Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

I agree, but Far From Home Prelude also says it's the day after the party.
Eh, Probably another case of them not paying attention. I personally feel like the 12th is a more logical choice just going off the movie and am fine seeing the prelude comic as being wrong. As I said the movie itself clearly shows Chess Club is on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and I don't see Peter waiting last minute to get back on the decathlon team if he got the idea to rejoin it a few days prior.
On my timeline, I actually had the shop class scene on September 12th. I know Peter tells Ned he'll see him at school tomorrow, but I feel the 12th is more logical than the 10th. It places the scene on the Monday after the Friday party which should be their first day back at school, Ned talks to the kid at Chess Club where we can see a poster that they meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and it places Peter finding out he can use the decathlon to investigate Toomes men the night before the team leaves. This makes sense with him asking at the last minute to rejoin the team as it would be the following day.

The line about seeing Ned at school tomorrow could be chalked up to another case of the movie not paying attention to the timeline (just another example).
Sometimes in real life, we tell someone at work or school, on a Friday, that we'll see them tomorrow, not thinking that it'll be a Saturday.
Eh, Probably another case of them not paying attention. I personally feel like the 12th is a more logical choice just going off the movie and am fine seeing the prelude comic as being wrong. As I said the movie itself clearly shows Chess Club is on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and I don't see Peter waiting last minute to get back on the decathlon team if he got the idea to rejoin it a few days prior.
Personally I agree with this, I'd say the logic of the scene during school not being on Saturday trumps them saying it was the next day. As marioxb said I can't say the amount of times I've said "yesterday" on a Monday meaning something that happened on Friday. But maybe I'm just extra stupid but if no one objects I'll make the changes in a few minutes
Changes made, let me know if there's any errors that need fixing! Again great catches from everybody on this, another step closer to making this the best timeline evah!
A Bit of Everything has a new video on Iron Man in 2008 and in it, he shows preview pages from the book (not sure where he got them) that show Natasha going undercover as Natalie Rushman being before Blonsky goes after Bruce. Blonsky has to go after Bruce on May 14th, so it looks like Iron Man 2 may begin earlier than we currently have it. The Stark Expo promotional site has it beginning on May 7th, 2010 (the movie's release date) and it looks like we could potentially use that date. The Monaco Grand Prix was also on May 16th, 2010. Now I know the MCU doesn't always line up with the real world, but it looks like it might fit.

As for the placement of these scenes, the book is showing Spring 2010. I'm sure this area will get more detailed once it gets to Fury's Big Week.
Continuing the video there's a big reveal for Iron Man 2 that's definitely going to be controversial. "The Grand Prix Assault" is given an actual date of May 5th, 2010. I doubt there's meant to be such a large time jump between it and Tony's birthday. So, I think it's likely the May 29th date for Tony's birthday may be getting ignored. I think the only on-screen use of it is the deleted Avengers scene. The fact that they're specifically saying this is May 5th, makes me feel more of the Fury's Big Week stuff is going to get broken out to a similar degree.

I'm honestly fine with a new date for Tony's birthday. It'll be weird after going with the 29th for so long, but I'd be much less open to it if it was actually used within the movies. Maybe another option is with his diagnosis, he threw the party way early to celebrate one last time.

Edit: And you can see how they came up with May 5th. A scene set the next day shows May 6th, 2010 on a computer monitor as Tony researches Vanko.
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hey everyone, sorry it's been a while but does anyone who has a copy of Loki s01 on Blu-ray or 4k plz tell me if the tva orientation video is an extended version of the scene we see in Loki episode 1 or is it something different? btw screenshots would be nice because i can't find anywhere on the internet.

BTW Dallas, i have only GOTG3 in 2026 (roughly occuring anywhere from late feb to early april) and the 2 post credits scene i have swapped around as groot's grown alot since vol.3 and peter seems to be still settling in with his grandpa still around spring 2026 the groot scene i put anywhere from 6 months to a year after vol. 3 until we get more info later on.
hey everyone, sorry it's been a while but does anyone who has a copy of Loki s01 on Blu-ray or 4k plz tell me if the tva orientation video is an extended version of the scene we see in Loki episode 1 or is it something different? btw screenshots would be nice because i can't find anywhere on the internet.

BTW Dallas, i have only GOTG3 in 2026 (roughly occuring anywhere from late feb to early april) and the 2 post credits scene i have swapped around as groot's grown alot since vol.3 and peter seems to be still settling in with his grandpa still around spring 2026 the groot scene i put anywhere from 6 months to a year after vol. 3 until we get more info later on.
I have it, but I can't check it till I'm back home in a week.

Coincidentally, this video was just posted;

Should be placed before Loki season 1, I think?
I was curious how A Bit of Everything got new preview pages, so I left a comment and he explained to me that if you open the sample read and go to the search bar you can look up other pages. So far, I'm seeing GoTG Vol 2 in the Fall of 2014, Civil War in the Spring of 2016, WandaVision in the Fall of 2023, and No Way Home in the Fall of 2024. All of these match here.
Yeah, I asked him that too and i don't think it works for me. I'll try again later.
Found a page on Mjolnir and there's a section about Thor and Jane's relationship that shows it as being 2013-2017. It does really seem like Marvel believes the breakup is closer to Ragnarok than Age of Ultron.