Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

Where does the random 2725 come drom?
It's on the tape recorder in the "Past TVA" which had Reinslayer's indoctrination from school teacher to variant.

I would better assume the school she worked at was from 2725, despite the lack of futuristic stuff.
Or just random numbers. Like when you watch someone hack in a TV show you see these gibberish random codes and numbers that aren't compatible with any coding method on the planet. (I'm a coder, so I know that for a fact.)
The School Scene is 2018 if I'm not mistaken
See my point here:
Or just random numbers. Like when you watch someone hack in a TV show you see these gibberish random codes and numbers that aren't compatible with any coding method on the planet. (I'm a coder, so I know that for a fact.)
Also, unless Loki and Sylvie get jumped to the far far far future of the TVA dimension somehow (as seen when Loki is searching for the time stick) - that implies this universe doesn't even make it to the 30th century and that's the end of time because that looked set up to be towards the end of the season which can't be that long after, I would imagine?

Or maybe the TVA dimension just gets destroyed a lot earlier than when the Earthly Plane does?
So, where did the 2725 come from? That daze I knew (smne posted it before) but the other number seems random. I think that is the date Kang Who Remains founded the TV before splitten it off from time
Also, unless Loki and Sylvie get jumped to the far far far future of the TVA dimension somehow (as seen when Loki is searching for the time stick) - that implies this universe doesn't even make it to the 30th century and that's the end of time because that looked set up to be towards the end of the season which can't be that long after, I would imagine?

Or maybe the TVA dimension just gets destroyed a lot earlier than when the Earthly Plane does?
And the Skin? was still in the dust
So, where did the 2725 come from? That daze I knew (smne posted it before) but the other number seems random. I think that is the date Kang Who Remains founded the TV before splitten it off from time
I think 400 years plus 4 other years were mentioned? I'll have to double check.

That assumption was based on when Mobius last met O.B.
if, just if, we take the 2321 as the TVA Time for Past Tva, then the earliest present and future tva is in 2721, right (past us pre Mobius M meeting ob, which could occure in the same year or later than pastva)
Let's just not assume "2321" refers to anything involving where the TVA is at timeline wise for now, and while we're at it don't overthink the "400 years since they last met" line Mobius said to OB. Those aren't any indication of anything thus far.
Let's just not assume "2321" refers to anything involving where the TVA is at timeline wise for now, and while we're at it don't overthink the "400 years since they last met" line Mobius said to OB. Those aren't any indication of anything thus far.
But why ignore onscreen facts ?
But why the 4 years, where there any indications?
Sorry, i probably wrote confusing. What I meant was that the 2321 was near the time the tva was created (the part when the recording of renslayer and he who remains was I think).The 2725 was what I thought the current time Loki season 2 was(when they were extracting Loki from timeline) and the 400 hundred years since he last saw mobius. So i put, 2725(season 2) - 400 years (roughly) = 2325 (when mobius and B-15 doesn't know Loki) which is 4 years after 2321(when he who remains and renslayer recording is on monitor/presumably when tva was created)

i should have been more thorough and i am probably wrong as it probably isn't exactly 400 years.

hope that helps
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But why ignore onscreen facts ?
agreed, these are hard dates i don't really see a reason to ignore them, although the present being 400 years isn't necessarily relevant i think we can firmly place the tva as some time between 2321 and 3000
though i'll say i do think that the 400 years isn't really relevant to when the present version of the tva is set as mobius would have had to had his mind wiped at least once since meeting ob so any amount of time can have passed between the recording and the present tva