Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)

I'm going with Nakia not leaving Wakanda until 2019. The earliest T'Challa's death can happen is October 2023, and the earliest the bulk of Wakanda Forever can happen is October 2024. I'd like to think they were able to have some time with T'Challa before his death. The weather in the movie is Summer like and with Riri in school, I'm thinking it's either toward the end of the 2024-2025 school year or the beginning of the 2025-2026 year.
I'm going with Nakia not leaving Wakanda until 2019. The earliest T'Challa's death can happen is October 2023, and the earliest the bulk of Wakanda Forever can happen is October 2024. I'd like to think they were able to have some time with T'Challa before his death. The weather in the movie is Summer like and with Riri in school, I'm thinking it's either toward the end of the 2024-2025 school year or the beginning of the 2025-2026 year.
I agree with Rman, I find there to be some wiggle room for a 2024-25 placement and since the earliest the film could take place is October 2024 I think it's more likely the film takes place in 2025. As for when in the year I can't say but I do think Summer 2025 is unlikely given school is in session. But Spring or Fall 2025 I think are the best bets after a first viewing

Edit: I take back my Late Fall statement. I just remembered Riri Williams mentioned it took her 2 months to make her machine for school that year and as MIT classes start in September, assuming this is the first semester, that would place it in November nicely around the date the film released.
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I agree with Rman, I find there to be some wiggle room for a 2024-25 placement and since the earliest the film could take place is October 2024 I think it's more likely the film takes place in 2025. As for when in the year I can't say but I do think late Fall 2024/2025 is unlikely given the weather or Summer 2025 is unlikely given school is in session. But Spring or early Fall 2025 I think are the best bets after a first viewing
Agreed 100%.
I edited that if you'd like to take back your agreement lol
I can't remember the exact line but did she say she was making it during the school year? Could she not have possibly been working on it during the summer for the upcoming year?
I can't remember the exact line but did she say she was making it during the school year? Could she not have possibly been working on it during the summer for the upcoming year?
It's possible, she was specifically making for a course she was taking. But I suppose she may have started it before the course began
It's possible, she was specifically making for a course she was taking. But I suppose she may have started it before the course began
Could have been a Summer course too. For now I'm personally leaning towards a September 2025 placement. It'll be interesting to see what Disney + does.
While watching the film i think i saw EDITH's glasses from FFH so probably it would fit better after the beginning of NWH (July 2024) and since it takes place a year after T'Challa's death i think October/November 2024 fits nicely for this film
The latest possible conception date for T'Challa Jr is early May 2018, so Nakia probably would've been visibly pregnant by around October 2018 at the latest. I don't think she could've remained in Wakanda any later than that while keeping it a secret, meaning a Sep/Oct 2025 placement for Wakanda Forever would be too late to reasonably be called "six years". I think it's gotta be somewhere in late 2024 or the first half of 2025
While watching the film i think i saw EDITH's glasses from FFH so probably it would fit better after the beginning of NWH (July 2024) and since it takes place a year after T'Challa's death i think October/November 2024 fits nicely for this film
Where would it make sense to show EDITH's glasses? Even in the slight chance they were in the movie, I don't think Late 2024 really fits given the weather as well as how close in proximity T'Challa's return from the blip and his death would be. I feel like it would have been brought up by Ramonda, Shuri, or Nakia on how unfair/cruel that would be if it were the case. It's bad enough if his death fell in 2024.
The latest possible conception date for T'Challa Jr is early May 2018, so Nakia probably would've been visibly pregnant by around October 2018 at the latest. I don't think she would've remained in Wakanda any later than that, meaning a Sep/Oct 2025 placement for Wakanda Forever would be too late to reasonably be called "six years"
I just can't see it being 2024 with Endgame so late in 2023. Maybe it could be Spring/early Summer 2025 and they're rounding the 6 years from her leaving late 2018. I was just getting September from Starvel's comment about Riri making the machine for the school year.
I just can't see it being 2024 with Endgame so late in 2023. Maybe it could be Spring/early Summer 2025 and they're rounding the 6 years from her leaving late 2018. I was just getting September from Starvel's comment about Riri making the machine for the school year.
For sure, first half of 2025 is possible if rounding, and that's probably where it's gotta be if the weather is important
For sure, first half of 2025 is possible if rounding, and that's probably where it's gotta be if the weather is important
I'm curious to see what Disney + does with their timeline. If it's like Multiverse of Madness and they squeeze it into 2024, I'd probably be more open to it. For now though, I feel like 2025 fits better, even with the "6 years" line.
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Ok so haven't seen BP: WF going to see it tomorrow night but until then I can confirm that the time jump at the beginning of the film is confirmed to be One year later and as people are saying it's been 6 years since
Nakia left the Wakanda Outreach Program
I think at the earliest the majority of the film has to take place in 2025
So it's after Endgame (October 2023) that's a given.

Hard to tell what type of season due to the more humid and warmer climate of Africa so the clothes that the cast are wearing would difficult to determine

There is no reference to Black Panther,T'Challa,the Wakandan Royal Family in Most of Phase 4 as a whole HOWEVER if we look at Moon knight and She-hulk both have subtle nods to Wakanda (there is a book in Stephens Flat about the nation of Wakanda in the first few episodes of season 1 & in episode 8 of She Hulk we get a mention of Wakanda from Todd who had a gap year studying there)
(Which if She hulk was offended by Todd's wakanda forever gesture it would add more weight to the fact that T'Challa has already passed away, Meaning that gives us a Rough estimate for T'Challa's death (October 2023 - Early August 2024)
one year before the events of she hulk episode 8

So is there any other evidence to narrow it down further

If we use what is in universe and not from the producer (who has a dreadful track record of where things take place chronological) there is mention of a 6 year absence of a certain character who wasn't heard from since the original snap back in late May/June 2018.

So if we do the math that would make it May/June 2024. But this doesn't make sense if this dialogue is said in 2025 not 2024. Tbh though I'm thinking they are rounding down to 6 years as it makes more sense if it had been 6 years and 2 months.

Now if we also use the absence of T'Challa in the falcon and the winter soldier series this would add weight to the theory that he was already sick by this point but NOT dead because Shuri would have designed or helped design Sam's Captain America suit and wouldn't be up to the task at that point in time plus the Dora milajae would have said something to Bucky about T'Challa

(So that narrows T'Challa's death to May - August 2024)

Now if we add a year that is where the rest of the film takes place so we are looking at a (May - Early August 2025) timeframe
This also works with it being around the same time as Thor LaT as that has to now be in May 2025
The prologue needs to take place after The Wakanda Files (and thus WandaVision) since
Shuri is continuing her work mentioned in the Wakanda Files and T'challa is still mentioned as being alive there.
now im thinking something more like:

- nov 2018 - nakia leaves wakanda (may be a little late for anyone to miss she's pregnant)

- oct 2024 - t'challa dies

- oct 2025 - main plot