Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)

Nope. I'm stating that the Earth numbers are relative. We know they're the same multiverse. There's not two of Earth-616. We know they know the MCU is Earth-199999. If the MCU is Earth-616 and Peter B. Parker is Earth-616, but they're part of the same multiverse, then we can logically deduce that neither are Earth-616 because that's the comic book Earth.

I've said it before, guys. Even the first Into the Spider-Verse proved this point. This is just far more clear.
Nope. I'm stating that the Earth numbers are relative. We know they're the same multiverse. There's not two of Earth-616. We know they know the MCU is Earth-199999. If the MCU is Earth-616 and Peter B. Parker is Earth-616, but they're part of the same multiverse, then we can logically deduce that neither are Earth-616 because that's the comic book Earth.

I've said it before, guys. Even the first Into the Spider-Verse proved this point. This is just far more clear.
So if both films are wrong then what are you saying "toldja so" bout? If the MCU's Multiverse numbers aren't reliable and the Sony films Multiverse numbers aren't reliable then it seems redundant either way, seems like neither one works with the comics Multiverse numbers so it's not like it proves a point or anything.
The Captain Britain Corps assigned the MCU as Earth-199999. The TVA, Earth-838, freaking Mysterio (lol) can call it what they want.

The MCU is and always will be Earth-199999. This is no different than Smallville thinking that it's Earth-1 or that their "Earth-2" is actually Earth-2. This applies to everything.
The Captain Britain Corps assigned the MCU as Earth-199999. The TVA, Earth-838, freaking Mysterio (lol) can call it what they want.
And Erik Selvig if we want to list all the Earth-616 references

The MCU is and always will be Earth-199999. This is no different than Smallville thinking that it's Earth-1 or that their "Earth-2" is actually Earth-2. This applies to everything

The MCU is already making itself not work with the Comics Multiverse. I mean right in MoM America Chavez makes it clear she has no variants, there also can't be two separate TVA's or Council of Kangs. As the Multiverse Saga continues it'll become more apparent that the Films and Comics just don't lineup anymore. Retcons happen man and let's not pretend like the Sony films know any better about what their talking about unless you really want to argue that the characters in their films are the comic counterparts.

Marvel can have two Multiverse's and it'll all still be okay
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America Chavez in the comics thought she was unique in the multiverse before discovering variants. I guarantee that a future What If...? episode will feature America Chavez at some point and it'll be exactly like the comics.

Why can't there be two TVAs? The null-time zone is infinite and the MCU was isolated from the multiverse for a period of time. It's not like the original TVA is even doing anything anyway. The council of Kangs? The multiverse includes a virtually infinite amount of Kangs, so there can be virtually infinite councils of Kangs.

I feel like you have no clue that all the characters naming Earths in these movies don't actually have any relation to the characters who named the Earths in the comics. In a basically infinite multiverse, different naming schemes are not a possibility but an absolute guarantee.

I don't know what's so hard to accept about them getting the number accurate here. I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if they tackled my points in the movie itself.
America Chavez in the comics thought she was unique in the multiverse before discovering variants. I guarantee that a future What If...? episode will feature America Chavez at some point and it'll be exactly like the comics.
Fair enough

Why can't there be two TVAs? The null-time zone is infinite and the MCU was isolated from the multiverse for a period of time. It's not like the original TVA is even doing anything anyway. The council of Kangs? The multiverse includes a virtually infinite amount of Kangs, so there can be virtually infinite councils of Kangs.
If the MCU was isolated from the Multiverse then it having a number relating to the Multiverse already doesn't work well. If there were multiple versions of the TVA and Council of Kangs we would've seen them or heard about it in the comics but we haven't. It's always been the same group and it's clear they aren't the ones from the films

I feel like you have no clue that all the characters naming Earths in these movies don't actually have any relation to the characters who named the Earths in the comics. In a basically infinite multiverse, different naming schemes are not a possibility but an absolute guarantee.

I don't know what's so hard to accept about them getting the number accurate here. I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if they tackled my points in the movie itself.
I feel like you have no clue that the films studios don't care about lining their movies up with the comics. If they did they wouldn't use Earth-616. Yeah sure there are hoops you can jump through to explain why the comics and films chose the numbers they did and why they don't line up but the fact of the matter is the simple explanation is that IRL Marvel Studios just doesn't care about making them part of the same Multiverse and as time goes on the contradictions will pile up.

I don't know why it's so hard to accept that retcons happen and as the MCU branched into the Multiverse it was bound to happen that things would start to not line up
So there are at least three 616 but only one "true" 616?

