived and his reputation was restored, enough so that Optimus trusted him... and enough for him to trust Megatron!?! The guy who ripped him in half (apparently the first time he died)?! I'd be better off including the expanded universe comics than this new film. At least 3,000,000,000 years is a long time to work out their shit in-universe.
I saw an article where Lorenzo retracted his statement and said that the animated movie is not connected to the live action ones.

According to a ROTB director statement (IDK if the interview was posted here), ROTB is a (loose) prequel to the first Bay films, while he did not care all that much for AOE and TLK.
I was gonna ask about those. I mean, I'd they're readily available sure. The wiki says it's a different continuity but it does explain how Lockdown changes bodies. I don't know how it contradicts.

If we go with this, then Dark of the Moon (video game) can probably be placed in a timeline with the other games (2007, RotF, RotDS) instead. That is, if it even gets contradicted.
One of the biggest Titan magazines/IDW condradictions is that how Twins arrive to Earth is different. In Titan, they arrive on Earth by themselves, while in IDW, they arrive on Earth with the Arcees, Sideswipe etc. I can't remember any other glaring condradictions ATM. Much of the Titan comics are unavailable online.
Looks good to me. Since I'm including the comics, that's even MORE contradictions with Transformers One... but oh well, again, the ridiculous time difference allows for anyone to head-canon that characters forgot due to time, were resurrected, etc. Bumblebee's "B-127" designation seems to be a reference to the Live-Action Universe at least.
i would also add the G. I. Joe movies, at this point, i think we can....
According to Selishmisery:
G.I. JOE: Rise of Cobra (film) - August 9-11th, 2015
Operation H.I.S.S. (comic) - August 11-13th, 2015
G.I. JOE: Rise of Cobra (video game) - August 13 - 14th, 2015
G.I. JOE: Retaliation Prequel (comic) - August 14-16th, 2015(?; I don't own the trade paperback)
Operation H.I.S.S. (animated shorts) - August 16-17th, 2015
G.I. JOE: Retaliation (film) - August 17-21st, 2015

The problem with this is this:

1. The Pyramid of Giza was damaged in Revenge of the Fallen. It appears in G.I. Joe and is completely fine. It later appears in The Last Knight with the damage from Revenge of the Fallen.

2. Whatever the fuck this is.

London is rebuilt in... 8 years? Wha... huh? Who did they hire for that job? Japan from the Godzilla franchise?
The Bumblebee Movie Prequel considers Age of Extinction, The Last Knight, AND all the IDW material canon.

According to the Transformers wiki:
The idea that Sector Seven's ranks may potentially have been infiltrated by Soviet spies hearkens back to IDW's Transformers: Sector 7 mini-series, which featured an adventure set ten years before the events of the Bumblebee prequel in which defector Joe Danco stole S7 secrets for the Reds.

Now we're getting into that rich, creamy, IDW movieverse history!

Astrotrain goes unnamed in the issue, but it's hard to imagine the character is meant to be anyone else. This IDW-original character first appeared in the Foundation and Rising Storm mini-series in 2011. His being on Earth in the 1960s doesn't particularly contradict anything from those series, as he just sort of popped up out of nowhere on Earth even then.
Heath Donavan is the son of Sergeant Donavan from IDW's Sector 7 #4.
Donavan's jet is strongly hinted to be Jetfire, who we know from both the Sector 7 mini-series and Tales of the Fallen #3 was active and roaming the Earth at this point in history, having not yet entered the state of stasis he would be found in during the Revenge of the Fallen movie. See "real-life references" below for notes on his alternate mode.

Malignus refers to "Earth's not-inconsiderable cache of Cybertronian treasures," alluding to the many, many Cybertronian artifacts that have turned on the planet over the course of the film series, including the AllSpark, the Matrix of Leadership, the Star Harvester, the Ark and its space bridge pillars, transformium, and the Staff of Merlin.
Bumblebee remembers fighting alongside Diabla in the smelting pools of Altihex. The famous pools were established to be located near Altihex in live-action movie continuity by—of all things—the friggin' Transformers version of the Risk board game.
Astrotrain flees mid-battle, leaving him alive to eventually reappear in IDW's Rising Storm series, set between Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon. As he goes, he comments that "even Shockwave never treated [him as] badly" as Malignus, referring to his time under Shockwave's command back on Cybertron, as seen in Rising Storm #2.
Bumblebee's pursuit of Blitzwing was evidently intended to lead into the beginning of the Bumblebee movie, which features a fight between the two early on. However—whether as the product of last-minute changes to the film, the comic being given an outdated script to work from, or some kind of active disinformation—the film does not flow out of what we see here; rather than Bumblebee tracking Blitzwing down, it's Blitzwing who hunts Bumblebee down, not after twenty years, but immediately after his arrival on Earth in 1987.
So far, there hasn't been any contradictions to AoE and TLK. In fact, Bumblebee Prequel is directly connected to both the IDW comics and TLK, so really there's zero contradictions so far. Well, Transformers One is contradicted... but there's nothing I can do about that. At least it references Bumblebee's "B-127" name.
OMG I saw u added only Chapter 1 of Ghost of Yesterday. Did u found the whole book?
Yeah, I'm gonna read the whole thing haha. From my understanding, they started moving Megatron to Hoover Dam and launched a separate space mission the same day as the Apollo 11 launch.
These comics are ridiculously intertwined anyway. I have no doubt that John Barber would have wrote a comic where Bumblebee leaves Earth sometime before 2003, eventually leading into the Movie Prequel comic, and it would have made sense. Just reading the Convergence special, the Defiance and Foundation stories are necessary reading along with the Sector 7 series too, which is directly connected to the Transformers Movie Prequel comic. The Sector 7 notes from John Barber refer to real life events, the ARG alternate universe, and the events of the Ghosts of Yesterday novel. Dude knows what he's doing.

Sentinel Prime and the Ark were transported through space and time and crashed on the moon due to being attracted to the AllSpark's location. The AllSpark was attracted to Earth by the presence of the Star Harvester. From TLK, we know that Unicron resides inside Earth, so maybe that's connected.