Slasherverse - Timeline

Unless you ignore the comic's timeline references, place Behind the Mask in October 2004, then Before the Mask in November 2005? John Kramer could be referring to his early work in 1995 with his first trap. Maybe?
Maybe, maybe not. I might include it one day, but here's my rationale about it.

Before the Mask: The Return of Leslie Vernon connects to the Saw franchise. John Kramer appears twice and has a lot of dialogue with Doctor Halloran. He states he's been a killer for a decade, presumably between 2004-2016, supporting the comic's 2017 placement and contradicting #3's 2008 date. However, due to his certain death in Saw III, his cancer, and the way the comic portrays slashers being talented individuals with lots of prep-work rather than legitimate supernatural killers, it might be best to overlook this for now and say that the Slasherverse's John Kramer is a variant, especially since I believe that Freddy, Jason and possibly Myers are intended to be people who latched onto the legend of the real Jason, Michael and Freddy. Michael could be the same guy I suppose, Freddy is possible but unlikely, and Jason is certainly not the same. John Kramer is definitely the real John Kramer of this universe but I don't think he's our John Kramer, the one that mentored Amanda and Hoffman, the one with cancer, the one who was killed in 2006.

Obviously due to connections to Behind the Mask in Friday the 13th: The Game and Hatchet II, Leslie Vernon IS canon to the Slasherverse. Using Friday the 13th as an example, it just means that there's a real Jason who drowned and came back to life as well as a fake Jason who, like Leslie, latches onto the legend of historical events in order to push a narrative. Real Jason doesn't give a toss about "survivor girls", "Ahabs", and all that attention-seeking nonsense. Fake Jason, who is the one that knows Leslie and Eugene, looks like Kane Hodder. He holds the same values as Leslie and Eugene. In a way, he's exactly like Roy Burns in Friday the 13th: Part V: A New Beginning. He's able to mimic Jason perfectly.

You could say this interpretation throws Hellraiser into question, but... oh well. There's the Chucky and Pumpkinhead connections, plus Hack/Slash's K-O seems based off of Pinhead's design.
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Since some people might like to read Kramer's dialogue:
If I was going to fit Saw into the timeline one day, this comic would have to be set in 2005. You can say that Cecil's game in 1995 means that Kramer has "technically" been doing it for 10 years, but that's a stretch of course.

For now, I'm going with it being a variant and putting it on the list of potential inclusions. Billy (the Saw puppet) also appeared in Dead Silence but I doubt that was an intentional shared universe connection.
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Since some people might like to read Kramer's dialogue:
View attachment 1990View attachment 1991View attachment 1992View attachment 1993View attachment 1994View attachment 1995
If I was going to fit Saw into the timeline one day, this comic would have to be set in 2005. You can say that Cecil's game in 1995 means that Kramer has "technically" been doing it for 10 years, but that's a stretch of course.

For now, I'm going with it being a variant and putting it on the list of potential inclusions. Billy (the Saw puppet) also appeared in Dead Silence but I doubt that was an intentional shared universe connection.
ok so we're safe from 10 films added for now. ahah
One day I might cover it. It's definitely on the list of possible connections. It's not the cleanest fit.

Kramer states that his granddad stomped around in leg braces and head gear in the 1930s, evoking anti-facist sentiments and stirring up a village mob, then his uncle later started in the swamps, playing on paranoia of nuclear war with "monster gigs". Didn't know Jigsaw was Godzilla's nephew, XD.
Has been any slasher movie with time travel? I know is the typical thing they put in parodies as if slasher movies run out of ideas (I think one Scream film said they they did a Stab film with time travel (?)) but, there is any actual example?
Has been any slasher movie with time travel? I know is the typical thing they put in parodies as if slasher movies run out of ideas (I think one Scream film said they they did a Stab film with time travel (?)) but, there is any actual example?
Totally Killer is the only one I can think of
Mr. @Pro Bot i have a question. I saw that both the Army of darkness movie and the director's cut are listed. I was planning on halloween to going through the slasherverse, so i'm starting to buy the movies. Do i have to buy both the theatrical cut and director's cat of the movie or need only one?
Mr. @Pro Bot i have a question. I saw that both the Army of darkness movie and the director's cut are listed. I was planning on halloween to going through the slasherverse, so i'm starting to buy the movies. Do i have to buy both the theatrical cut and director's cat of the movie or need only one?
Watch the Director's Cut then watch the theatrical ending online, or watch the theatrical cut. Honestly, just gonna have to wait until Army of Darkness: Forever finishes because that tries to place both endings in the same timeline (ironically, something I've kinda ignored).

The Director's Cut isn't terribly important, apart from some loose ties in AvED's ending (according to Bruce Campbell) and the recent sequel comic.
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Watch the Director's Cut then watch the theatrical ending online, or watch the theatrical cut. Honestly, just gonna have to wait until Army of Darkness: Forever finishes because that tries to place both endings in the same timeline (ironically, something I've kinda ignored).

The Director's Cut isn't terribly important, apart from some loose ties in AvED's ending (according to Bruce Campbell) and the recent sequel comic.
Uhh? Why the reply says that the original message is mine?
A curious question, but do we know if there are any foreign media (as in non-English media such as movies, TV shows, comics, video games or manga/anime) that may or may not count as part of the Slasherverse?

For example, something like the manga Pumpkin Night (which I highly recommend, so long as you avoid the translation by chillock, since it ups the edge a fair bit)...
View attachment 1981
Oh yeah, if you want, I could try looking through a bunch of non-English horror media to see if there's any connections (obviously, Pumpkin Night is one such possibility), though I'll need suggestions on what to look at, be it movies, comics, games, TV shows, anime/manga etc... @Pro Bot