- Peter B. Parker's Earth from Spider-Verse movies (Earth-TRN701 in the Fandom database, real name unknown)
- MCU (named 199999 by Spider-Man 2099)
- Comics universe (the "true" 616)
The MCU is also named Earth-199999 according to the Capt. Britain Corps (and the Marvel Handbook outside of canon) not just Spider-Man 2099 but yes

Personally the way I take it is similar to how Star Wars views it's Disney and Legends canon. In both the Preqeuls and Originals exist despite being part of two continuities and you can watch the films as part of either as they are canon to both. It's the same with the movies and which canon you want to watch them as, according to one continuity the MCU is Earth-616 and the other Earth-199999, there are ways to make either work and saying one is more valid than the other isn't fair because both numberings come from offical sources, it just depends on the source you want to follow.
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Hey guys, have you seen that the Spanish trailer shows directly Tobey, Andrew and Tom's Spider-Men in the first shot?

How many Spiders from other media have been confirme for Spider-Verse now? Besides Maguire, Garfield and Holland I think it's Spider-Man '67, Japanese Spider-Man, Spider-Man Unlimited, Spectacular Spider-Man and Insomiac's Spider-Man. Did I miss any?
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How many Spiders from other media have been confirme for Spider-Verse now? Besides Maguire, Garfield and Holland I think it's Spider-Man '67, Japanese Spider-Man, Spider-Man Unlimited, Spectacular Spider-Man and Insomiac's Spider-Man. Did I miss any?
It's funny how they can never made a real crossover between multiple media that is consistent across all mediums like tv, movies, comics and videogames.

-Spider-Man '67 appeared in the Spider-verse comic event and in into the Spider verse. One of the two is reconned to be from Earth-6799, I don't remember which.
-Tobey and Andrew Spider-Men are mentioned (just mentioned and just in a panel, but still counts) in the comic Spiderverse. You would think that had they taken part in that they would have mentioned it in the Spider-Man No Way Home movie. Probably they would get reconned to being an alternate universe version at some point.
-The insomniac Spider-Man appeared in the Spider-Geddon comic crossover but they eventually released a comic adaptation of the videogames, so it can be argued that if they want to separate canons quickly they can just say that the one in Spider-Geddon is the one from the comic adaptation instead of the one from the videogame.
-Spider-Man from Marvel vs Capcom was killed by Morlum in Spiderverse in the comics. In Marvel vs Capcom Infinite he is OK again without even any throwaway joke line or something talking about his resurrection.
-Japanese Spider-Man also was present in the Spiderverse comic book. Don't think about him mentioning it in the animated movie.
-Spider-Man Unlimited (the one from the tv show, not the one from the mobile game) was killed in Spiderverse, also retconed as an alternate Earth.

I understand that with the infinite number of universes they can show divergent version of the characters so they can kill one and then show that the character still lives in another universe. Like "don't worry, that dead Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends Spider-Man? Nop it was in the neighbor dimension. Your "real" childhood hero is just fine in the other dimension"
But it seems as if they think that people are incapable of following a continuity that crosses to different mediums
Earth-1048 - Insomiac Universe
Earth-10005 - X-Men Movie Universe (Original Timeline)
Earth-12041 - Marvel Animated Universe (2012-2018)
Earth-16828 - Team Thor
Earth-17315 - X-Men Movie Universe (Revised Timeline)
Earth-21818 - T'Challa Star-Lord
Earth-26496 - Spectacular Spider-Man
Earth-29929 - Infinity Ultron
Earth-32938 - Killmonger Saves Tony Stark
Earth-51778 - Supaidāman
Earth-51825 - Avengers Assassinated
Earth-72124 - Party Thor
Earth-82111 - Captain Carter
Earth-89521 - Marvel Zombies
Earth-91233 - Doctor Strange Supreme
Earth-96283 - Spider-Man Trilogy
Earth-120703 - The Amazing Spider-Man Duology
Earth-199999 - Marvel Cinematic Universe
Earth-751263 - Spider-Man: Unlimited
Earth-????? - Into the Spider-Verse
Earth-????? - Sony's Spider-Man Universe
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Earth-1048 - Gamerverse
Earth-10005 - X-Men Movie Universe (Original Timeline)
Earth-12041 - Marvel Animated Universe (2012-2018)
Earth-16828 - Team Thor
Earth-17315 - X-Men Movie Universe (Revised Timeline)
Earth-21818 - T'Challa Star-Lord
Earth-26496 - Spectacular Spider-Man
Earth-29929 - Infinity Ultron
Earth-32938 - Killmonger Saves Tony Stark
Earth-51778 - Supaidāman
Earth-51825 - Avengers Assassinated
Earth-72124 - Party Thor
Earth-82111 - Captain Carter
Earth-89521 - Marvel Zombies
Earth-91233 - Doctor Strange Supreme
Earth-96283 - Spider-Man Trilogy
Earth-120703 - The Amazing Spider-Man Duology
Earth-199999 - Marvel Cinematic Universe
Earth-751263 - Spider-Man: Unlimited
Earth-????? - Into the Spider-Verse
Earth-????? - Sony's Spider-Man Universe

If I could suggest a tweak for naming, Earth-1048 - Insomiac's Universe, as Gamerverse has also been used for merchandise tying into Avengers 2020 and MvC so could cause confusion.
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What are we listing here? Are we going to listen every universe or what?